cant say that i am, i cant play a fuckin instrument, cept maybe the keyboard. uh thanks, i cant say that ive heard that befor, althought i have heard "fight naked" from a group of chics on saturday.
Jesus Sam do you walk down the road and whip out the nearest guys cock to suck? Do you squelch as you walk?
Ut's got somebodies number I believe... :lol: I swear Dr. Bungle looks like the lead singer from Seether, is it just me or what??
What? You mean the empty shelves and a box of Fruit Loops? Ahhh - It is not nice to crack on College students. I had to scape by as a student as well. (Although I think Dan's sunken cheeks are more the result of snorting meth than skipping meals.) Barry
Unlimited-Grime, I was just trying to be nice. But enough of that. Where's YOUR fucking picture you fat, ugly wombat?! I've noticed you took it down- don't want anyone seeing what a hideous helia-beast is, eh? And Robman, go play with yourself.
Now Samantha dont be mean, faces like hers are put to great use in the A&E dept on a Fri and Sat when all the stomach pumps are being utilised!! Hee hee heeeee :twisted:
Awww look Sam you have your very own little lap dog.How sweet.You think if you ask nicely she'd lick your clit as you suck all them cocks? What's it like being the Sam's bitch Mia?
Good Lord, the insults are flying. You guys need to start a new thread and Title it "Bitch wars", flame and possibly show us your tits.......
To find UTs tits you would have to look up her trouser leg. Barry has my permission to send you 1 tit pic ( and 1 only Baz, k )? Dont go passing it around now.
Didn't I just use the term "lap dog"? Try being original you crusty cow. UG, AKA, 'The powerdyke' is fantasizing AGAIN. Hey, UG, where's your picture?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Anyone who writes "I'm a Fugly whore" on their forehead with a big black marker, takes a picture of it and then posts it, has a lot to talk about...I'm thinking this is a case of "people hate most what they see in themselves" UG UG UG UG UG UG UG!!!