But you have to ask yourself who is the prince of lies? The master of deciet. Looks like the media has managed to convience the world of man made global warming, silenced any critics publicly letting it be known those who dissent againt the preferred view will be ruthlessly dealt with all without raising an eyebrow. Effectivly molding reality to its preference. Doing the same thing in Iraq, Kosovo, Venezuela, Russia, Iran the list goes on.
Well, he will... Well, considering that goes against the most basic tenets of Islam (which you obviously know absolutely nothing about), i think that pretty much rules out 'Mohammad' (sic). Keep picking at your brain-smeg and see what else you can come up with, Joh!
Fair enough to say that my statement was sloppy and inaccurate baiting possibly. But I would rather like to look at it differently. I'm not even going to go into the whole "False Prophet" realm because there is no need to go there. Basically I am referring to the usage of Mohammad under false pretenses to evoke the response of masses of people i.e.' deceit. And do not be so shallow as to assume I mean to say that under the correct pretenses that the idea of Mohammad as a prophet is a righteous one being perverted for ill gain. That was already done thousands of years ago. I am referring to the whole Jihad aka terrorist movement we see now. As the Beast of deceit. Now if your familure with the Prophetic Revelations of the Bible you may take issue with deceit being associated deceit when the prince thereof is Satan himself by way of title. At one level this is an inaccuracy or at least “sloppy” however at the same time it is important to understand a Christian perspective of “The Trinity” and being the idea that “The Father”, “The Son”, as well as “The Holy Spirit”. An appreciation of this simple fact then will illustrate that in this perspective all things good blend. The same can be said as true regarding evil. Satan, Anti-Christ, Beast. Capeche?
not really joe. either my reading comprehension has all gone to fuck, or it's your punctuation. i won't comment on the superciliousness of your position
Point taken and you know grammar was one of my weak points in school. All I can do is try maybe the new Microsoft Office 2007 version of Word will have some superior punctuation capability I sure could use it to fool some poor schmuk into thinking I am smarter than I actually am. As for now I'll just stick to fooling everyone but Chester Grape into thinking I can spell.
Joe, I know you can spell, unfortunately your typing cant keep up with your train of thought. well that sounded better than, "Hey we'uns is next to last in skoolin in the US"
Well that’s a trip now that I read it with that in mind I see what you are saying I flat out skipped the end of at least one sentence jumping straight to the next topic. The funny thing is unless I am specifically looking for it I miss it because I know what it was I meant to say. Reading it masks the same symptom unless of course I am looking for it. Sorry Pimp I thought you were just being hypercritical but you are right it was a bit convoluted to try to understand. :-[
VeriChip Passes Significant Milestone: Over 500 Hospitals Have Now Agreed to Adopt VeriMed Patient Identification System
So the news media is the enabler here. Once they have thoroughly demonized peaceful religion as the reason and cause for all evil and violent religions. Then after thoroughly imposing there second melee of religion in general is bad we should look to socialism as the true answer. Then propose VeraSign type devices as the only true and compassionate logical answer. Then demonize anyone who speaks against it discrediting them as religious zealots that are irrational, mean, cruel, rude, and above all politically incorrect. They have greased the rails to implement the ultimate "Big Brother" invasion on peoples independence, privacy, and ability to act in their own free will. New generations of idiots they pump out of the school system will fancy them selves quite the independent, open minded thinkers. They will act out by sticking metal pins in themselves and getting more ridiculous tattoo’s. Posting internet pictures of themselves in orgasmic pleasure coming up with new and all the better more unusual ways to stick tennis balls up their ass or new ingenious ways to implement a mutually beneficial arrangement of pleasure with their pet poodle. Gleefully ecstatic at the idea that they have shocked a few of those previously mentioned religious zealots. So impressed they will be with themselves that they have shunted the oppressive ideas of traditionalism and found their own way. That they will be oblivious to the fact that they are marching lock step to the drumbeat of socialism. Such a sick bunch of fucks. Now all of mainstream society will turn to the only answer “We need to tag everyone and watch them closely to many sick fuckers out there and it is all because of Catholic priest raping little boys. So don’t listen to those radical religious zealots. Or those violent Islamists. We got to wrestle all of them down and inject tracking devices into their right hand and forehead.” The Saga continues. ….. Such blind idiots.
Fuck 'em, put simply I'm a vessel for abuse (chemical or other), I'm continually killing myself and I'm ok with it. They want to kill all of us off so hopefully they'll ignore me, because I'm doing it for them already, its only the people that succeed or are motivated that are the most threat to them. I will take a bullet in my head before I become a slave... .. more than I am already anyway.
