
Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nauseous, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  2. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I thought this was an SNL as at first. I gotta have some. I'll review it, too.
  3. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member


    You people are mad.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I love the way the kid tries to look happy about getting sprayed in the face. What a trooper.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If they only would combine that with the fresh scent of fabreeze and a minty peppermint flavour. ...:cool:
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I am curious as to what it smells like. Next time I got to CVS I'm picking up some.
  7. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member

    You are going to spend $10 on some chemical or other you apparently have no idea about and will then proceed to squirt the shit in your face? How about doing a quick (2 min) research before you proceed to buy into some gimmick? That way you'd will know it smells of nothing really, because all it is is salt water which has had an electric current passed through it which results in a mild chlorine type solution.

    $10 for chlorinated, salt water. Does it work? Apparently it IS effective at killing germs. However......

    Surely it will also be killing off all the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the skin surface and act as our first line of defence against infection?

    Oh, now I see. Is it any coincidence that Nauseous - who states she rarely wishes to engage in sexual relations with her husband - gets all excited at the thought of some "sexy product" being squirted in her face.:rolleyes:
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Sure. Why not? If you lived in my town, you would have quit worrying about what kind of chemicals you breathe a long time ago. I would have done some research before I used it. I do that with everything. I don't just take a drug that is RX to me w/o reading about it first. I'd do the same with this OTC junk.
    Good point. You don't use it all of the time. You use it when an immediate threat occurs and the good bacteria will be restored by your body on it's own. It kills yeast so even if good bacteria die, yeast won't proliferate and cause problems. It's been around for a while... used by emergency medical, police, fire, corrections, military, healthcare providers, homeland security, and others exposed to bodily fluids. Independent laboratory tests show that the solution demonstrated a 99.99% reduction in HIV-1, Hepatitis C, MRSA, C-diff, Swine Flu and many other pathogens.

    Cute. Nursey, is that you?! :eek:


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I actually listened in on a convo about germs at the Waffle House the other day... this redneck said to dentally challenged waitress ... " leave a cigarette in your mouth, the fire and smoke reple that dammed ol swine flu."

    that is an actual quote...
  10. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member


    Ok. I'm removing your name from the list marked 'gullible morons'. :)

    Bit of a medical fetishist, aren't you? Don't worry, I mean, I have a fetish for posting in clapped out, decaying, old forums inhabited by a ragtag bunch of oddballs. :confused:
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


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