You girls are so mean to each other! I think you all are adorable. You each have your own special qualities. Especially my voluptuous bride Mia, who has a double portion of special qualities. Barry
Now just you keep those manly, Mansonesque mandibles of yours away from me, missy! I bet with those butch chops you could take my whole head off in one bite!
UT! Where have you been? Have you heard the news? Mia and I are wed, and she has larger assets than you. Your reign as the best endowed Fuglite is over. No I am not a candy baiter. I am the same old conservative, boring, religious and basically moral person I was when you left. I just got tired of swimming against the current in the Fugly river, and decided to float along. So, have you bathed lately? Barry
SIAMESE TWINS ESCAPE ZOO! Durr-sey, I'm shocked and overwhelmed you'd call me "butch"...after all, look at your forearm and hand- positively MANLY. Is that hair I see on those lovely K-Mart-shoe-clad legs?!
Ladies, ladies... I do believe that a bikini-oil-wrestling-match-to-the-death is in order to settle this little tiff.
Yes thankyou Barry i has bathed, just this morning infact.It was very pleasant experience you should try it sometime. And i can see your still boring doesn't matter how much of a fugly you try and be, deep down your still a man who irons his jeans.
I get the impression Sassy-man-dibbles may have bitten off more than she can chew, which you can bet doesn't happen often to such a mighty jowled man of a woman! I mean, what the hell was she trying to achieve with that desperate, straw-clutching ,dire washout of a post? :| Anyway, i'm not exactly sure what this means, but i think my intuition may have picked up on something here... :!:
barry.. me and nursey have no interest in swinging with you, you fucking ape.. so stop emailing me pics... i'm fucking closing that gmail account :x
Wrong, wrong, wrong. I haven't worn jeans in years, and I never iron anything. All my clothes are pressed by either the Dry Cleaners or one of our live in French Maids. I stopped putting starch in my underwear as well, so there. Barry
Ok, I got to admit that is an excellent photoshop. You win this round! I wish I really had that much hair. Barry