Hey, Ive never dated a mexican. Or is that considered a 'puerto rican' shower? For someone living in a country that is mostly 'french' you seem to have some hang up on Body Odor. "Hello Pot, Im the kettle"
a country that's mostly french? what is that like an inside joke you have with billy-bob-joe-cletus down at the piggly wiggly? i don't even know why you got so offended all i did was suggest that you date a girl who didn't smell like she smuggled smuggled a kilo of coke in her giny across three continents
Coke doesnt smell like that. Im not affended, but you hook up with a chick that has been working 8 hours it aint going to smell like 'summers eve'. Mo fuck. LOL. Of course I have been told I am going to canada in the near future so I guess I will see what all the brew-ha ha is all about.
\ I tried shaving but it just grows back faster, you fucking tool. LOL. So I guess you cant drink for how many more hours???? I guess thats better than drinking bacardi 'o's that taste like apple jolly ranchers.
there's a difference between "a summer's eve" and "9 kilos of catfish left for 8 hours on a summer's eve"........... but enough about that....... when you go to canada you should hit me up... depending on what's your scene chances are i can arrange a very good time (no homo)
LOL The wife has said we are going to niagra. other than that we are meeting some friends of hers up there, in canada. So I am looking forward to it. I havent been any farther north than Pittsburgh so it will be pretty cool. I really havent met a canadian that I didnt get along with. I have a friend here that said when he was a kid, they would put newspapers on their back porcha and wet them, then skate on them the next morning. We dont get that here in GA. LOL. It gets below freezing and the wal mart is out of bread, milk and batteries. LOL.
I'd feel much more comfortable about doing you if I didn't still have the nagging suspicion that you're actually Grimy.
i bet i know who's buying up all the batteries *beams at dio* niagara's ok but you'll hardly be able to tell you;re not in buffalo, toronto or montreal are where it's at on the east coast
She's got some friends up there somewhere. Not sure where about those canucks are though. I want to say montreal, but fuck, i aint sure. I just want to go up there and see all the alternative fuel vehicles there are, since the US is addicted to oil....LOL.
Christ Em, succes has gotten to you . .get on that treadmill you fat bastard. . and stop making music, you make my brains run out of my ears .. . or was that alcohol . .