Osama Bin Laden scared little coward died in a filthy cave

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Just give it time it will come out.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't really see that happening though. Some of the language Bush has used in his speeches about the war in Iraq hinted that he made the decision to go to war on faith, not on fact. After we gave up the search for WMD Bush told reporters that "...like most Americans I felt that we would find weapons of mass destruction." As far as the links to terrorism abroad, I don't think that Saddam would have risked weapons of mass destruction being used against his own regime. If Saddam was anything it was power hungry, and sponsoring terrorism would have endangered his own power base. At the same time, that analysis is based on what I know, which is not everything, but if the President wants to go to war, he better have all of the intel available that is necessary. As for congress agreeing to go to war in Iraq, Congress is the same group that approved the military action in Vietnam and Bush's disaster of a fiscal policy. Congress can't tell their own ass from a hole in the ground, their a bunch of political lemmings.[/u]
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    damn that's crazy........ i'm so glad he's gone...... it's kind of funny ..... i also have a friend named Ali who told me he once double fistfucked a girl, you think there's any connection?
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dio said:
    Smiles wrote
    Dio said
    Nursey wrote
    And given that Nursey repeatedly says there were no wmds this one is amazing
    Quote of nursey quoting Spoon then comentary
    (that was followed by numerous quotes and links to "nurseyproof" that America supplied Iraq (who had no wmds) with hundreds of thousands of tons of chemical weapons and weaponry expertise.

    Dio said
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    All of that means nothing. At one point Iraq did have WMD's, but at the time of the invasion they did not. Those statements are all true, but none of them occur at the same point in time. Iraq used their WMD's in the Iran Iraq war. They ran out. And based on the Bush Administrations definition of WMD (any weapon that can kill 100 or more people.) every nation on earth possesed WMD's. At the time of the invasion of Iraq by U.S. forces Iraq had no true WMD's in the sense of NBC weapons.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    it was fien for iraq to gas iran but the second saddam turned against the US he's being a criminal? remind you of anyone? a Mr. Osama bin Ladin was not only supplied by the US but was also trained on how to be a terrorist..... while he was applying said knowledge in favour of american interests everything was cool no matter how many Russian innocents died but when he shakes his fist at Uncle Sam well....... that's just plain RUDE
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    See Dio? Smiles riducules America for his proposed double face scenario. But he is backing off the stance that Iraq had no wmds.

    Not a bad stratagy. But if I did I'm sure there is a history of these no WMD claims from him also.

    Remember I always maintained that Iraq had wmds stockpiles and that was the main reason for invading Iraq.
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe we've been through this......... your secretary of defense said they didn't have the WMD's..... yet u keep ignoring this.... i don't know why.... and untill you tell me why you wont take HIS word for it for me this topic is dead
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Hey we are going to go into Iraq and remove their WMDs.

    In six months.


    They had plenty of time to move that shit to syria, and I guess nerver gas isnt a WMD in canada.
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    nerve, sorry, big hands + laptop keyboard = bad spelling
  12. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dude u found no trace..... of anything.... and your reply was speculative at best.......... i culd dig the link where th , ONCE AGAIN, AMERICAN SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, said AMERICA was WRONG about IRAQ having WMD's......... unless u can prove to me that he is a foreign agent or a pod-person from your anus--------- END OF DISCUSSION
  13. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    I'd happily believe that he's a pod person from phatboy's anus...
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I was looking for some more quotes and Smiley obliged with a few rather weak ones targeted at taking an out of context statement and pushing off blame for his missunderstanding of the impending truth on (in that low toned speaking through a pipe voice)"THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION".

    But I'll take it anyways for my collection

    Smiley said:
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Apparently your level headed common sense ideology has placed you in the crosshairs. Phat
  16. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    What bit are you refusing to get, Joe? All of it,by the looks ...

    Here's the summary:

    Back in the late 80s, during the Iran-Iraq war, and before any UN sanctions, the Hussein regime had and used so-called WMDs such as mustard and nerve gas. (Which, by the way, is WWI technology, happily used by the Allies of the day, including the US.)

    They also used these gases against their own people, specifically the Kurds. Yes, Saddam Hussein was and is not a nice man.

    Then comes Gulf War I, UN sanctions, etc. And after a deal of pissing around and posturing, the sanctions bite. Iraq's stockpiles have dwindled, and they are unable (due to the sanctions) to replenish their supplies of these gases.

    By the time GWB is decrying Iraq's possession of WMDs, they no longer have any. And have had none ever since. However, WMDs are the pretext under which GWB orders the invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Iraq's (admittedly brutal and corrupt) regime.

    Is that simple enough for you? Or will you find some more "quotes" to file away which "prove" whatever tortured path of logic it is that you're wandering down?
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Chester Grape said:
    Admittedly a little weak and possibly back peddling not sure cause I do not remember Chester repeatedly making the claim that "Bush Lied" "Iraq had no WMDs" "Saddam was compliant to the UN sanctions" all that typical rhetoric seems to be in back peddling mode lately. This seems to be the trend lately especially with the political pundits.
  18. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    What exactly is the point of listening to you, if you point blank refuse to actually listen to me?
  19. smiles

    smiles New Member


    correction it wasnt the secretary of defense..... was the national security advisor......

    now please tell me joe which part was misquoted? i want you to tell me what he meant to say please...... for the love of god...... make a point..... don;t say anyone is backpedaling when no one is, get off that tip, let's get on the, "presentation of facts" tip

    P.S. my aplogies to everyone for my spelling and grammar.... almost exam time and i have a massive ammount of assignments to do for my liberal brainwashing professors..... i wonder if i tell them that i've just coem out of the closet if they'll give me an extension?
  20. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    So it was the intelligence community that misled the American people?

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