Osama Bin Laden scared little coward died in a filthy cave

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    If your going to attempt to engage me in intellectual debate, I'd appreciate it if you would use grammar that allowed your question to be clearly understood. What is my assumption, what do we understand Osama to know, and why the fuck can't you speak English?
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    sorry joe if my stance is becoming too predictable but then again you've been humming the same tune for months now........ i'm not going to go into why you referring to someone’s god as "satan" would be offensive....

    and offense leads to defense believe it or not......... insulting someones religion or cultural heritage is not only the lowest resort of even the biggest dirtbags but is more than slightly humorous coming from an American

    your words against the arabs as a people and islam as a religion are driving a bigger wedge between your peoples than any bomb ever could and that’s not hippie talk that's the truth observed firsthand
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Create an e-annoyance, go to jail

    Now that is hilarious
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    a little part of me just died when I heard that.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dio did I get a little lazy in my punctuation? Or did you get a little stupid in your interpretation?
    Maybe both.
    Your assumption is that Osama worships or prays to Alah.
    I’m not so sure it was the Moon god he prays to. I’m thinking Beelzebub.

    You’re like a rainbow in the dark there Dio.
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Hardly an assumption, he's stated clearly that he prays to Allah. Don't see how that's up for interpretation. Who he prays to can't be debated. Whether or not his actions are in line with his religious text could be debated, but who he prays to is a simple matter of fact. If I pray to the one legged spider god, and I say so, then you can't debate that. Don't assume I'm an idiot because I can't understand your poorly written posts.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Its all good Dio don't get your feathers ruffled.

    So your assumption is that Osama's assumption that the little voices that talk to him in his head that says.
    "US is evil, Israel is evil. You must be stricken down! We will fly planes into the American Twin Towers. The epic center of all things financial in the US, as a result those proud pompous bastards! Those dogs will be taken back to the Stone Age, a great depression will set in and we will be victors!" "Muhahahaha! Muhahaha!"
    Do you think that was Allah? Because if it was I guess he doesn’t know shit. Must have been a poser maybe that has ole Osama confused as to who he bows his head to.
    And like I asked anyways who is the proverbial Allah?

    And do you find it offensive that I would poke fun at his god? This leads me to ask is his god your god?
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe, just because someone isn't a muslim it does not mean that they won't considure you ignorant for mocking islam, or any other religion......
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I'm assuming that you're going to apply the same standard to the President of the United States, who prayed about whether or not he should invade Iraq. Bush's invasion killed approximately 30 times as many people as the 9/11 attacks. Should we assume that he also prays to Satan, and that he hears voices in his head?

    I don't pray to a God. I don't pray period, I'm an atheist. That's not the point. You display a deep misunderstanding of the fundamentalist mind set. Do you really think that Pat Robertson is that much different than Osama Bin Laden? I'll tell you what the difference is, the willingness to use force. Other than that they both think that those who do not agree with them should die and burn in hell.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok so looks like Osama had it all wrong then and is a little nuts thats what your saying right Dio?

    (and yes you did in effect say that do not backtrack)

    I mean choosing the religion of Osama is kinda like steeling a lucky charm from a dead man.

  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    When did I say Osama had it right? I don't think he's right. I just think that you're a acting like a nationalist bigot when you refer to Osama Bin Laden as someone who prays to "Satan." All I'm asking you to do is apply the same standard across the board. I'd like to see you post "George W. Bush, scared little coward, chokes on pretzel and makes self look like ass." I don't see you acknowledging the other side of the coin.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think he does pray to Satan you should not have a problem with that I mean the guys a scumbag. But you do you come to the scumbags defense every time. Then you attack me personally. I did not provoke an attack from you. But you say one thing and your actions and words say another thing altogether. Osama is a coward that’s obvious. And it looks as if he likely died in a filthy cave. Just an observation no need to attack me personally Dio instead of attacking me if you disagree then tell me how brave he is and how you can prove that. Tell me how honorable he is and how he did not provoke the wrath upon him that his god that you do not believe in can do nothing to help. While you arte at it since you’re an atheist then why do you not denounce the Muslim religion that leads its disillusioned followers into committing heinous acts on a grand scale? Do I need to show you what a huge percentage of population that you believe are misguided believe is acceptable in there eyes due to Islam?


