Well I guess I will just have to go home! How can they expect me to work if I can't browse Fivepak's for stress relief? Barry Barry
I don't know 5, you say free speech but if someone says something yuou come down on them and then you post all kinds of private information on them. Granted alot is out on the web but you seem to make it your goal in life to hunt and publish it. I had nothing against you other than I thought your site was over moderated and you got pissed about that so either you deleted me or I asked to be deleted, but you don't delete people's account just make it so that they can't post I think that is wrong. Thank you for the invite but I think I will stay with fugly. I do wish you well with your site and have great time with it. If I ever change my mind I will email you and we can talk about it. Have a great day. Red
Please remember to send in your membership fees. Harlan is due for his annual colon irrigation this month, and funds are low. Barry
I've been giving Harlan his colon irriga....HEY this isn't Harlan....Dwain!!! quit leaving retards laying around this place after you are done with them damn it!!
well in her defense, she really wasent retarded when I first brought her home... We had an "accident" with a brick
Nicely done dub, nicely done....**stands up starts slow claps hands in admiration and talent of the wit**
I was making a general observation. I will wait until after the honeymoon to comment on your trunk. Good thing for you I like my women pre-padded. Barry