Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by PinkorBrown69, Sep 11, 2001.

  1. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy v2.01beta:
    groups of people who are fighting soldiers with automatic weapons, armed only with stones and sticks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And the occasional hand-grenades/rockets and suiside/car bombs (mostly civilian targets)... Oh yeah... And sticks and stones...
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you will be pleased to learn.. that our absent resident new-yorker (silentbutdeadly) escaped any harm in the catastrophe
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>George Bush Sr.. March 6th 1991:
    Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    an e-mail forwarded to me today from a concerned party...

    ".....New One World Order:

    The World Trade Centers represent the Old World, nation based, Greed&Profit driven, capitalist "trade center".

    They, both of them, have been destroyed. Those that will rule the New, have destroyed their own old vehicle, both symbolically AND literally, as the U.S. economy, specifically it's currency, has just been death blown.

    The flaming flyers, or Phoenix(s), have risen and coming from East to West, full of fossil fuels (another symbol of the old), and turned upon their master's old home, in preparation for the master's new home.

    The Pentagon (ancient five sided symbol of the old) has been turned upon by the Phoenix as well. It is said, not even the most sophisticated technology, not even the height of "intelligence" and "surveillence", not even your NSA nor your CIA, not the USAF, NO ONE will stop the Beast that pulls their strings. When the Dark Prince says to do, no earthly power can say "no". The Pentagon symbolizes the false hope you have placed in your earth governments/military/intelligence. They are nothing compared to the hand that controls them. Learn this the master of all Beasts says to you. Do you hear?

    Most of you do not, you hear the emotional turmoil meant for the common man to be dealing with as his stability is ripped from under him, searching for the enemy without to blame, when the enemy is within.

    As some small example, your leader, Bush, was in Florida when the Phoenix(s) struck. This is the State that the election was stolen away and given to Bush in, by the Powers that Be. Bush shall be president, I told you long ago. Bush it was, no matter how incredible an event had to transpire to hand it to him (really handed to his father, again, and right hand man Cheney). Gore is no better, but the election was not stolen from him, but from the People who have a right to decide what corrupt idiot runs the show. The headlines read yesterday, lest you forget, that "Bush pushes EDUCATION policy agenda..." in Florida speaking at a school. What have we learned today, class? That bouncing IRS rebate checks being drawn from "locked box" Social Security funds is not big news? That the IRS is not Constitutional to begin with, and that the Federal Reserve Corporation Banking Scam is sucking the very currency from the system, making "economic downturn" occur as if by natural evolution? That we were, yesterday at least, and the EDGE of economic damnation, and now who knows but we could very well be speeding to a crash and burn at the bottom of a cliff created in 1933 in the wake of the last "Great Depression"? That was when the Federal Reserve Banking Scam became realized, in the midst of distracting events of practical concern to all Americans and the world. "We are so depressed" many said, "this Federal Reserve Corporate Bank is certainly not going to make things worse, it will make things better, let's try it!". The IRS was created, and unconstitutional Federal taxation begun, the very thing the Founding fathers sought to prevent, centralized power solidfying in the form of a over-powerful Federal Government, and really in hands not even controlled by the Feds, the "FED RES CORPORATION"... that in all ways, except the obvious, resembles the monarchy we sought to disconnect ourselves, politically at least, from in England. Today royalty is banks. Most of us have not learned these things from past classes because of our arrogant mental attitudes in our little comfy places in life and our "spiritual" quest to save the world... we have denied the obvious ways we can make a difference, by not being in denial, by not being victims of ignorance. Now our New Depression is upon us, and though the dust has yet to settle and many have not even at this late hour realized the predicament we are in, their will be, as I have told you before very recently even, a New Depression and a NEW SOLUTION. And many of you, even after reading this, will buy into it. You will be the new victims of an old game. No, the "education" that is going on today has nothing to do with Bush's political agenda, and everything to do with all the emotions and thoughts and total lack of world/cosmic view YOU and most people in the U.S. possess...
    it has you so searching for answers, so emotionally moved by the devastating tragedy! still unfolding before your eyes, that you will certainly, most of you, look right past the real lessons here today. I, and not too many of my collegues, have been dealing with this tragedy for years now. You just woke up to it, and still in your shock look to Ben Laden or wherever you are told to look for "answers" and "recourse" and to place your pathetically under-informed blame game on, just as you prayed for Timothy McViegh's soul thinking you were forgiving him for basically alone blowing up the Ok. City Federal Building. You still have not a clue about that event, how much less are you prepared now? What socio-political-religious world view explains this one to you? Palestinian terrorism? It's easy to reach for, hard to hang on to something so slippery it won't hold water at all.

