My personal opinion on Jews, Retards, and little girls.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Jesus Christ, Oct 21, 2000.

  1. I_got_new_socks

    I_got_new_socks New Member

    hummmm, look at some of the posts and you tell me what it has to do with tards

    Dormi mecum cunnus Orcae Ita!
  2. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    I surrounded by retards, and they smell like Grilled cheese wait....never mind...just thinking about Pinky...that was scary.

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  3. dopplegangeruk

    dopplegangeruk New Member

    have you all forgoten where this all started in the first place?
    its obviously the fault of us brits for giving the jewish isrealis somewhere to live away from hitler at the end of ww2 at which point they started on what now seems to be the general state of affairs for them, blowing up and shooting the peeople who already live there (and in our case the ones who, admitedly had no claim to the land but protected them from the ss and such all the same) and then claiming they were right to do so. in fact this is why they are so popular with the US of A, they tend to have verygood relations with anyone who blows us up, i.e. the Irish republicans the rebels in Sierra Leone and that sort of thing. oh and not to forget the French canadians.
    I must say that any of you think it is possible to get a clear picture by talking to say, pelstinian friends though worrys me. The truth is subjective. Life is a lie.

    Go out and make your own truth. Oh shit the last person to say that was Heidiger, mr "oh the nazi party is too soft core i resign." hmmmm that said maybe he was right if the nazis had done it properly there wouldnt be any of these problems now. not the best solution, but a solution none the less.
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    final solution??
  5. Skully

    Skully New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dopplegangeruk:
    ...they started on what now seems to be the general state of affairs for them, blowing up and shooting the peeople who already live there...and then claiming they were right to do so. in fact this is why they are so popular with the US of A, they tend to have verygood relations with anyone who blows us up, i.e. the Irish republicans the rebels in Sierra Leone and that sort of thing. oh and not to forget the French canadians..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It's late in the day, so I'm not sure if I understand this fully, but are you trying to say that the US is fond of Israel because the Israelis like to blow up British things? That's a pretty weird theory.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dopplegangeruk:
    ...I must say that any of you think it is possible to get a clear picture by talking to say, pelstinian friends though worrys me. The truth is subjective. Life is a lie.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You're starting to sound like Nietzsche.

    For myself, the truth is not entirely beyond our capacity to grasp. To say that there's no basis for having any beliefs is just daft. Surely some things are demonstrably or self-evidently true (e.g., murder is immoral).

    We are as genitals unto the gods. They play with us for their pleasure.
    —Lord Melchett, Blackadder II, 1985
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dopplegangeruk:
    have you all forgoten where this all started in the first place?
    its obviously the fault of us brits for giving the jewish isrealis somewhere to live away from hitler at the end of ww2 at which point they started on what now seems to be the general state of affairs for them, blowing up and shooting the peeople who already live there (and in our case the ones who, admitedly had no claim to the land but protected them from the ss and such all the same) and then claiming they were right to do so. in fact this is why they are so popular with the US of A, they tend to have verygood relations with anyone who blows us up, i.e. the Irish republicans the rebels in Sierra Leone and that sort of thing. oh and not to forget the French canadians.
    I must say that any of you think it is possible to get a clear picture by talking to say, pelstinian friends though worrys me. The truth is subjective. Life is a lie.

    Go out and make your own truth. Oh shit the last person to say that was Heidiger, mr "oh the nazi party is too soft core i resign." hmmmm that said maybe he was right if the nazis had done it properly there wouldnt be any of these problems now. not the best solution, but a solution none the less.

    hehehe... deep and meaningless...
    just the way i like it!!
  7. Bestialty Boy

    Bestialty Boy New Member

    schindler's list is my favourite movie, to think, spielberg made a film about a holocaust and also the d-day landings, WOT A SADIST *a true master mind*

    we hope that you choke
  8. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    jews and queers run the media...which is the rumbling behemoth that shapes societys attitudes and beliefs...

    kinda scarily fucked up that....
    no wonder people are starting to think it's cool to be a cocksmoker....
    and why the WW2 holocaust is still burned into the public conscious ... whereas genocides like the one in rwanda and the ethnic cleansing campaigns in the former eastern bloc are disregarded and forgotten by the masses....

