Hummm. This isn't looking too good Dwaine. Somebody hacked my forum and deleted everything. Bugs was the prime suspect, but she denies it. You didn't hack me did you old buddy? Barry
Did you keep your password stored for Fugly? It was probably one of your kids friends, or your kids. "Daddy wont play with us, he is always on that fugly site, I will just delete it and see how much free time he has now!"
Isn't Bugs your wife? And you suspected her of hacking your stuff? :shock: Shame on you...or shame on her. Either or.
It was my daughter's friends. As Phat predicted, I had the password saved. They had a little after school party to celebrate the end of school, and my computer was the source of their entertainment. Heads will roll. I promise. Oh, and the post you deny writing? It came from your IP address. Better have a talk with your alter ego. It is writing strange things when it is drunk. Barry
Well who exactly are you calling a hore? The scary thing is, depending on the age of your kids and their friends, is that they were on Fugly reading everything. I bet one of them probably typed up some off the wall stuff under Barry's ID and then submitted it, and then to hide the evidence they 'deleted' it and thus removed the whole thing. LOL. I hope they didnt send smurf any PMs.
Please keep the vegetable of your loins under some sort of control, Barry. I think this incident warrants the home taser and padded cell. You might want to give her and her stupid friends a few thousand extra volts for inflicting this upon the world.
My eyes have been scarred. I would kick my kids ass. Well first off my kid aint going to be having no web cam. Plus you have to put some restrictions on the router. Put their MAC address in the 'no fucking way' group. So when they try and do some dumb shit like that it says "NO FUCKING WAY - This stupid ass video has been sent to your parents who will be here to kick your stupid asses shortly - "
Sometimes I'm glad I do not have to raise kids in the world these days. If my brother and sister-n-law only knew what I found on my computer after the nephews were on it. and most parents do not know how to check an IM log file. I been meaning to talk to my bro about how to watch these things. Someone could write a book and I'm sure it would sell a million copies. But.... it's useless.
Parents, dummies eh... it’s all the same. Kids these days are way above mom and dad when it comes to internet and technology.
My dad refused to allow the internet into his house while my sister and I were still children. We had to go to the library. He knew that if we knew more about something then he did we could use it to get around him. He was smarter then I gave him credit for at the time.