Osama Bin Laden scared little coward died in a filthy cave

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Out of thousands upon thousands of pages of quotes from thousands of people. One was pin pointed. A well meaning individual who thought naively in an argument regarding WMDs could concede a point to move on to a bigger point.
    Fact is he was dead wrong on two fronts. 1. That the left academia’s attack on the Bush administration and GWBs character were at question and this could be put to rest with the reasoning he stated. 2. He was wrong to believe that the conversation would move on. He dead wrong and was not GWB either who said it. All he did was take a bunch of terrorist hacks working in the media to assist the Iraqi insurgency using unfounded rhetoric their golden opportunity to drive home their case. This very popular piece or propaganda has been trumpeted by the left media and radical collage professors on Canada ever since. For Four years debates all over America before the war and since the war started have been debated by the left almost solely on the premise that GWB lied to the people and that there never were WMDs.

    All I'm saying is that while the subject tends to change to something else to distract from the obvious truth that is turning up. I intend to remind people that for four years a lot of people have been full of shit. I always said the truth would eventually come out.

    Carl Sagan said
    "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."

    I say mountians of clasified evidence that btw opposing party members are privy to and never spoke up to denounce the misstatements being told. Will be declassified and brought to a reluctant media's attention.

    Those hardball players on the left know this and are positioning themselves like Smiley is to say they were duped.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Not really. The argument against the war in Iraq has centered on 2 premises.

    1. Iraq had WMD's. The administration never found them and has given up looking for them. So that premise for invading is gone.

    2. The Iraqi government had ties to anti-American terrorist organisations. Again, they never found it and have given up looking for it.

    Those were the 2 major premises for invading. Now that those are gone what exactly was the justification for invading again?
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member


    silly dio HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND...... like joe said absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.... i think smurf is going to tatoo that phrase on his chest..... just because we have no evidence doesn;t mean it's not true! what a silly thought! that's like syaing there is no santa or that dragons never existed DON'T DISILLUSION people dio for some it's all they have...... why should they let "facts" and "figures" influence their oppinion

    and joe:

    out of thousands of quotes? i don't care what timmy says on myspace, an important figure in the bush administration DID concede the point that there ARE NO WMD'S in IRAQ....... it doesn;t matter why he did it, he wasn't being "questioned" by the CIA.......
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    First Saddam was a WMD. Killing hundreds of thousands of people in his own country. Second Sarin Nerve gas and mustard gas are still considered wmds. Have you seen the video of the kurdish town he gassed?



    Deadly Nerve Agent Sarin Is Found in Roadside Bomb (Washington Post)

    Of course they wouldnt have made anymore, they have been so honest in the past. And I am sure that they turned over all the ones that they did have.....Must be all roses up there in Canada.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dio said:
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Did anyone ask him to reiterate or clarify for the record what he said?

    It would go something like

    "Excuse me sir but am I understanding you correctly to say that..... "

    Talk about believing in fairy tales. You have thousands of quotes by people in the administration saying that there is evidence of WMDs and one taken out of context. By a person the media has never asked to clarify his statement. And you choose which?

    Smiley I believe it is you who are in fairy tale land and you demonstrate your ill conceived agenda with your chopped up misquote of my previous statement.
  7. Totalrecall1982

    Totalrecall1982 New Member

    Well put joeslogic
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah my real pet peeves are not people of opposing opinions but it’s the media in general. In a forum hear I can expose there bias for what it is. No body is giving me a mike and a camera to contest the spin imposed by the news media or worse the hidden meanings behind the entire moral to the story sitcom shows that influence people’s minds.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    On the eve of the release of information undoubtedly proving that Saddam was involved with both Bin Laden terrorist group and also Weapons of mass destruction. The left has there feelers (elected officials) feverishly gleaning through obvious evidence like trial lawyers to defend Iraq and say it is not proof. They will even go as low as Smiley did in twisting the truth and taking audio clips out of context. Sooner or later as the momentum of the evidence reveals its self. They will switch into damage control mode and back peddle. What they need right now is two things. 1. A blackout of the obvious by the major media of the evidence. Better that BLOCKBUSTER news is trickled out as if only rumor and innuendo. Use other news bits to change the topic. And 2. Polls lots of them that indicate they were only thinking the same thing that the majority of Americans were thinking.

