i got banned from christianforums last year for saying that jesus is a homosexual and his 12 disciples were just his 12 gay lovers :cry:
heh heh heh fuck me, I am doin a beavis impersonation..i deserve yer worst shot for that! :twisted: oh and ya'll are just jealous because I get laid more often than ya'll do! muahahahahaha! :twisted:
what is that supposed to do though? is it just that little dude wiping his ass on windows files or did i miss something else?
never claimed that one hon..I am seriously fucking disturbed from combat events that never fucking 'happened', ..wait I am lying ..I have made my entire life up! none of the shit in my life ever happened! you have caught me! we are all made up creations of some sick fuck!
one of the first things the cops would ask is why you didnt just leave and stay away from the people that are booooothering you. if Mr.Fugly gets wind you are threatening frivolous lawsuits you'll probably just be banned anyhow so he doesnt have to deal with the bullshit. :wink:
Don't we all fuckin a love drama queen, get a life Medivet and go fuckin annoy another forum.You're working your way through them by the looks of things.
I agree with you UT, I normally laugh off the idiots at this place, but there's definetely something irritating about this Medicvet. Most 'normal' (very loose definition of the word being used in this context) would have fallen on their sword and fucked off along time ago, but Ms. Walter Mitty isn't quite 'there' as far as I can tell. *makes circular motion with finger at his temple*
You think?! Can you understand WHY so many people dislike her. It's not funny nor amusing, it's sick! :twisted:
oooook thanks for that Dwaine Scum. i hope that was posted in the day before popup blockers for full effect!
Let me get this straight. You just told all the people in a small town (by telling one of them I assume they will all know within a week) a. that you post on fugly b. that you are a complete nutcase and c. if they want a good laugh they can go to fugly and look up all your posts. Geez, that's got to be the stupides thing I've heard all week.
I actually believe you now. Any human being would have to roll his eyes when confronted with a beast such as yourself lest they go blind.
you called the police because you were getting harassed online? ok no offence but cant you lean over far enough to turn off your computer? its that simple. *POOF* harassment gone. can you at least give it a try before bothering the hard-working men and women of law-enforement?
hey i like the COPS show! lets me see how the rest of america is doing outside the sheltered life i live. ok how about corrupt, lazy chief wiggams?