  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member





    Chase little Christian girls on there way home from school with a machetti through a field and chop there heads off. That’s what Allah says to do.
    That why they do it in the name of Allah.

    Does it offend you Dio? Dio who does not believe in a god and believes that these people are disillusioned?

    Would you like to see more?

    Are you sick?

    Go ahead defend the filthy scumbags.

    To sit there and say nothing in my opinion makes you an accomplice. To attack someone who only points a little talked of point because you defend the shitbags that approve of chopping little girls heads off. .... Well if not simply an accomplice then you tell me what it makes you Dio?
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Islam =

  16. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe you still fail to even try what myself, and recently dilogenes have been trying to get you to do....... and that's look at the big picture and not one tiny increment at a time......... the religion of islam has nothing to do with people chasing and beheading anyone nor does it have anything to do with crusaders slaughtering innocent, well, everything, nor does it have to do with a blanket of smallpox being traded to "savages"..... people may USE religion as a defense or rallying point for almost anything, the same goes with race or nationality or economic status......
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smiley you are correct religion is indeed used as a rallying point. Huge hordes and masses of people are guided by "it" and "it" is not always religion.

    What "It" is? Evil.

    I have some..... Ideas of religion that outside of the mainstream.
    To put it in a nutshell as best I can, religion as an ideology can be argued there are many different opinions what ever your religion. One common perspective however is that it revolves around the worship of a god. In many religions this is forgotten not by all but by many. All too often the followers tend to navigate towards the worship of a religion. You do not worship religion, you worship a god. Whatever the religion if you profess to believe if the practices and associations of the religion force you to loose sight of the god you profess to worship, you choose instead worship the religion then the religion for you has become an evil. You profess Islam right Smiles?
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Shouldnt that spell Mullahahaha. Joe ? The Moongod parable is of course not entirely correct from a historical point of view. The old moongod of moab and ninive is not a direct culturel father of the moon as a symbol for Islam. The turks choose the sickle of the moon as a symbol when they saw it at the crossing of the bosporus-strait.

    ( From a mystical-theological point of view, one can argue that the turks were unlikely to have lost all of their former animistic.shamanistic religion, and thusly, the new moon can be seen as a cultural symbol antithetic to islam ( who disclaims the values of pictures ). A sort of muslim christmas-tree. ( Another heathen symbol brought into the new monotheist thingy.

    However. You COULD argue that there is a qualitative difference between a holy man that wages war. And one that is a pacifist and chooses his own death as a sacrifice.

    Examples Odin, Muhammed ( PBUHM ), Cesar vs Jesus and Sokrates.

    You have heroes with a mix of those two qualities, like Mitra.

    Some would allso say that it is great progress that Js and Cs have stopped stonings and amputations as judicial reciprocation.

    This can be countred by the immorality of free sex and abortion.

    The muslims believe in the same G-d as jews and christians. The young Muhammed ( Peace be upon his memory ) listened to the teachings of jewish and christian scholars.

    But its hard to agree that OsamaBinLaden is a "scared little coward". Both him and the insurgents show the madness of classic heroism. Going up against a formidable enemy and showing willingness to sacrifice own life.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Joeslogic said
    No argument there. I don't really care for the guy.

    [/quote]I did not provoke an attack from you.
    since you’re an atheist then why do you not denounce the Muslim religion
    I'm fat.
  20. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe we've gone over this at least two other times....... NO i am not muslim, no one in my family is muslim but with that being said my objections come form a point of view that has witnessed firsthand what claims like yours can lead to.... what my personal beliefs are is irrelevant to how i am going to interpret a persons actions, just like if a christian man jumps infront of a bus to save a child i'm going to attribute it to his character not his religion........ joe it is all to easy for you to sit nestled in the heart of the worlds greatest superpower and preach down on the world because you personally have nothing at stake.... you know if the shit hits the fan you're a lot safer than 99% of the world so you act recklessly to protect your own selfish interests and dont give a fuck about anyone else...... that's why america's disliked, arrogance and ignorance

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