    Be suspicious when you notice this happening.

    Something interesting about polls that are supposed to indicate the public opinion. Since FDR the Dems have won a majority vote only twice Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter. (yeah that is correct Bill Clinton never got a majority vote) However contrasting that the polls always indicate that the public is swinging in their favor. (coincidence?) As soon as the public found out about Bill Clintons perverted antics according to the polls his support climbed to around 80 percent. According to the “accurate” polls 70 percent of Americans are fed up with Bush. Bust was popularly elected (he got the majority of the vote) just two years ago.
    Think about this for a min. The polls tell us that the majority of Americans are fed up with the situation in Iraq. While it is true polls drive polls and a lot of wishy washy spineless types bend to the polls. ON THE ANIVERSARY OF THE IRAQ WAR THE MUCH LAUDED WAR PROTEST IN NY CITY WAS MAYBE 200 PROTESTERS!

    Considering that mere fact. Are the polls not at best misleading?
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Let me see if I can help. Since you were only 7 years old when this started, I don't think that you have the full picture.

    August 2, 1990 the Iraqi Republican Guard invaded Kuwait and seized control of that country. Unprovoked and unjustified aggression for the express purpose of expanding Saddam Hussein's power, wealth and control in his quest for domination of the entire middle east.

    After a unanimous vote ny the UN security council, a coalition of forces led by the US drove the invaders back to Baghadad, and restored the government of Kuwait.

    During this short war, Saddam ordered the bombardment of the civilian population of Israel with SCUD missiles. Since Israel was not part of the coalition, and was not involved in any way, this could only be viewed as an act of terrorism.

    The US did not invade Iraq in 1990. Instead, they drove Saddam back home, and with the approval of the UN put inspectors and rules in place to insure that the aggression was not repeated.

    Saddam spent the next 10 years doing everything in his power to be concompliant and difficult. US aircraft, sent to enforce a no fly zone, were shot at constantly. Saddam again attempted to rearm.

    The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was simply a continuation of the war of 1990, and a clear enforcement of the UN security councils original plan for peace.

    We should have kicked Saddam's ass in 1990. It was the right thing to do, WMD's or not, in 2003.

    Korea will be the same story - we should have finished the job in 1950.

    What good does kicking a countries ass do? Lets see -

    America's strongest allies are

    1. Great Britian.
    We fought them off in 1776. Then we had to do the job right in 1812. We have been friends ever since.

    2. Japan.
    The bastards did a Dec 7th version of 911 at Pearl Harbor. We nukes two of their cities. Now we are dear friends. We did this one right the first time.

    3. Germany.
    Hitler. We would all be speaking Deutchlander right now if my grandad's generation hadn't stopped him. We should have done it right the first time. Remember WWI? We required the following of Germany - "limitation of Germany's army to 100,000 men with no conscription, no tanks, no heavy artillery, no poison-gas supplies, no aircraft and no airships and verification inspections. Sound familiar? We had to revist the issue in 1941 in a decisive manner. Guess what? Now we are friends!

    4. Mexico.
    Did you even know that we had to do a little fighting with our neighbors South of the border? Kicked their ass over a little terrorist incident in Texas, and now we are friends.

    I tired of writing. I hope you see the point. The overthrow of Saddam was long overdue. He is a proven terrorist. We will eventually have a friendly relationship with Iraq if history is consistent. Goodnight.

  11. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Barry, I don't know what history book you were issued, but the one I had made it sound like the US aquiring Texas was a land grab that happened after Mexico refused to sell.
  12. smiles

    smiles New Member

    2 comments for joe....... so you assume that what the associated press did was ask him:

    "what do you think about the new curtains that've beeen seleceted for the white house?"