    It's time you poeple starting thinking "outside the sphere".
    Thinking outside the box will do no good if you think the box is the problem.

    There is a good chance that further events are about to transpire that will further throw this nation into martial law and a state of emergency.

    Behold, a pale horse, and with him rides death.

    My wife told me that "well, all those skeptics are going to stop laughing now, aren't they?...". I said no. Most of them will only laugh harder and ridicule me more... it's all too human and I forgive you all before hand....."
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes.. it's an 'epic'... but it made a more thought provoking read than the chest-thumping jingoist crap i saw in all the tabloids today....
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    My turn!!!!

    First off, let me stress how fucking proud I am to be an American!!!

    Now, I'm pretty ignorant about what has been going on for thousands of years in a country that I don't reside in. I don't take any credit/slack for what our elected officials do... I'm not even registered to vote! I can however understand the US wanting to help Isreal. Don't they just want to keep their land and religion? What the fuck is wrong with helping them out? What's wrong with letting them preserve their history?(Jerusalem and Bethlehem)... After all, it IS their land, and they don't have much of it. The strife in the Middle East is not because the Palestianians don't have a homeland. (Poor fuckers) The strife is because of the centuries-old hatred Arabic people have for the Jews. I don't understand why these stupid fucks actually expect Isreal to grant them civil rights when all they are out to do is to destroy them anyway. The Palistinians have not proven worthy of being granted civil rights by the Isrealis. They're fuckin' bastards. If they want land to call their own, they can go to Saudi Arabia.

    Now they want to fuck with the United States.

    It really strikes home when only a few hours away, all this shit went down.

    I witnessed second/third-hand...people jumping out of the 80th floor of a building burning out of control... people clinging to a building falling dozens of stories to the ground... people with their flesh burnt off of their bodies... people trapped under debris... and that was just the WTC!! Flight attendants were gutted and the planes taken over by a bunch of fuckin' idiots who learned to fly the damn plane... WHERE???? Right here in the United States!!! How fucked up is that? We give the pieces of shit a place to live and opportunities that they don't have in their own shitbag country and what do they do? They fuckin' kill us!!! Way to go, dumbasses!

    And just to show their stupidity, they crash into the wrong side of the Pentagon. If they really wanted to fuck up the big shots, they would have aimed for the other side of the damn building!!

    I'm pretty pissed about the whole damn thing. I'm also really pissed about the responses from this forum. I expect this shit from half of you. Half of you will fuckin' argue just for the sake of arguing. What's funny is the fact that people posting aren't even from the UNITED STATES!! It's not your country on fire... if these were your children, you'd be singing a different tune. Innocent until proven guilty? Fuck you!!! You have to be even more of an idiot than I thought you were to say something so fuckin' half-assed. This wasn't an inside job. It doesn't take a fuckin' rocket scientist to figure out who was responsible. And Lomo and Disorder (by the way, you're a fuckin' cunt, Disorder)... to imply that we deserve this for sticking our nose where it doesn't belong is just fuckin' wrong. Do you think the average everyday ignorant American has anything to do with what goes on so fuckin' far away?!? Just because we live here, we deserve to die for what is or is not right? Bullshit! I hope you get drafted!!

    I think I'm finished.

    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Nauseous ]
  6. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy v2.01beta:
    an e-mail forwarded to me today from a concerned party...
    ".....New One World Order:Blah, blah, blah... Epic... Blah, blah, blah... it's all too human and I forgive you all before hand....."

    Well I thought it was a crock of shit...

    Especially this;

    "Most of you do not, you hear the emotional turmoil meant for the common man to be dealing with as his stability is ripped from under him, searching for the enemy without to blame, when the enemy is within"

    What the fucks that meant to mean?