    they are supposed to be building a holocaust museum in britain.... and the creative teams behind it wanted to make exhibits about all the major genocides throughout history... but the backers, who incidentally, were jewish.. did not want to depict any holocausts but their own....
  10. kitana

    kitana New Member

    My Political Science teacher told me that Jews that live in the USA are wealthy and usually democrats. Usually the wealthy are republicans, but they choose to be democrats because of their past experiences and religion.
  11. Skully

    Skully New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    jews and queers run the media...which is the rumbling behemoth that shapes societys attitudes and beliefs... no wonder people are starting to think it's cool to be a cocksmoker.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey, did I miss somthing here, or do you actually believe in this media theory? where the hell do you get that idea? The CAPITALISTS run the media, and yes, some capitalists are jews, and some capitalists are gay too, but that's merely incidental!

    Is it cool to be a cocksmoker? To be honest, I really don't think it's cool or uncool. It's fashionable to an extent in some circles, but to me, the differences in sexual preferences is about as interesting an indicator of a person's moral worth as the differences in their shoe sizes. It just doesn't mean anything. And that moral reality is sinking into the public consciousness as people become more and more aware of the benign character of the gay community.

    It can't be eradicated, but can only be accomodated. To be gay is increasingly uncontroversial, and that's a product of a society that is animated more by compassion and understanding than by fear.

    Throughout history, it's always been the fear factor that led to the persecution of women, persons of different races (not that this applies to IHN) and different religions. Its what's motivating the taleban in Afghanistan right now, as they destroy buddha images in fear and ignorance.

    In fact, ignorance almost always leads to fear, and that fear to hatred. And if we think that racism and sexism sucks, then we must, by extension, also agree that homophobia sucks too. To claim otherwise is to either be guilty of hypocrisy or to be ignorant of the history of world history.

    Jesus, I could right a book on this, but I gotta go. I await your abuse.
  12. Skully

    Skully New Member

    That's right, "the history of world history". You can quote me on that!
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    the history of world history

    The First One's
    This story begins about 35 million years ago, when Earth did not have physical guardians but an advanced ethereal species who were in constant communication with her. Their function was to protect her. These ancient ones, known as The First, were so advanced on all levels of the evolutionary journey, including technology. They were the ones that built the firmament or pyramids that controlled the weather so the planet did not have any rain, cold temperatures, clouds, atmospheric depression of any sort, and the winds were only 5 to 15 miles per hour. The temperature all around the planet was about 80 degrees, a little bit above room temperature. There were no ice caps at all on both poles, what so ever, just a tropical climate all over the planet, all year round. Heaven on earth as it always was. They also created the planet's shielding, or layer of ice in the sky, to protect the inhaitants from cosmic radiation.
    The time lords and the spiritual hierarchy of your solar system decided to create and etheric life form to act as a guardian species for earth and the surrounding solar system. This angel-like life form was to act as an intermediary until the evolution of a more physically evolved sentient primate occurred that would be the land based guardians for planet earth. Indeed, over the next 8 million years, a primate based life form did develop on earth, which one day could replace the temporary etheric civilization created by the spiritual hierarchy.
    The original divine plan for physical life on your planet was conceived by the creator, and executed by the time lords as one of vast diversity. This diversity was instituted so that more than one land creature could eventually rise to high sentient levels and have an opportunity to become planetary guardians. Then about 26 million years ago, two non-human space civilizations approached this planet and established colonies upon it. These two planetary non-human civilizations were a reptilian or reptoid one (from the lesser known stars in the constellation Sagittarius), and a dinosaurian or dinoid society (from the bellatrix system in the constellation Orion).

