Nursey & Chester's Israel thread

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by chester grape, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    As that NoSpinZoneGuy said it on FoxNews the other day: " I got nothing against liberals. It all comes down to how they use their liberalism. To illuminate, or to destroy".

    Yes there are some waves out there. For me the war is over, and if i go out again, it certainly will not be against my little sisters boyfriend ! Wake up you say !
    It does not allways stay with the written word. i had this shirt a while back. Took it from this guy that disapeared. He was a nutcase. ( Of pretending to be one ). Got me spooked. But many spooked me then. he could crawl beneath a 20cm glitch in the barbed wire.
    The shirt spelled eurodisney and Goofey was the motife.
    We are not at war Nursey. People like him are. The world is at war. Luckily there are people trying to prepare for a peace. Not everybody can fight and win a war like this.
    The trouble to balance the middle east and prepare it for a lasting peace does not go through the boycott of israeli goods. Step carefully sister :)

    Sweden ! Now that Volvo is a part of the ChrystlerDaimlerfamily and Ericson has its production out of China i dont know. Maybe just leave poor Sweden alone ?

    Of course the israelis have a lot of bugbears stashed away. I do not think they offed MLKing though !
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Another nice abstract reply from XerxesX. But what disturbs me most is the Goofy didn't actually wear that did you? :!:
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You think the U.S. has a real democracy? And that's how Bush became President? How quaint.

    That mosque - a 1200 year old shrine - was as holy to Sunnis as it was to Shi'ias. And that was a highly sophisticated bomb.

    And let's not forget...
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I understand the leap you are making, but I never said that. The U.S. is a republic, it has never been a democracy, nor will it ever be. It is also in oligarchy, where an elite few run the country. I'm not Joe, nor am I Grim. Nice try with the Strawman argument though.

    Are you saying the Middle East is ready for Democracy than? I'd like to see your specifications for the "highly sophisticated bomb." Remember, the men running the "insurgency/resistance" are educated and inventive. A highly sophisticated bomb is not out of their technical know how.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ok, i see.

    It wouldn't be appropriate for them. They have ways of doing things which reflect their circumstances and we have ours. Too many westerners try to interpret what's happening outside our comfy bubble through western eyes.
    I'm just speaking from a layman's perspective. It's obvious it wasn't a pissy little 'improvised' device.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Then we pretty much agree. What exactly is our argument about again?
  7. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Quick, just kiss her you fool!
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You sure about that?
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That would have to be one hell of a kiss considering the flight time involved.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And i'd not be willing to take the blame if my 'angelingus jowlie' vortexual suction and locking motion awoke the 'Kundelini' monster.
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I have hands.
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes Nursey ! I wore that T for along time. Untill a shirtless kid in La Ceiba got it off of me.

    Nope ! Plenty of demons. Got me again sister :roll:
    Ideally it could have been cool though. I mean if religion wasnt politics and any revision was a potential attack on the big hive.
  13. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    If anything suggests the idea of a Zionist agenda, then it would be the rash of recent events.

    The arrest of David Irving, which flies in the face of the recent European profession of free speech obviously benefits the Zionist position not only as an extension of the symptomatic guilt-complex that the Holocaust industry has imposed (The Holocaust is something I have never believed occurred as the high-school history books say), but also as their monopolising the academic field when it comes to challenging history.

    It does, funny enough, tie in nicely with the recent uproar over the Muslim cartoon. Had this been a charicature of the Jew, then you would have seen the U.N. step in, and impose ecnomic sanctions on Denmark. But, instead, Europe maintains its stance against Islam, for which they should not receive blame, but rather for their hypocrisy because they become spineless when the even more repugnant stench of Zionism stains their image.

    And to add, the recent pressure on Iran comes at a convenient time when their position on Israel has remained unwavering (had Dr. Irving done what Horst Mahler did, Iran would be protecting him).
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The Irving case was well underway. Believeing its a preplanned
    ( pseudo )-omniscience at work sounds like another attempt at spin and utter confusion.

    Israel has no interrest in a billion angered hatecrazed muslems. The western economies an masse, just might. The whole idea of a zionist conspiracy as clear as the colour of bombs is quite preposterous.
  15. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Israel has nothing but the highest interest in a billion enraged Muslims, particularly in that they hold European-American relations to Israel as part of the cause of their predicament.

    So, what the most convenient thing to do would be to turn the two against each other, knowing the amount of damage Western military technology can cause, and then simply take what is left in the aftermath. The Zionist-Israeli position would benefit from such an engagement (as they so far have).
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I would suggest that a wartired west is more likely to come from such high-intensity engagements. This would not benefit Israel. Instead of conspiracy, is see meme. National and cultural. Even if the israeli foreigndepartment trhough its embassy
    might have put preassure on the austrian process. ( enquired, is the word ).
    That still does not spell conspiracy and it sure isnt smart. That inequality is a rallyingpoint for the peacemongering hordes of social liberalism

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