I don't have a problem with it being legal. It's still a choice and the research is out there. Smokers know what the risks are. I just don't want to spend a lot of tax dollars building a better voice box for smokers who rot their throats out. I don't really know if second hand smoke amounts to much but it is irritating at the very least. If among a smokers, you should feel free to flatulate whenever a bubble rolls up on deck. If they can't keep their noxious fumes to themselves, you shouldn't bother either.
That's not true about the asbestos. You can put vinyl siding over the asbestos and it is perfectly legal. As long as you are able to encapsulate it (floors, walls, etc.), no abatement is necessary.
Are we paying for the 'truth' campaigns? Because they are totally annoying. You gotta know the commericals that I am speaking of. http://www.protectthetruth.org/truthcampaign.htm Guess that we aren't at least they are claiming that we aren't. Principal funding for The Commission comes from the National Association of Attorneys General through a $1.5 million pass-through grant from the American Legacy Foundation. The American Legacy Foundation is a 501(c) not-for-profit organization that was established in March 1998 as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between a coalition of attorneys general in 46 states and five United States territories and the tobacco industry. It is funded primarily by payments designated by the settlement.
Yeah, but those smarmy-Spike-Jonez-wanna-be shorts probably aren't too effective. They're just novelties.
Try selling a house with any asbestos product on or in it. "oh it's fine as long as you dont disturb it, it's a hell of a price, look you are even close to the high tension power lines, you wont have to worry about any blackouts....." And you have to disclose the asbestos when you sell the house, encapsulated or not.
That must depend on what state you're in. Asbestos siding in Multnomah County (or asbestos tape on your ductwork) really won't affect the sale of the house any more than non-asbestos 60-year-old siding and ancient ductwork. Also, if you've never TESTED for asbestos you don't have to disclose it. Even if you know because you can tell by looking (the scalloped-edge composite shingles, for instance.) Legally, encapsulation is an abatement method, at least in Multnomah County.
I looked at a house with asbestos shingles once. I really didn't give a shit. I spent half of my school years in buildings with asbestos. I'm not going to try to jump on the mesothelioma bandwagon. People should be more concerned as to what type of wiring an older house has. Aluminum is bad news. Homes built in the 70's were prone to it. It's funny that you mention high tension power lines. I bought a house by a high tension power tower which had no effect on the price of the house (the lines run away from the house anyway) and I read a lot of shit on it because it freaked me out and I came to the conclusion that no one has been able to say 100% that increased EMF exposure is dangerous. There are studies that go both ways. BTW, I know for a fact that you will experience blackouts. Living close to them doesn't have anything to do with your electric. Your power is gonna go out with the rest of the neighborhood. I smoked for years, so whatever. You can get cancer whether you smoke or not. If you're gonna get cancer, you're gonna get cancer. I don't care if you live in a bubble.
Skimmed through the drug lobby paragraph. "Big Drugs" are not the largest lobby group. Or largest contributor although they are being shook down by the trial lawyers. Basically legal extortion.
Did you ever go outside and do the 'flourescent' bulb test? We did that in high school with some lines out by the lake. It was pretty neat seeing it light up while you hold it up in the air. My house was built in the 20s, I have replaced an 'asinine' amount of bad wiring.
Take a long flourescent light bulb (the kind that you find in Lowes) and go under the lines at night and hold the light bulb over your head. Ooooh and ahhhhh as it lights up.