    The Dark Forces Were Created
    Can all be perfect and still evolve according to the Divine Plan? Evidently not, since the Archangel Michael of Light created a twin of himself to play the dark one. Why would he do this? He needed to carry out the Divine Plan for evolving the soul in this universe. He needed to create an opposing force that creates the many levels and dimensions of 'experience'. Only when both of them merge, will everything be complete (when the two masters become one).
    The dark archangel Michael created his own benevolent species to raise havoc as they saw fit. These species are known as the reptoids and dinoids. He gave them the right to act as guardians of the universe through abuse, manipulation, termination, and suppression of any other species, in order to control and maintain power and guardianship. He left it all up to them, as well as taking any star system they wanted regardless of who or which species is there. They were told they were the first ones to come of age, so they are the big brother for every other one in the universe. Other species couldn't make it into guardianship without their approval or guidance. This was their mythos, so a version of the dark archangel Michael was replicated all over the galaxy and beyond to other galaxies as well.
    Thus begun the two opposing forces that were to set the stage for many battles to come here on earth. Please keep in mind that the Dark One was created long before The First ones inhabited the earth as an ethereal civilization. So yes, the reptoids and dinoids are more ancient than The First ones. Keep in mind that these two opposing dark species were light bodies also.
    Now meanwhile, on this side of the galaxy, Light Archangel Michael is forced to play his part by creating the humanoid family, the cat people, the cow, the snake shifter family, the monkey humanoid family, and so forth. To them he gave every species a chance to evolve into becoming guardianship of the universe. This is their mythos, and now the game was set forth into action.

    The First Three Civilizations to Establish Roots and Evolve
    One day a space bearing civilization sent a probe to this star system and found it habitable. Yes, you guessed it, the reptilians and dinoids species from the Draco star system. Then next came the colonies. But these two species wanted to fight each other for this planet, as they normally do for territory and possession. But the earth councils intervened and informed both species not to fight here, there was enough land and love for both of them to live here. Remember, they have light bodies also, and they are all highly intelligent, very smart (like Einstein's).
    The earth councils informed The First ones, the ethereal civilization that originally inhabited and protects the earth and its other inhabitants, not to launch a strike against them, but to sit back and watch.
    When the reptoid and dinoid species landed, they killed many types of earth species, and the dolphin humanoid species luckily had evolved enough to hide in caves, which today would be in the Tibetan nation. Then as time goes on, the dolphin people begin to emerge from their hiding places. Now they look like dolphin but have human bodies.
    It's been 2 million years now since their arrival to this star system. By this time, the reptoids and dinoids have become filled with compassionate feeling and allowed the dolphin humanoid species to coexist with them. They gave them technology to make food to give back to them, so a trade was created between the three civilizations.
    Since the reptoids and dinoids are far away from their star system for a long time, mother earth and her councils radiated love and compassionate energy, and in turn, transmuted the reptoid and dinoid species on earth to move cat like. Feelings of love and compassionate habits increased and developed in them. Both species made a merciful decision to let the dolphin species of earth continue to live and evolve into a guardian species.
    Life went very well for 5 million years. All three civilizations, the true earthling, the dinoids and reptoids, intermixed or married and produced mixed breeds of children. They made such great accomplishments on both science and artistic levels that their advancements were great. Even great heroes and legends arose from this time period through cooperation in common interests and desires. Remember, all three species still have light bodies (12 helix DNA strands). They are 12 to 16 feet tall.

    The Dinoid/Reptoid Invasion
    These two civilizations came into your solar system and claimed it as part of an overall mandate from their mutual creation myths that conceived of the entire galaxy as their property to do with as they saw fit. The ethereal life form now occupying earth and its angelic hosts decided to permit this colonizing to occur and to work towards eventually obtaining a change in the attitude of the two hostile civilizations. Over the next 8 millions years as the spiritual hierarchy sent more and more love energy to them, these two civilizations began to slowly allow mammalian creatures on your planet to evolve toward sentiency. The first such creature was a land pre-cetacean (ancestor of the present dolphins and whales). They developed a primitive agrarian society and a great ability to produce more than enough food staples to supply the other two more advanced civilizations. This pre-cetacean civilization was encouraged and given advanced technology to improve its food production capabilities. It easily provided for the food requirements of the dinoid and reptoid civilizations and had a successful yet passive relationship with both of them.
    Now these three civilizations coexisted for many years and were able to develop a large degree of cooperation on all levels. Trade flourished and the planet seemed to be on its way to achieving a notable variation in civilized life forms and planetary guardianship.
    Around 10 million years ago, these three civilizations were busy creating technologies based on advanced forms of space and inter dimensional time travel. At the same time, beings from different interstellar civilizations began to arrive in the solar system, willing to trade with these three civilizations existing on your planet. These interstellar beings passed on the word around to other star systems that an incredible diversity of life forms existed on earth and that the three uniquely different civilizations were cooperating with one another.
    Your solar system became notable because of its exquisite beauty, variety, and cooperation life forms and many legends and prophecies were shared throughout the galaxy because of what was happening. These tales led various groups of the dinoid/reptoid alliance on Orion to want to visit your solar system because they felt very deeply that Reptoid/dinoid civilizations should not be cooperating with others without their approval and because of certain reptoid/dinoid alliance agreements that they had already established among themselves.

