Plenty of people think Kennedy was shot with a pistol, they're just wrong. If I remember correctly .223 caliber is 5.56 millimeter, which means that the standard NATO rifle round is in fact a .223, and I don't know anyone who would prefer to be shot by an M16 over a pistol. I could be wrong about the conversion though.
Other than a very inexpensive round to play with and target practice. The wallet derringer is about the only other way I would use the 22 round. It has the element of surprise. Very resourceful to get your self out of a situation. and Yes the 22 long though tiny can penetrate the skull at close range then bounce around inside without exiting and works well for silencing but I'm no assassin and do not plan to be. I've seen one shot derringers made to shoot rifle rounds even seen one that shot a 410 shotgun round. I would hate to be the hand that was holding it when the trigger is pulled though. For a derringer the 22 long is fine. In my humble opinion that is.
I beg to differ barry.. the baddest round is the barett .50 cal can travel iver 2 miles, and tear a person in half, also penetrate a tank, or armoured vhehicle carrier, causing a vaporifics gas that kills everything inside... this bullet is about the size of my penis...
Target practice with that round would be quite expensive I would have to take up reloading just to afford to at all the initial cost would be kind of steep. But man would I like to have a 50 cal sniper rifle. On the other hand Barry’s .223 would be just as fun, less expensive, and may be the most popular possibly for that reason. Also it and the 7mm both have a really nice flat trajectory. Of course if you want to flatten out a bullets trajectory more muzzle velocity to weight is nice and the added weight helps against windage doesn’t it? :shock: My spell checker indicates that windage is not a real word. I could have put my Primary Marksman Instructor in his place then couldn’t I?
disagree, 7.62X.39 has more stopping power, compaired to the .223 . I have always been an advocate for Kolishnikov
Ahh I think we are splitting hairs here it starts to get into all sorts of theory about stopping power. The Ball NATO round is one thing you start getting into different designs its all over the board. Discussing the full metal jacket NATO round and the Russian counterpart I think the 7.62 has more stopping power. I would take the m16 over the Kalashnikov however for several reasons if the rifle is to be used as it was designed to be used. from let to right: British experimental .280 (7x43mm) cartridge for EM-2; Soviet 7.62x39mm M43; US/NATO 5.56x45mm (.223 Rem); US/NATO 7.62x51mm (.308 Win) Check out the Muzzle Velocity differences of these US. Russian, and British rounds at the bottom of the page
Um ! I should have read this page first. I was refering to the 7.62mm pistol as opposed to 9mm. Besides I am a pacifist
I am too, if by "Pacifist" you mean a person who craves peace enough to pre-emptively kill the people who would threaten it. Barry
Barry wrote You would not go down well in parenting and childcare. In fact, I would not even trust you to raize a frog ! Toad ! Splat ! BooooomM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( That would be agreat idea wouldnt it ! To get all those princesses to kiss poisonous frogs and we could make edutainment about the progress. Do it at one of those pedophile-pageants. Lots of tiny winy princesses. )
Ummm... couldn't you have just said "9-year-old's chest"? Why'd you throw in that little extra bit about her being a virgin? Does someone have a fantasy? Was this a Freudian slip?
You mean he assumed I hadn't? Either way we weren't even talking about my infatuation with supple young buttocks and he's discussing the anatomy of 9 year olds chest like he wants to explore every square inch.
Slapper wrote: [/quote]Scary Barry wrote: and shoots as flat as a 9 year old virgins chest. Ummm... couldn't you have just said "9-year-old's chest"? Why'd you throw in that little extra bit about her being a virgin? Does someone have a fantasy? Was this a Freudian slip?