If you listened to hip hop,just by reading my location you should be able to tell what state im in,good luck,even though Im sure someone will ruin it by just telling you,but have fun.
Dont laugh, Samantha. Although the bible to the head ( repeatedly ), was painful, just look at the difference. My eyes have been realigned, and I can see clearly that Duwaine is still a pudding. I can also see that Barry is the new hipster, uhhuh, sorry girls, but time to replace those bum crack hugging sorry excuses for pants, and lets embrace the Just under the bust line great big granny pants ( dont believe me? Go onto any fashion anything, and you will find the granny pants). I love hipsters, but am a bit worried, as if I dont go with the flow, I will be old fashioned! But hipsters are sexy right??
well, dis iz goood! I am very tired have been working double shifts for the past 3 days, am a little narky! It is almost 4.30 in the morning here and I am now trying to stay awake for my boys in the morning. I dont sleep much!!
I would really appreciate evry single post I made on Tuesday to be ignored. I was having a mini nervous break down, but after getting some sleep, I am fine again.