    Battle for Earth-The Reptoid/Dinoid Invasion
    Stories of a great civilization on earth was carried back to many star systems, including the Draco star system, Orion and Bellatrix. Now by this time, the reptoid and dinoid species of earth are very different from the reptoid and dinoids of the Draco star system. When news got back to the home world of the reptoid and dinoid species that earth is cooperating with another species other than what the council of the Draco recommended, they were not pleased. So they dispatched a probe and scout to earth to check out the story. Lo and behold, they were in shock from disbelief. The reptoid and dinoid species on earth did everything opposite of what is according to their mythos, which was to use and abuse. Only the reptoid/dinoid council was to make the decision which species live and which will die. They believed that when life was being established in this galaxy, the lord of creation told all reptoid/dinoid civilizations that they had been created in his image and had been given the right to rule over, as they so pleased.
    So throughout the next 2 million years, the reptoids and dinoids of the Draco star system tried to influence the reptoid/dinoid earth counsels to destroy and eliminate the dolphin people. It took some time and they succeeded through their influence. Segregation was thus created among the three civilizations.
    All their scientists start designing mass producing weapons all of all sorts. Their weapons went from mind control to sabotage groups and artificial intelligence, as well as suicide clones. They created killing nanobots (cellular size robots), phase disrupters, as well as psychotronic weaponry. Darkness fell on all three civilizations.
    Furthermore, all reptoid/dinoid civilizations were told not to permit any other inferior life form to establish itself as a guardian of our galaxy's life forms. Using this edict of superiority, the reptoid/dinoid alliance had spread its violence and terror across the galaxy for over 16 million years. Yet, the earth's three civilizations not only existed, but they were also the equal of Orion's interstellar culture.
    The dolphin people (a land version of the modern pre-cetacean whales and dolphins) can no longer sit back, so they formed a defensive force. Their leadership realized, through the use of mass consciousness and high psychic abilities, that something dangerous was happening between the Reptoid/Dinoid's from Orion and the native group from earth. They feared that this was the beginning of a war that would lead to utter devastation of their civilizations. To be absolutely certain that this belief was true, they gathered together their great seers and confirmed that a violent plot was planned against them by the reptoids and dinoids.
    These meetings of their seers and clan organization counselors led to a number of possible solutions and that had to be discussed with the earth's spiritual hierarchy before they could be implemented. The discussion points were as follows: what were the intentions of the group from Bellatrix for this solar system; what were the implications for the planet's development if the other two civilizations decide to eliminate the pre-cetaceans; if the other civilizations were part of this conspiracy, how should the pre-cetacean react to this problem; would angelic (etheric civilizations) permission be given to the pre-cetaceans to conduct a major preemptive strike if the above were true. The pre-cetaceans were told by the spiritual hierarchy that all these points were true. Consequently, there was still enough time to prepare.
    After another 10,000 years of constant haranguing about the earth's reptoid/dinoid leadership's passive position, the dinoid group from Orion was finally able to convince the dinoid group assigned to earth to work out a way of destroying these pre-cetaceans. The dinoid group from Orion, mainly from Bellatrix and the stars that form Orion's belt, had discovered a strategy that would successfully end pre-cetacean civilizations.
    The reptoid and dinoid species want a total genocide of the dolphin species. The method decided upon was the use of an advanced form of psychological weaponry. This device would cause the immediate death of all the pre-cetacean in a relatively short period of time but leave their dwellings and other forms of civilizations relatively intact.
    A choice had to be made where all the species loved the earth and the environment, so nuclear or fusion bombing was not a good choice. That would be damaging to mother earth. Instead they suggested to use psychotronic weaponry that would kill only the dolphin species everywhere, simultaneously on earth.
    Now the reptoid and dinoid species do not act quickly because they always liked to take their time. Knowing this the dolphin species went to talk to the seer councils or oracle and ask permission to do a preempt strike on the reptoids and dinoids. Both species and their civilizations were living in the Africa, Russia, and China regions we know of today. The seers and oracle all agreed and said yes. This permission was important and needed because the dolphin's tactics and methods would cause widespread damage on a massive scale for earth.
    So the many fusion reactors of the dolphin species, that lie along what is known today as the Tibetan area, was to be detonated. This would destroy all life on the earth's surface.
    The next part of the dolphin's plan was to secretly begin to form two groups, A and B. Group A would go to space, to the Ceta star system and colonize there, to later return in the future. Group B would go into the ocean, because of their light bodies they could change shape and breathe underwater. They practiced the drill and carefully so as to not let the other two civilizations aware of their plan, or allow them to become even suspicious.
    Five years before the reptoids and dinoids deadline to attack, the dolphin species split into their two groups. Group A went into space as planned and Group B went to the ocean (back then the ocean was like a huge lake equivalent to 16 of our great lakes put together). Because there were mixed breeds from the dolphin species, they went underground and built themselves underground civilization networks as did Group B who went to the ocean built underwater networks. All these networks were constructed ahead of time.
    Only 3% of the reptoid and dinoid species survived where 97% vaporized on the spot. The mixed breeds went underground with the dolphin mixed breeds and some escaped through their star gates (remember they had hyper space technology and star gate networks as well). The 3% purebreds that survived went back to their planet, Muldulk, and colonized there for that time.