Read this phatboy, then tell me if you still think the microchip implant might, in some circumstances, be useful. The previous pages are reasons why the government wants you to take the chip. They are not stating the bad effects or the harmful effects that the chip has on your body. I am now going to tell you why you should not take this microchip and why the Digital Angel is so wrong. The Digital Angel is a satellite that can track and locate anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This is run by that the (?) government is trying to force us to be implanted in our bodies. The government is slowly working its way to us. First it is only for medical systems. They will be able to alter your medical records, where your possible employers will have access to your records and could decide not to hire you because of what is on your medical records. This has already happened to a person that had AIDS. This would be so devastating because some of the medical problems that we have, have no effect on our working skills. You could be denied by a health insurance coverage provide by the company you work for because of something on your medical record. The government then went to the Military. The chip will have all the soldiers’ personal information including social security number, address, telephone number, that could be accessed by the enemy if captured because they will have these scanners too. So the families of the soldiers can also be held hostage because of the information on this chip. In the event that the enemy would gain access to the critical instrument that allows an individual to access the Cyber Situation, and control the US military forces (AF 2025 Information Operations). Now the microchips id is on the way to you and I. All of your financial record, (checking, savings, loans, CD’s, bonds, annuities, etc…) will be on the chip for access to anyone that has a scanner. It will eventually come to the point where you will not be able to buy, sell or trade without a numbered microchip. You will lose all of your privacy on your banking, investments, taxes, or anything that has to do with commerce. You will not be able to write a check, use your credit card or pay with cash, because we will be a cashless society. The government will have the ability to alter our financial history, medical history, or erase it completely and add damaging material to it, so you will have no more privacy. If you happen to get in bad with the government you had better watch out, because they have the power to alter all of your information on your chip an can even have you put in jail because of the information. Our biggest under ground economy now is cash. The government has no control over cash, and they cannot prove what we have bought, sold, or traded, so some of the tax money is lost. With the microchip the government will lose no more tax dollars, because they will know where and when you spent every penny. Safeguarding our business assets is another big topic. The vehicles are all ready chipped why do they need to chip us? UPS already has a tracking system on their packages. You can track it from when it leaves your house until it is delivered to it’s destination. Monitoring Parolees, the parolees already have the monitors on their ankles. They also have to report to their parole offices frequently. So why do we need to implant a chip into them? Tracking livestock and endangered species, most farmers do not even track their livestock. The livestock is usually within the perimeters or their fences. Yes, they do put chips in endangered species, but they do lose a lot of the animals anyway, so it is just a waste of money if you ask me. Monitoring nuclear waste, yes, people do get lost, or lose their way, but these plants are already monitored very closely. Safeguarding personnel, most people these days have cell phones. Why would you want to put an expensive chip in yourself when you have a cell phone they can call you on just as easily and for less expense. Most people also have yearly physicals performed by their personal doctors, so we do not need to monitor their physical conditions. Satellites are already doing reporting on critical environmental changes. Brain chips. Wow, would you like a chip in your brain that can alter the way to think? The chip in the brain can be programmed to do anything. To kill you and others, make you sick, make you laugh, make you cry and it has many more possibilities. I sure do not want anyone altering my emotions and my brain activity. This is using the chip to change your psychology. “Applied Digital, which has an $85-million market value and has been scarcely followed on Wall Street, placed an application with the Food and Drug Administration in January to market the chip in the United States, and Process that could take another year to 18 months”, Sullivan said (www.infowars.com). Sales of the new implanted chip could total $2.5 million to $5 million in 2002, Sullivan estimated, a small potential market that the company has projected could be worth $70 billion or more (www.infowars.com) “I’d be shocked if within 10 years you couldn’t get a chip implanted that would unlock your house, start your car, and give you money,” said Chris Hables Gray, an associated professor of computer science at the University of Great Falls in Montana and author of The Cyborg Citizen. Indeed, an English cyberneticist, Keven Warwick, won considerable notoriety three years ago by implanting an electronic transmitter above his left elbow. The implant opened doors and switched on lights at his British University of Reading offices. He is now working on experiments in which his nervous system is linked with a computer (Orlando Sentinel). How scary would this be? I could not even imagine hooking myself up to a computer. The location that one Canadian artist chose for one of the chips - the back of her right hand, is also the precise spot where, according to Biblical lore, the “Mark of the Beast” will be laced during the apocalyptic end of the world detailed in the Book of Revelation (www.wired.com/news/cultrue) The Bible also speaks of not taking the number, or chip that would confine your buying, selling and/or trading. This is exactly what the chip is doing. With in this microchip is a number like 666, which is a [..?] number. We the people are going to have to make the decision are we going to take it or not? The “emblematic of the dangers and potential of what might lay ahead” just the idea that someone can retrieve information from inside you without you knowing is frightening. “The cyber Situation is not a traditional operations or command and control center. Not a physical infrastructure, it consists of many components geographically dispersed, redundant, and networked. When an authorized individual needs situational updates and analyses, the user will link to an IIC satellite by way of the implanted chip” (AF 2025 Information Operations). The only advantage to this microchip is medical purposes - only if it could be kept quiet and not given to anyone at anytime without us knowing about it. Eventually if you do not take this microchip the government will be able to take your house and all of your belongings unless we get the word out and enough people refuse the microchip. Pets, loved ones, senior citizens, children and emergency situation, these are all psychological ways to make you feel guilty so that you will take this chip. When activated by a radio scanner, the chip would emit a radio signal of its own from under the skin that transmits stored data to a nearby Internet-equipped computer or via the telephone, the company said. Do you want your personal and financial information on the Internet or telephone and updated frequently? Source