OK Barry the irrational behavior of people on a whole in the last 10 years.

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by TheGrimJesus, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know I read over both posts again and think I over stated my position. That is a true point although it could be a blanket statement because parents of all ages do the same. Or just use the television as a babysitter, both parents working and no one really raising the kids, hectic lifestyles. A conglomeration of all things come into play. :-\
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    The above statement perfectly describes the #1 problem I see every day. If a child never learns the words "no" and "wait", the rest of his personality is built on a cracked foundation.
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I see it all the time on the ballfield. I coach Little League Baseball, and Rec Football. Parents talk to their kids like they are the next joe dimaggio or bo jackson(for you auburn fans) and the kid might suck.

    "Why doesnt my kid play more"

    "We try to get all the kids in the game an equal amount of time, it's not fair to play one more than the rest"

    "Why is he always in right field? He should play 3rd Base"

    "We let the older kids play the more demanding positions, as your kid gets older, he will move to these positions as younger kids fill up the outfield" (we do let younger kids play in the infield against weaker teams, you dont want a 7 year old getting smashed in the teeth on third base cause then they will never want to play again and be scared of the baseball)

    So, after I get berated by a parent, I move the kid to 3rd, and watch him get pummeled by baseballs for an inning. Then he comes in, mad, and not wanting to play anymore.

    I understand encouraging your kids, but instead of telling them how 'great' they are the parents would be better off working on the kids skills at home, helping the kid a lot more, and spending time with them. But alas, the 'me' attitude of today only allows for so much 'family' time.

    Plus those a-hole parents really make coaches not want to do it. They put so much emphasis on winning, that the kids dont have fun, the parents are always arguing, and the coaches are trying to tell the kids it's okay if you dont win, as long as you try your best.

    Of course my team wins a lot, with my kid on it and all it is easy, you know him having the highest batting average on the team, and being 6 playing on a 7-8 year old machine pitch league...... ;D
  4. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Do wear the sans-a-belt polyester black coach shorts or the full-on baseball uniform pants with high socks and cleats?

    I get to miss all that. I have two girls so I have the annual dance recital that I videotape, then I'm done. ;D
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Nah, I havent got the nut huggers. I just wear the khaki shorts and a polo.

    You should try sitting through one of my daughters violin recitals. I have heard cats fight to the death that didnt sound that bad. But she enjoys it.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You sound like one of the few rational little league coaches Phat. Good job. Baseball is really just life with a bat and bases.
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I just get irrational when I coach football...... :D

    I like both, but prefer football, most the kids get to play at one time, there is no 'dead areas' where the kids just stand around, and they have a blast. Teaching them not to talk trash is probably the hardest part. I guess the parents talk smack to them, so they in turn talk it to the other teams.

    It's bad that you have to teach your kids sportsmanship. But when you are on the field and one of your kids hits a pop-fly and one of the other teams players actually catches it, then you hear your player say "nice catch" it makes it fun. At least then you know they arent taking it too serious. Well until they get in middle or high school and it becomes a job application.....
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think modern diets are to blame for a lot of problems we are seeing today.

  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, amongst Westerners anyway. On the other hand, Iraqi children are 500,000 a penny.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know sportsmanship truly is great as a way to introduce kids to proper behavior. It's one of those things when done right I think can be a huge positive and at the same time can be just as big a negative. Kudos to you Phat for being a positive influence on our next generation.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    About food additives I think there is something there to be considered. But I also think the science like that if the vitamins, supplements, medicine, all sorts or theories regarding such things is too very vague. You could do a hundred studies on saccharine that are very well done and still miss something. Also there will always be trial lawyers eager to line their pockets with any perceived problem found that might be an issue. This seems to keep the industry somewhat honest. However you will never ever satisfy the conspiracy theory group because there is always that looming angle of "The big wealthy and greedy corporate prisoners have paid to silence any dissenters." ideal perpetually around the corner. All the same I would not discount the idea that there are some real issues with processed foods. I have a niece that is very well behaved and seems to be head and shoulders above many of her peers in her same age group certainly with ability to act proper and have good manners and be more socially adept. They keep her for the most part away from sweetened products such as candy and certainly away from imitation sweeteners and such.

    I say the fix is proper and full disclosure of good quality research and not junk science. Let the parents know what is in food products. Let them know what is known as well as the reasonable theories. And let the parents be responsible for making the right decisions for their children when they are young as well as teach them to make their own right decisions when they are older.

    Where I do see an issue is when for instance poor people have no choice but to buy cheaper products that are pumped full of potentially harmful chemicals. But I do think that the idea of people having "no choice" needs to be looked at with a grain of salt. For instance if the family has the money to purchase an x-box 360 for the kids to play with but says they have no choice that’s a crock of shit excuse. I had very little growing up but I ate healthy.
  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    You gotta prioritize. A meal lasts but a moment compared to the years of enjoyment an Xbox 360 can bring. Don't dis the "X"!!
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.

    Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

    Give a man Rainbow 6 Vegas, who has time to eat?
  14. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    That's the most profound shit I've ever seen you spew. Well said. :)
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


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