    Humankind's Genetic Ancestors
    After the reptoid and dinoid species were destroyed or forced from earth, the earth counsels and the dolphin or cetacean counsels (because they moved to the Ceta star system) were looking for a new caretaker (guardian species) for earth. They scanned the different star systems for a million years. Finally after countless scans they found themselves a sea lion species who evolved from the sea in the Vega star system. They seemed to hunt together well and very socially, they could stay in the water, had fur so they can crawl and swim as well as living on land.
    The mother earth, Ceta, cat, monkey, and snake shape shifter counsels begin to cooperate and asked the gia of the Vega star system permission if they can help genetically engineer and speed up the evolution of the sea lions of their planet. Then later bring them or invite them to earth after they have come of age in their evolution (human or humanoid form) into a guardian of the universe.
    The answer was yes of the counsel from the gia of the Vega star system so the genetic manipulation and evolutionary advancement was begun. It took all of the six counsels 4 million years to bring this sea lion to guardianship status, both in spiritual and in technological levels. Yes, they are human, your original ancestor that the human beings were born from. Shocked? Or disappointed it wasn't the ape?
    Well, in reality, your DNA is a combination of these six councils added to together in combination to create all of you. Without the help from the 6 counsels with their genetic assistance and evolutionary advancement, it would other take your ancestor 14 million years to come of age.
    So it was done. Now human beings came into play. Their technology was now equal to the reptoid and dinoid species as well as the dolphin species. Their body and spiritual development were equal in the evolutionary step.

