Ode to Medivet

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Schmed, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    Oh, bitch, don't even fucking get me started. You fucking posted your daughter's pic in another forum. Now it's free game. And if you think I'm EVER going to even entertain the comedic thought of asking for your permission to do a GODdamn thing, you may want to get that broom stick out of your ass for a while, it's pressing against your frontal lobe and you've lost the ability to think rationally and like an adult. And you know what, I'm gonna go and post that pic again specifically without your permission just to see how GODAMN SORRY I will be. Bring on your bullshit you two faced sorry excuse for ensuring survival of the species

    Here, blow me bitch.

  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I think these guys are fucking hillarious.... rip her a new asshole, maybe she will leave....

    MEDICVET New Member

    you do realize that when you fuck with my daughter you are doing so with a minor. think about that one long and careful.

    you gotta complaint or beef with me fine. leave a 16 year old out of it. there are very few things online that the law will ever fuck with, but when an underage 16 year old are concerned i do believe that will be one of them.

    she has nothing at all to do with this, and for you to pull this kind of shit only proves that as low as your opinion of me is, the facts of this present you to be even lower.
  4. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    No one has done anything the authorities would care to hear about. So put the chicken wing back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

    I find your comments humorous coming from someone guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
  5. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    I see your thought patters are back on a straight course, straight as a pinball. You might want to go back and check, but in posting those pics, I wasn't directing my intentions towards your daughter, I was intentionally fucking with YOU genius. Once again, you've taken a situation that means nothing and you have oozed your paranoia and depression all over it and made it out to be an attack on a child and you were ready to get directions and come and kick my ass. Lighten up, MedHead, I live in West Virginia.

    Relax, count some pills, pick a scab, whatever. You're the one who's lies got you into this situation, I didn't have shit to do with it.
  6. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Please stop. Eagle already pissed it off. If it charges, we're all doomed. :wink: :lol:

    MEDICVET New Member

    I will work within the system when or if I can but will do what it takes, and that is me.

    how the fuck did you expect me to react when you post pics of my daughter?

    I have posted pics of me here, but not my kids, and that is because this particular site is not appropriate for that venue.

    I have posted pics of my daughter elsewhere and you want to compare the two and say that ain't her??? look at the fucking face! jesus.

    ya'll are mad because I am not repentant for sins i have never committed.

    deal with it and grow the hell up.
  8. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    It appears the walking 350 pounds of chewed bubble gum has retreated to the other site where they'll protect her from the big meanies calling her on her names.

    MEDICVET New Member

    retreated? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I am wide awake and have no life outside the puter, remember???

    I have nothing to do with nor did I ask for instigate whatever is going on anywhere else. but to say I am not happy would be a lie..

    ooooh wait...i am a liar........

    but.........to say i am not happy about being happy about this...

    is it a lie??????

    or the truth.....

    damn did the fucking scapegoatputer systems malfunction on that conundrum???????????

  10. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    WTF? NOW you're concerned with what is a lie and what isn't??? Jesus Christ, your mind is like a vaccuum, it's fucking cyclonic. And by God if anyone should know about a scapegoatputer, it would be you.

    By the way, hows your:

    Brain tumor?
    Septic poisoning or whatever?
    8 helpings of pnuemonia?
    Lung cancer?
    Chemical and alcoholic dependencies?

    I guessed at the last three, but they seem to be right up your physically deteriorating alley And how is it exactly that an agoraphobic can sit so happily with all the windows wide open? Hmm.......... :?:

    MEDICVET New Member

    never claimed psoriasis, and the last bout with cancer was in year 2000. but thanks for carin and sharin.
  12. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    HAHAHA fuck that cracked me up.

    For it to get on the internet, it means you would have had to have released it somewhere before. So go kick yourself in the ass for that one. It's now public domain and I can draw a mostache on you all I want!!


    MEDICVET New Member

    and the cancer was never in the lung, just to be specific it was uterine.

    MEDICVET New Member

    how did you find THAT pic? it's unphotoshopped and I was very proud of the 'stache.. :x
  15. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    HAHA holy fuck I swear if I took the hair off that you could pass as a dude
  16. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Wow, now that all this bullshit has been brought into the light of fugly, I just don't know if I can go on. . .

    Oh wait, no, I don't fucking care. Granted, its amuzing to see that other people will spend energy on these efforts, but I'm not exactly sure what their intent is.

    Hopefully its general harrassment of MedicVet and not some devious plan to use 'truth' to turn us against someone.

    WHERE THE HELL IS WHIPONE! He should be all over this like a pediphile at lollipop convention.
  17. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member


    I enjoyed all the CORPSEMAN jokes and bashing. Especially the one where she ate her daughter and where she was going to charge.

    My safe little world has been shattered! The CORPSEMAN that we all hate is not hated only by us. IT is hated throughout the internet. Is there no shame left in this inter-world that we live in?

    No wonder she has no clue about anything medically related, she doesn't even have a real medical background.

    WAIT... Is this like a "The Usual Suspects" thing where this evil mastermind makes up all this pathetic bullshit to lull us into a state of uh like lulledness?

    Probably not.

  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Wrong. Mostly well educated, highly intelligent professional people who are just bored and come here to blow off steam. Want us to do a professional assessment of you? At least three of the people here hold advanced degrees in the mental health field. Lay back on our couch and tell us your troubles.

    *(and an equal number have been released from mental hospitals. They are the quality assurance team.)

  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I don't think that posting pictures of people's kids is a bit funny.

    FYI - the authorities do care about such. Be decent, save someone else the trouble, and disable the pic please.

  20. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Granted, but they didn't sneak into Corpseman's house and post it for her. Why are other people responsible for the stupidy of others?

    And quit relying on stereotypes, no one uses a fucking couch anymore.

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