    I'm sorry but whoever wrote that is talking codswallop! It's nothing better than ridicule .

    Well through my bigoted eyes anyway.

    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: PinkorBrown69 ]
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it means spooky... there has been a catastrophe.. people are upset, emotional, in turmoil..
    they are looking for someone to blame.. so they blame the people who have been in the news lately... the arabs.. (enemy without)
    when they should be looking for perpetrators in the american system... (enemy within)

    i bet you read a few papers today, watched a few news reports.. so did i.. but i like to form my own opinions...

    ever heard the phrase "when i want your opinion. i'll give it to you."
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    -Before even finishing reading that fucking guff i'd like to point out that there are differant types of arab who live in perfect harmony- MUSLIMArabs...CHRISTIAN Arabs...and....JEWISH Arabs....
    I would never have said it before,but i actually gave you credit for having some intelligence before i saw this,Nauseous!

    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    and yes i agree nauseous, it was tragic, and horrific... a senseless waste of life.. and you are understandably angry..

    you want the military to blast the shit out of the arabs...

    thats exactly what they want you to be... angry.. wanting revenge..

    i watched bush's speeches yesterday.. and i saw all the tools of propaganda at work, the children behind him as he made his first speech.. the wording of his second speech.. even down to the colour of tie... congress getting together to sing america the brave or whatever it was

    all documented ploys...

    don't think nauseous.. your government doesn't like that
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    And just to show their stupidity, they crash into the wrong side of the Pentagon. If they really wanted to fuck up the big shots, they would have aimed for the other side of the damn building!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    funny that.. they score a direct hit on the WTC (civilians are expendable)
    but hit a damn near deserted part of the pentagon (don't kill the top brass!!)
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Hey Nursey... I'm never claimed to be knowledgable about the brown-race, now did I?

    And Pimp, I don't want us to go blasting the fuckers off the face of the earth. that wouldn't be right either. Yes, I'm pissed. It pisses me off to see them stomping on my country's flag. I don't want the children to die. After all, they are only learning what they are taught. I don't believe in war. I hate the thought of it actually. I'm not afraid to die. I just think it's a waste to die for somthing that you had no part in.
  12. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy v2.01beta:

    when they should be looking for perpetrators in the american system... (enemy within)

    Like I say... Ridicule!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
    i bet you read a few papers today, watched a few news reports...

    I very rarely read newspapers. And today was no exception.
    As you know I did see some T.V coverage.
    But for christ sake stop going on about 'propaganda'. Those fucking planes crashing into the buildings wasn't propaganda!
    So if Bush and Co. want gather round their children and famlies and sing a big Fuck You to the 'Enemy', then good on them.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
    ever heard the phrase "when i want your opinion. i'll give it to you."

    Now who's narrow minded?
  13. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    And Just for the record in case anyone feels we British don't have a right to a say. Just remember we were fighting these fuckers before America was even found...
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    "when i want your opinion i'll give it to you" is a comment on the use of media to form popular opinion...
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And while your horror and shock is understandable , unfortunately that is exactly what america has been doing to other countries (countries with nothing in terms of wealth and power compared to america).. so that just as you feel anger and veangefulness whoever has done it to america has gone through the same experience.
    America must expect some repurcussions for the mass death and horror it has been dishing out for some time.
    ...If you rule by the sword, you die by the sword...
    If I was blown up by an IRA bomb, although I wouldn't personally like it....I would tend to blame the government because I dont approve of their policies in N.Ireland but at the end of the day I choose to live in this country despite that and would be a bit philosophical about it...in other words it wouldn't fill me with hatred and veangance for the perpetrators-more for the vested interest and rulers who made it like this by their selfish and wicked attitudes.
    Nobody dies for a cause lightly for christs sake - it's a last desperate measure - it's a measure of their experience!
    And it's not anything to do with religion either-that's just a smoke screen put up by the thugs in power.
    Unfortunately in america, as in any war, its only the innocents who suffer such as the poor old new york firefighters working for a lousy pay no doubt and not the bastards in power who deserve it as it is their policies who have caused it.