    Hybornea Founded
    With the fleeing of the remnants of the reptoid/dinoid civilizations to Maldek, the earth's spiritual hierarchy left its physical guardianship to the one remaining sentient species the cetaceans. However, the cetaceans and their now space-bound brethren were determined, with the help of lady Gaia, to find a land replacement for the now vacant land guardianship role. This task to locate a land guardian became their great quest. The pre-cetaceans, with the aid of earth's spiritual hierarchy, began to search the immediate vicinity of the galaxy (an area extending about 80 light years from the sun) looking for a possible candidate that would be able to replace the cetaceans as earth's land guardians.
    After searching for two to three million years across the galaxy, they finally discovered an aquatic primate starting to emerge from the oceans on the fourth planet in the Vega system.
    These aquatic primates had the first rudiments of civilizations such as creation myths, a language, and a hunting and gathering culture. Having discovered this species, they then asked the spiritual hierarchy of the Vega star system if they would permit this group of aquatic primates to be vastly altered genetically so that their development as a sentient species could be accelerated. In this way, they could be prepared to become a galactic guardian species.
    This development was agreed upon and the genetic alterations were begun. The importance of this evolutionary jump from aquatic primates to the vegan humans was that it created a new galactic guardians groups, which allowed these new humans to develop their technology at a much more rapid level of evolutions then could have been otherwise permitted. This important set of events allowed humans to quickly spread out across this part of the galaxy. This is when humans began to encounter advance scouting forces of the dinoid/reptoid alliance about 4.5 million years ago.
    The humans were able to persevere because of the intervention of lady Gaia, the cetaceans, cat humanoids, cow humanoids, monkeys humanoids, and the shape shifter snake peoples. The humans were able to fight the dinoid/reptoid alliance successfully to a standstill while still continuing their outward migration in this sector of the Milky Way galaxy.
    This migration continued for a period of roughly 2.5 million years. By this time, humans had spread to the very edge of your solar system and had banded together in a human galactic federation guardian of councils which agreed to colonize your solar system. Lady Gaia approved this plan and the first earth colony called hybornea (also known as hyperborea) was begun.

    The Formation of the Galactic Federation Guardian of Council
    Remember the reptoid and dinoid species that survived the first holocaust from the dolphin species preempt strike, and escaped to the planet called Muldulk? Well, they have now increased in the billions (around 20 billion) and have help now from their home world in the Draco star system. The planet Muldulk, by the way, was the 5th planet in this solar system and used by the reptoid and dinoid species as a military base.
    It wasn't long before a dinoid scout and a human space scout run into each other during patrols. The next thing you know all hell breaks loose between this first contact of the two species. Mankind for the first time was at war, or should we say space war.
    By this time, the human kinds already colonized other planets and other star systems as well. So the human family banded together and formed the 'galactic federation guardian of councils'. This was about 4 million years ago. The first members are mostly human, along with cetaceans, dolphin humanoids, cat, monkey, and the shape shifter humanoids. As time went by other species from other star systems and galaxies joined their family of guardianship.
    With this organization, the human family along with the other alien species began to colonize Earth, Venus, Mars, etc., with the exception of Muldulk.
    For one million years the galactic federation came to a compromise with the reptoid and dinoid species. It was like a truth, but they knew it wouldn't last forever.

    Star War's and the Memorial Built on Mar's
    The Galactic Federation created a back up military plan. For 100,000 years a civilization of human beings called Noborin was created. It was a successful colony until the reptoid/dinoids did the worst and attacked Mar's, Earth, and Venus. They killed all human beings on these three planets and only 2% survived.
    The Galactic Federation was outraged and called an emergency meeting. They decided to destroy the entire planet of Muldulk immediately, without mercy. The councils voted to bring in the battle planet (a planet size ship). In a blink of an eye Muldulk was destroyed. All life was destroyed along with the military force and stronghold of the reptoid and dinoid species. They were down graded to 'zero'.
    As ordered by the Galactic Federation, the battle planet will be maintaining an orbital ellipsis on this star system to ensure no more potential murderer out there to get a chance at the human or any other guardian families of light.
    So the Galactic Federation built a memorial on Mar's. This is the five sided pyramid with the human face. That was the galactic human being's church, or place of worship that looked like a pyramid. That was built to ensure that no one on any other star system would forget what happened here when all those people died. It was a very heavy dark day for the Galactic Federation Guardians of Councils.