    "well burgandy seemed liek a good ida at the time, but it clashed with much of the furniture, so it turns out we were wrong."

    and THEN they just took the soundbite of him saying "turns out we were wrong" and digitaly remixed it into a conversation about Iraq.... HOW INGENIOUS these scheming liberals MUST be stoped....... how dare they go arround manufacturing digital evidence, that's CNN's job (e.g. footage of an american missle blowing up a bridge in yugoslavija but 'unavoidably' hitting a passinger train just as it was coming out of a tunnel).

    joe let's be real for one second.... so the only way you would believe this article is if you were there while he said it.... in a room sound proof room.... and the person questioning him was charleton heston? first u doubted the validity of the article because you said he wasn;t even the national security advicor..... but when u were proven wrong u switch to this stance? and THEN you talk about back peddaling?

    number two:

    joe if i lived in your town where i knew there were people like you who thought it's ok to shoot kids that simply piss you off i too would have trouble showing up for an anti-war rally
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I did not say he did not say what was said that he said. I said what he said was taken out of context. Just like when you took what I said out of context to try to accuse me of saying the kid was a terrorist.

    The guy was in a deputy position and was filling in as that position so I was neither wrong nor right and the same for you. But as you have been taught to twist to get what you can then hold it out there as if you have some sort of smoking gun. You adopted the same damning position that the left media took.

    Looking at the whole context of the discussions at the time you can see the policy was to try to move on. Fatal error for the Bush administration is to believe that you can be nice civil and charming to the media and they will treat you with the same respect.

    They never asked him to reiterate what he said for clarification. The reason is they did not want any sort of clarification. The version that they herd is exactly what they wanted. And for the record he misspoke.

    It was obvious before the war that there was a wmd threat. It was obvious during the war that there were weapons. And after the fact intelligence evidence still shows proof.

    You apparently refuse to take a stance except to say "Bush National blah blah blah ..." I do not want to hear any reason. I simply want to hear what you believe Smiley.

    1. Do you believe Saddam had weapons ever?

    2. Do you believe that he balked and tried to deceive the UN as well as the US when asked to destroy and prove that he destroyed these weapons?

    3. Do you believe that he kicked UN inspectors out of his country?

    4. Do you believe that he broke the rules imposed upon him not by the United States but by the United Nations when dealing with this issue?

    5. Do you believe that he was warned that if he did not comply he could face the use of force?

    Real simple Smiley just put them down 1-5 yes or no.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Curious Bungle, I grew up in Houston and took Texas history as part of the regular curriculum but I'm at lost it’s been so long now. Could you help me out? Who was it that took Texas from Mexico? Was it the U.S.?

    How many flags flew over this state? Was it seven?
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    1) yes
    2) yes
    3) yes
    4) yes
    5) yes

    now joe i want you to get past the superficiality of the questions as you present them and look at the actual politics behind them:

    did he have weapons EVER: we know he had them but during a decade of sanctions and bombing i don't believe creating more mustard gas was a top priority

    i'm sure he did try to deceive the UN but nowhere near to the degree that you're suggesting.... no democratic president let alone tyrant would allow foreign inspectors access to all of his national secrets be real..... sure he kicked them out, do we know why? were they trying to impose on him an unreasonable agreement where they would have access to every facility in the whole country? would you be ok with it joe if the UN wanted to send teams of scientists to probe your national secrets and facilities? having access to everything?

    and it's funny how u should mention that it was in fact the UN that was wronged amidst all of this yet somehow the UN wanted nothing to do with this war.... you state more than once that there was WMD threat but to who? he didn;t have the missiles to reach anywhere near the US.... shouldn’t have the UN been more afraid of him? why did they condemn the war?...... more liberal pawns i'm sure....
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The Baath movement was a buffer against the threat of communism. The need for commie-buffers is slightly down. Even good ole Pinochet is sacked.

    USA will not write the history of the world as seen, post-history. The demographics tells me so.
    The current "news" will not define our futures "truth". Conclusion: Some of the murder, rape and plunder that keeps the western system going, will be visible.

    The fabrication of favorable scenes for exploitation by civilian or military mean will allso be reduced as we grow together in a big happy loving planetary lump of sweating moaning fashionconcious flesh. :shock:
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I lost my hat today. It was a beautiful honduran piece. I could have conquered Texas alone withh that hat. Now I have one of those pieces they have pushed on the market to get that military support feel. Bummer.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm confused Smiles how you can answer yes to all five but reject the idea that he may have had assistance moving them out assistance by a country that had made money both selling him the technology and weaponry and then made money again disposing of it. He lost some of the most powerful soviet fighter jets to Iran already remember. This gave him all the more incentive ... ah fuck it never mind.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member


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