    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  16. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Nobody dies for a cause lightly for christ's sake - it's a last desperate measure - <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Unless a 'religiose fanatic'.
    Then they die willingly, with supposed glory and praise from Allah. Blinded by belief.
  17. -po0p

    -po0p New Member

    i know that what im about to say will make me a horrible person and that i will definatly go to hell but

    its a good thing this has happened. our us government has given us a false sense that we are safe. clearly we are not. its an eye opener that the almighty u.s. is invulnerable to attack.

    not only that but at least we dont have to listen to all the gary condit bullshit thats on everyday. and im kinda hoping for another happening of this nature cause im getting bored of this incident.

    its sad nothing seems to keep me entertained anymore
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    And Lomo and Disorder (by the way, you're a fuckin' cunt, Disorder)... to imply that we deserve this for sticking our nose where it doesn't belong is just fuckin' wrong. Do you think the average everyday ignorant American has anything to do with what goes on so fuckin' far away?!? Just because we live here, we deserve to die for what is or is not right? Bullshit! I hope you get drafted!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I never said anyone deserved it. What I said was that I'm surprised that this sort of thing wasn't anticipated earlier. Don't label me as an inconsiderate asshole or a non-patriot. Make no bones about it, I'm well aware that something terrible happened Tuesday. Propaganda exists to rally the people and gain support for action. Support of the people is what's needed for a country to go to war. I like to form my own opinions about events, too... Looking back in history, there have been times before where the government has misled us, misinformed us, and brainwashed us. You can't deny that things like this take place. Did they make you read 1984[/] in high school? I can't help but think about this book with the events of late...

    Now, on to a theory I've been entertaining for a while... It is not beyond the realm of possibility for this whole 'point the finger' ordeal to be an elaborate hoax. Yes, I said it. Has anyone considered that someone else, whom regard Palistinians, or whomever, for that matter, as enemies might be behind all of this?

    Think about it for a moment. Let's pick the most recognizable figure as an example. Suppose Saddam Hussein wanted to stage an 'incident' that would eliminate his enemies in another country. If something like this were to occur, and 'evidence' was carefully placed to point the finger, it's likely that we could be misled to destroy a country that had nothing to do with the WTC. I'm no expert, but from what I've gathered, Hussein and bin Laden aren't exactly friends. They may both see us as a common enemy, but I doubt they meet for tea ever.

    Also consider China. For a long time, I've thought China would start the next world war. I still consider it. What if China set this whole thing up? What if we're just being tested? Are we being set up for a more serious attack?

    Think about the car found in the Massachusetts airport. In the elaborately planned operation that went off Tuesday morning, do you really think a detail such as leaving the Arabic pilot handbook in the car would have happened? It sounds like planted evidence to me.

    I'm not saying that I stand by these theories, but I wouldn't rule them out just yet. Something to consider, at the very least.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    Ditto on all counts.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    I've heard today that they believe this plane was headed for the White House originally.

    If anyone wants to download clips of the second plane crash, either of the WTC buildings collapsing, and stills of the events (including the Pentagon), try this site: http://www.thehourly.com/wtc/

    The clips are between 10 and 15 megs each, and are clear enough to watch fullscreen.

    Oh, and Nauseous... I doubt I'll be drafted, but if I were, I wouldn't run for the border.
  19. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    I had been entertaining the 3rd party theory myself, and Soddam had crossed my mind, when I decided my view was not informed enough to formulat it any further. Unfortunately I have to admit my rose coloured glasses have protected me from the horrors of what has been going on outside my own little world. If anything good (?) has come from this it is that they have now been ripped from my face and from those of thousands the world over.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Time for all the ordinary decent people of the world to unite...
    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Nursey ]

    And do what?
    Sing songs of peace, pray for them, send them nasty emails, throw sticks and rocks at them, or form our own army and teach the bastards a lesson?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cos so far all my research has taught me is that it is a fucked up world we live in and there is jack shyt I can do about it.

    Now where did those glasses land?
  20. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    i'm sorry you're so mad nauseous, i am truly shocked at what has happened, but like nursey said, its been going on for ages, it just hasnt been _this big_ before..

    and like lomo said, this could all be a setup...

    'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'

    [ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Disorder ]

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