One night Stands......

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by timeforyumyums, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Actually, I find these women living in Suburbia. Nowhere near a trailer park or Jerry Springer. The rich are just too proud to fucking display their faults for the world to see. They hide it while trailer park women boast it like a gold medal.

    The last time I remember encountering one of these... she was a college student with a savings account the size of my annual salary. She, like the all the others, found comfort in leaving her "decent" man to carry on her merry way with a complete asshole. Why? I already explained that.

    Hit a nerve? You're damn right. I've been with your type before. "Why can't I find a good man? There has to be at least one left!" There are plenty. Most of us end up fucking fat bitches cause they are the only ones who stick around. And thats just because they are afraid we are their last chance. Your kind don't accept us. As long as you continue to date pricks, you will always have something to bitch about. Decent guys hit the "friend" zone before we even have a chance to suck one titty. Then we get to listen to you whine about how shitty your current love interest and how you want a decent guy. Then we try to get you to leave him, and you never do. 9 out of 10 times, he finally gets sick of you and runs out. Which leaves the decent guy a chance again, but you instead cry on his shoulder and say "Its not fair." until the next prick comes along. Then the cycle repeats itself.

    Anyone here that can debate that? I thought not.
  2. timeforyumyums

    timeforyumyums New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg the Pissed:
    Actually, I find these women living in Suburbia. Nowhere near a trailer park or Jerry Springer. The rich are just too proud to fucking display their faults for the world to see. They hide it while trailer park women boast it like a gold medal.

    The last time I remember encountering one of these... she was a college student with a savings account the size of my annual salary. She, like the all the others, found comfort in leaving her "decent" man to carry on her merry way with a complete asshole. Why? I already explained that.

    Hit a nerve? You're damn right. I've been with your type before. "Why can't I find a good man? There has to be at least one left!" There are plenty. Most of us end up fucking fat bitches cause they are the only ones who stick around. And thats just because they are afraid we are their last chance. Your kind don't accept us. As long as you continue to date pricks, you will always have something to bitch about. Decent guys hit the "friend" zone before we even have a chance to suck one titty. Then we get to listen to you whine about how shitty your current love interest and how you want a decent guy. Then we try to get you to leave him, and you never do. 9 out of 10 times, he finally gets sick of you and runs out. Which leaves the decent guy a chance again, but you instead cry on his shoulder and say "Its not fair." until the next prick comes along. Then the cycle repeats itself.

    Anyone here that can debate that? I thought not.

    TIME OUT! WHO said anything about that type of girl BEING ME! I WILL NEVER EVER LET ANY GUY HIT ME BECAUSE IF THEY SHOULD OH I WOULD DROP THEM LIKE A BAD HABIT. Girls will say oh I know he still loves me but everyone knows the real truth but she cant see it. I date guys and girls that like I said are on the chill and laid back. ASK GAS! He has known 2 out of the 4 b\fs that I have had. AND HE FUCKIN LOVES THEM!(you know what I meant)
    The only guy that I hate more then anything would have to be first...god help me. But any other realtionship that has ended it has ended nicely and we still remain freinds.
    I dont know where you get me as being one of those types that want to waste their time and their energy on a fuckin loser going no where fast?
    I am not one of those bitches so you can scratch that from your brain.

    I agree with you on the whole girls wanting assholes thing because I have had my freinds come to me whinning and bitching about what he did or what he said and all in which they dont listen to what I am saying to them. I AGREE WITH YOU on that one....SOME bitches are just down right fuckin clueless and a waste of time.
    I have mostly guy friends now and they have all been burned by that one girl...THAT type that just want them as a freind. Or the old one "I love you but Im not IN love with you!" All my friends have been burned and I see this and I learn from it. And besides who would want hoes like that anyways...all my freinds can do so much better. Okay Im done.
    On a more serious note....please dont catagorize me in that catagory? I am in no way shape or form like that nor will I ever be.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Cheese, there isn't a person alive that would disagree with that.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Except maybe one, I see.
  5. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Actually, I think she was agreeing with me. She just claims to not be one of them. Then again, the body-snatchers didn't do that either until it was too late for mankind.

