When are you other chickenshit motherfuckers going to post a pic? Gutless wonders. Mia is a man that was rejected on Fugly.com and came back after his "cyber sex change" (i.e. a girlie name) to see if he/she could be accepted as a female, but sadly found out that its not the gender, its the fact "it" has no personality. Samatha I am not sure about. Sometimes she sucks, some times she's pretty funny. Anyhow that's just to name a few. But I'd like to see MORE FUCKING PICS. More penis pics too. Who's game? If I had one, I would show.
I guess I could post mine in here, but I dunno if the guys wanna see it. Well I know Whippy does, but he doesn't count.
barry stop trying to reinsert yourself into mine and nursey's love life.. you had your time as the anal love bead... you died and were buried.. get over it.. survival of the fittest baby and you got fat... (funnily enough my name is michael.. but i'll never drink and drive)
my cock, is white big and pierced several times... why do you want to see it?Really in person, I dont mind showing it in public, but it freaks me out posting in public.... Plus you all know Im fat, and don't have that retarded look like Mia
No body wants to see Mia's dick anyhow. You have a Prince Albert? What other piercings do you have on it?
I know I'm going to regret this but fuckit. This is the most recent pic of me online..it was taken in Indiana about three weeks ago; I'm standing in front of a water clock at the Children's Museum in Indiannopolis.
I was being nice! I'm nice to everyone but Ratatouille, but I am really nice to her in a twisted way because she enjoys being an angry bitch and I have the pefect finger to tickle her bitch button. Barry
I was being nice! I'm nice to everyone but Ratatouille, but I am really nice to her in a twisted way because she enjoys being an angry bitch and I have the pefect finger to tickle her bitch button. Barry