WELL...it was...uhhh....smiles' fault.:| If he hadn't stood provocatively outside my window applying haemmorrhoid cream to his plump, glistening shit-bagel, i'd not have given him a second glance, never mind PM'd him.
The old creaming up the shit bagel trick, it works everytime. Now I know what I'm up against at least.... *skitters over to drawing board*
well.... i hate to kiss and tell, butt..... "Now do that thing at the window again. Schmed's tiny bottom-bean is nothing compared to your bulging great, arse cabbage." 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Oh my GOD!!!! SMILES!! Are you out of your MIND!!?! Please Schmeddy, listen to me...your toned, muscular buttock was always number one...that was never in doubt...in fact, i could watch it flexing/relaxing for aeons, and would still consider myself lucky....but i am human, and i was weak...i saw the lusty, pouting, inflammation swaying and pulsing mesmerically...beckoning me like some kind of ~siren of sphinctural dreams~...But you know what? *glares at Smiles* It may be small, and it may tight...but I LOVVVVE THAT CUTE LIL BOTTOM BEAN. *sobs uncontrollably*
no need to try and make him feel better nursey dearest..... it is most evident whose bum makes a nice freshly tossed salad.... my leafy cabbage.... or his *scoff* bean
Alas, Schmed's girlfriend spotted this thread and has since performed some kind of sadistic, asian cauterising technique in order to put an end to our touching affair. Goodbye my sweet patootie... Err...check your PMs, UT. :|
Thanks for the comment fernie, I think barry must have had his heart broken by an asian girl once. :x