Are you the admin of this site? No. Then shut the fuck up. You wandered in here off the street just like the rest of us. This place was dead until we arrived.
Can I be in your Cult of Worshippers, oh Messianic One who raises the dead and opens the eys of the blind? Barry
What the fuck are you talking about?? The correct statement would of been, this place was a lot less retarded untill we arrived. Don't get me wrong, you bring SOOOO much to the table here, I mean, thank god you arrived, this place just would'nt of made it without you...give me a break. In another month no one will even remember you were here. Have a nice day.
schmed I will be honost with you, the reason I came here was not to fuck anyone other than the ass clowns and I will stop if that is what the others besides those assclowns want me to. I did not want to interfer with you and your members. I just hate assclowns. :wink: But as long as they are here I am gonna fuck with them all I can. Or in their words come on down to my house and I will fuck you up LOL :roll:
No, but my lovely CB, Belle, and Belladonna were already here. Did anyone request YOUR presence?? (It is presence, by the way )
Redskin, if it makes you feel better, the forum moved. Everyone is allowed back for a fresh start. Even you, fuck face.
Five - at 2:15PM Central Time I am still getting this message at your site. There is no website configured at this address. You are seeing this page because there is nothing configured for the site you have requested. If you think you are seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrator or datacenter responsible for this site. Please get it fixed. I have a new picture of you to post. 8) Barry
3:15 PM Central, and I am getting the same message. I typed it directly in the browser, hit refresh, etc. No luck. Did I mention that I hate computers? Barry