Nursey & Chester's Israel thread

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by chester grape, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I probably wont post much since the internet here in Samara is expensive, but ill check in :)

    And Nursey:
    One reason for numbers of jews growing disproportional to possible birthrates can be mass-conversion after christian takeover of heathen lands. ( Like Lithuania ).
    But the guy that was the only one that could wouch my grandad was covertop during the ww2, ( they were both really aryan and pro- all of that shit until they started smashing jewish windows and shit ) His family , that ( acidentally ) became buddies during growing up ( Acidentally ? At least we did not know of the connection ) They are now jewish 8)

    The killing spree of army-group center must have taken a big toll on the jewish populations in Ukraine and Belyorus. Do you think this was planned by the Zionist-settler-movement :roll:
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I don't know about that, but what i do know is that the Zionists did collaborate with the Nazis, who had a respect for Zionism which was the only other group allowed to raise their flag in nazi Germany. Please research this if you don't believe me. In the meantime, here are a few pointers...
    Zionist collaboration with the Nazis

  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    HaHa, the Jews fostered the Holocaust. What's even funnier is, with all this meticulous planning, we still think Hitler invaded Stalingrad and Moscow because, according to Mein Kampf, he thought it was like a shack that would come crumbling down if the front door was kicked in. And hmmm, those Russians sure were quick to give up Moscow.
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Its just that hese tbroad leaps ( of faith ), when it comes to the division between modern socialist zionists and the Thora-thumpers, with an included precognition of the Endlosung seems like the good lod bad relogion taking a poke at historical analysis once again.

    I Think this says it all. No need for me to elaborate on the clearly moronic
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Pardon me, the Zionists fostered the holocaust.

    And whatever Xerxes, you don't see the depression coming. No need for me to point out you're an idiot, but I like to anyways.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I just found this on the matter:

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And if you still aren't convinced of the significance of a countrys' flag in terms of its national/ethnic identity, here's what the experts in the field of vexillology - or flag design - are saying...

  8. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The point I'm making is that the Iraqi's shouldn't be so worried about the flag. You're a citizen of humanity before you are a citizen of a nation. I don't hold the American flag in any particular esteem. I don't agree with those vexillologists either. Flags shouldn't be that important, hence my reason behind believing they never should have changed it in the first place.
  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    "Shouldn't be", but are.

    I'd like to think I should be able to wipe my arse on any country's flag, then set it alight if I want to, as a form of political expression. But how far through that act would I get with the stars and stripes, say in front of the Lincoln Monument?

    As a matter of fact, it's pretty well known that Australians are rather laissez faire about our flag. But when I motioned to wipe my arse on the "free flag" the Daily Telegraph newspaper provided me at work - as a comment on the Murdoch press, not a comment on the Australian people - there was an audible intake of breath by those around me.

    Now if I can't even get away with that kind of behaviour with my own country's flag, I don't think it's reasonable to go tampering with others'.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Of course, my statement came from an idealistic point of view. The fact of the matter is people get their panties up in a bunch over all kinds of rediculous things. I bet Joe kills a kitten everytime he sees the American flag desecrated. Me personally, I could care less about a flag. I just find it distasteful that people create so many artificial "us" and "them". We're all basically the same. That being said, they should have left the flag as is. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Don't fix it if it ain't broke, sure. Change it to something offensive if you want to piss them off. Stir up a civil war and all.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How would a change in the Iraqi flag stir up a civil war, seeing as how the Iraqis on both sides would blame the Americans?
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well, the rising up against Americans will come eventually. The flag will be a bitter reminder that we created their civil war, which was itself created by a number of other causes. But they are looming on the brink of civil war. Got 'em right where we want 'em.
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That was a nice gesture. The psyops certainly know what rocks these days. The surface-symbology of a defeated Iraq barely contradicting the more subtle nuance of the swedish dreamhouse eclipsed by the sickle moon.
    A symbol that became that of Islam at the ottoman crossing of the Bosporous. A crossing that leads from Little Asia into Eurpoe .
    ( For those of faint geography ).
    Thius flag will ofcourse be a forgotten mistake. Buried in the vaults, and in the subconciousness of millions of iraquis. Hove about a blond swedish bombshell ?
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The middle east is not ready for Democracy. The Iraqi factions are not ready, nor are they willing, to compromise with each other. Quite the problem in a nation with everyone armed to the teeth. The attacks on the Mosques are just one more example of how barbaric some of these people are, and they would rather see the whole country destroyed rather than have it be run a way other than theirs. I hate religion.
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I hate religion too. Thats why I dig magic. Its free man. No demons ride you :D
    Muhammed killed 700 jews and took their young women slaves. That was not nice.
    I sort of dig Jesus, but why did they have to make a religion out of it :?:
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    How about Anna Lindh - touted as the next Swedish prime minister - who died on September 11th 2003 after being violently stabbed to death...
    "A blatant assassination like this sends a message to anyone contemplating challenging Israel."
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yup ! Thats Anna Lind. The murderer was heavily into the psych-ward. Lacking his medication and roaming the streets. Your presumed murderer is really on that list of the potentially brainwashed.

    Olof Palme was killed as well. They were both killed by dysfunctional members of society.
    The suggestion that it was staged is not a new one, but the
    blatant mistakes made offing Kennedy. Then later, littlebrother and MLKing within one month will never be repeated. Mossad ? The Palme-Killing led on a race for Kurdish guerillas. Who nows what part of that might be true.
    Anyway. Sweden is a beautiful country with the best of the liberal tradition intact. Many of the same liberal traits as France has been renowned for.
    Beautifull city Stockholm. Swedens important role as a part of the alliance of neutral countries should be remembered. Mossad ? Hm ! That was a bit easy. If you make the list complete it would be a bit longer. Go to Sweden Nursey. You would like it there. The Maypole and the long summer nights.
    Some say that the unspoken treaties binding nations to a rule of law, was torn down when one superpower gained preemminence. Carlos the Jackal was apprehended whan KGB drew out of Sudan. It could allso be that european socialists with palestinian sympathies would get downgraded. Mossad ? Are you serious ?
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No but of course not! I'm sure the Israeli MOSSAD would NEVER stoop so low!

    These are people who intend to achieve their goals by any means necessary. Whether inside or outwith the law. Wake up...the world is at war.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


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