I remember that one well. Quite possibly my favorite actually. Were do you find the time to look these up?
If you're talking about the milliseconds it takes for my synapses to transmit information from one neuron to another then the time it takes to type key words and for the magic Fugly search function to do its work, then I usually just squeeze the whole daunting process in between swigs of coffee/beer etc. Hope that answers your question.
Good now I do not feel so mean. Yeah real cute Nursey have your fun. I still say you invest quite a large amount of time. And it was not an insult really, I searched for that one a few months back as like I said it is one of my favorites. The search engine is not the best really it still took me a while.
:lol: Yeah, but you're a slopehead, as Reiz would call it. I never took your remark as an insult, i was just incredulous that you seemed to imagine that i trawled through countless threads to find what in actual fact took me less than a minute to locate... Keywords: 'gouges own eyes out' Select: 'all terms' Search for author: 'smiles' Forum: 'Cold Sober' Display results as: 'posts' Eureka!
I'll give you credit... I was gonna say udaman. I actually searched 'inserts one into rectum' Smiley Cold Sober Post All In whatever order that would apply to and came back empty handed......much to my suprise. I hope slopehead is actually a term of endearment
joe, why don't you go join your friends and give each other "cyber high-fives" and stroke each others ego's where you fit in better?
Well, i'm not entirely sure what Reiz meant when she used it, but this is what i was envisaging... And my good friend Dwaine here is absolutely correct! Just think, you could join forces with people of like mind and form redneck lynch mobs together...or 'militia' as you prefer to call it. With a logo like that, how can you resist?
what?.. no sarcastic "s u r e" so does that mean you'll be off to the rightards haven?.. or you have a neanderthal brow?