    So pussy fart (DAMN that name is disgusting), you have all these guy friends right? How many of them have said "I wish I could meet a girl like you"?
  6. timeforyumyums

    timeforyumyums New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg the Pissed:
    Actually, I think she was agreeing with me. She just claims to not be one of them. Then again, the body-snatchers didn't do that either until it was too late for mankind.

    So pussy fart (DAMN that name is disgusting), you have all these guy friends right? How many of them have said "I wish I could meet a girl like you"?

    Well actually because all my guy freinds are GAS'S friends I am basically one of the guys, but there is one that said he was intrested and him and I are hangin out more but other then other friends have yes. In Michigan and here in NC so I know its not the water.
  7. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    On a more serious note how is it that girls get attached to guys but then guys just dont give a fuck?

    some girls seem to think that they can change the man, in the hope that it would make them feel better. girls play mind games and most of the time we know about it. sometimes they will cry, and try and make us feel guilty, and more often than not, we do.

    we usually dont give a fuck when we feel that we are starting to get burned or frustrated by a girls treatment of us. it usually means you should try a little harder to make him happy.
    other than that you chose a right asshole and you should have noticed by now. come when I guy has a girl so damn fine that he has to look at other girls...

    see above.

    you cant change anyone, you either love them for who they are or go and find someone who is more what you wanted. but make sure they know you love them, and i mean properly.

    girls should think a bit more beforehand, about what they are going to say and how they come across. not that i'm being sexist here, guys should do it too. but the way some girls act is purely selfish.

    i hope that clears up why you think you're a piece of ass, why guys dont give a fuck and why they look at other girls.
  8. timeforyumyums

    timeforyumyums New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:
    On a more serious note how is it that girls get attached to guys but then guys just dont give a fuck?

    some girls seem to think that they can change the man, in the hope that it would make them feel better. girls play mind games and most of the time we know about it. sometimes they will cry, and try and make us feel guilty, and more often than not, we do.

    we usually dont give a fuck when we feel that we are starting to get burned or frustrated by a girls treatment of us. it usually means you should try a little harder to make him happy.
    other than that you chose a right asshole and you should have noticed by now. come when I guy has a girl so damn fine that he has to look at other girls...

    see above.

    you cant change anyone, you either love them for who they are or go and find someone who is more what you wanted. but make sure they know you love them, and i mean properly.

    girls should think a bit more beforehand, about what they are going to say and how they come across. not that i'm being sexist here, guys should do it too. but the way some girls act is purely selfish.

    i hope that clears up why you think you're a piece of ass, why guys dont give a fuck and why they look at other girls.

    I dont think I am a piece of ass....I KNOW I am. Although I can say it isnt fair....truth be told Im gettin use to it. Me and the ex get together just for the simple fact that we can and then another one and I are actually trying something serious and then 3 one well he was just a self booster.
    I heard an intresting saying the other day about the guys looking:
    "You could have steak 7 nights a week, but deep down you are really craving the Bic Mac." I thought that was pretty damn clever.
    I dont get some girls. The head games, the need for them to be persued....its all too complicated and exhausting....
  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Ed's got a point here. I've heard countless women say "I've met a great guy and we're totally in love! There's just a few things he has to change...." If you want him to change, then obviously you don't love him. Why is it that you women always want to change us? Is it the challenge? Or is it that we're too "nice" to make you a victim, so you don't wanna lose us (cause women eventually leave the good ones as I've previously mentioned).
  10. timeforyumyums

    timeforyumyums New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg the Pissed:
    Ed's got a point here. I've heard countless women say "I've met a great guy and we're totally in love! There's just a few things he has to change...." If you want him to change, then obviously you don't love him. Why is it that you women always want to change us? Is it the challenge? Or is it that we're too "nice" to make you a victim, so you don't wanna lose us (cause women eventually leave the good ones as I've previously mentioned).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You got a point there. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY SOME GIRLS ARE LIKE THAT? I personally have never wanted to change anything about any of the guys I have been with, because if I did change them then I wouldnt be with tte guy I care about anymore I would be with someone totally different...again I do not do that.
    Some girls are just fucked untill they find that sap that would go along with it.
    I DONT KNOW! THe head games are a fuckin joke and the changing thing is just wrong.
    I have a headache now.
  11. kitana

    kitana New Member

    where are those STD pics?
    i would have to upload mine.

    i hope you all used protection.

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