Well aren't you right! Pimp, you know more than I ever will about deviant sexual practices. Your mate is a Pro, mine an unranked amatuer. I concede the contest.
I just want to know how fucking long it takes to do that hair. I always thought Punk hair was cool and all. But the amount of fucking time it takes must be bothersome.
The answers kinda obvious.. but sticking wet fingers in an electrical outlet might help you forget. . Or perhaps loads of beer. . I think I'm gonna play international drink the beer tonight. .. who's up ?
Actually I am boatless at the moment. I have learne dthat it is MUCh cheaper just to charter a boat 4 times a year. As far as the ruling - they will have the judge committed soon enough. That is just crazy. My next boating adventure is November 5-6 on this fine vessel. If you would like to accompany me, I'll teach you what eels are best used for. (That would be catching Ling.) Barry
Oh? And who will have him committed? The people Colonel Powell once described as 'the crazies' (aka the neocons)? Or the people who are trying to push this legislation through? Wake up Barry...the madness is creeping all around you. No thanks. I'm not too keen to see what you do with this when you catch it. :?
You need a fishing trip to soothe your soul Nursey. Bluewater is very therapeutic. I'll even let you bait your own hook.