    Hybornea Destroyed
    Hybornea would last for roughly 1 million years and would be complete Lyran/Sirian types of civilizations. When the dinoid group returned to the solar system to assist their outnumbered brethren, about 1 million years ago, they saw that humans now controlled most of your solar system. All that was left of the reptoid and dinoid strength was a small colony on the planet Maldek as well as a small group of out post personnel scattered on the fringes of your solar system. Nonetheless, the dinoid/reptoid alliance decided it was time to establish their authority in this region of the galaxy once again with a broad-based series of attacks on neighboring star systems as well as your solar system. These attacks were aided and abetted by their forces left behind on Maldek, who were now able to systematically destroy the small human colonies created by the galactic-federation on Mars, Venus, and Earth.
    This destruction left Mars without most of its atmosphere and hydrosphere (oceans, rivers, and streams). Venus was left locked into a virtual greenhouse condition of intense planetary atmospheric heating maintained by an atmosphere that had been altered into a series of unlivable acrid gasses. Earth's hybornean colony was destroyed by a series of vicious and premeditated massive attacks that killed all humans and thoroughly obliterated all aspects of human civilizations. The outcome was that the dinoid/reptoids alliance again controlled your entire solar system.

    Lemuria Founded
    For a period of roughly 80,000 years, your solar system was held as an outpost for the dnoid/reptoid group. However, as they were pushed back by the galactic humans across a broad front that included many star systems near your sun, it finally became possible to create a plan for the return of humans into your solar system. To accomplish this feat, the galactic federation brought a large battle planet into this region. The purpose of this battle planet was to destroy the planet Maldek that was the chief administrative center of the dinoid/reptoid alliance in the solar system. After the loss of Maldek, it was felt that it would be relatively easy to conquer the reptoid/dinoid earth colony. This brief and brutal action was quickly accomplished and the earth was successfully returned to human control approximately 900,000 years ago.
    The earth humans now decided that their new colony would be centered on what was called the continent of Lemuria (Kosol: see the time line check). It was here that the first human colonists were able to establish a Lyran/Sirian civilization with democratic principles at all levels of life. Over the next 850,000 years, Lemurians spread across the surface of planet earth from a primary continental base in what is now the Pacific Ocean. They developed a series of what they called daughter empires. The most important of these daughter empires was Atlantis, a huge island located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Another significant colony was the Yu Empire, which comprised what is today called central china and Tibet.

    Earth is Colonized Again
    Earth was colonized again with the Lemurian and other civilizations. Now all of the human families were allowed to bring their cultures, beliefs, and habits to earth. Everyone found a place of liking on earth. Tree's, animals, and other life forms were massively transported by ship and hyper space star gate networks to this planet from other planets and star systems. Earth was under construction and remodeling.
    The Alpha Centaurians came along with the Serians, Pleiadians, Adromedans, other humanoid families, as well as the bird people, monkey people, etc. Now the earth is re-colonized and has mother colonies of Lemurian, Atlantean, Egyptian, Chinese peoples alliance, Pleiadian alliance, Serian alliance, the Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc. Yes, they all came.
    All have brought their own home world culture here. Each of the human light colonies had their own things to do and many other things in technology going on. They even had the Internet as well. Just to let every one of you know, it was more like interstellar communication networks.
    Many humans were cast from warrior to civilian coming to earth and claimed their part of her that most resembles their home world. They brought their animals, plants, and native life forms from their star system.
    A defense force for earth and network of the different human colonies was established. Since everyone now was well accustomed to their new home, the key issue was how to run and govern this planet and its new inhabitants on a galactic status. Everyone had a good idea how from their home worlds, but it was all different. As a result, fighting of ideas broke out among galactic human from different cultures.

    The Atlanteans
    As they began to develop their colony, the Atlanteans quickly acquired a feeling of uniqueness about their culture that eventually led to a feeling of separateness from the other daughter empires of Lemuria. The Atlanteans felt that they were, not only a daughter empire of Lemuria, but a daughter empire that could and should become the mother empire. The Atlanteans, therefore, began to have a strong desire to destroy the Lemurians and their more loyal daughter empires in order to gain full power.
    It is now necessary to look briefly at what was going on in Lemuria so that the reader will know what was truly happening on earth during this time…
    The Lemurians had developed a civilization similar in many ways to that on Sirius and many other Lyran stars, but they also developed some unique concepts. The most important of these beliefs was that they were the primary land human guardians on planet earth. This concept was ended roughly 50, 000 years ago, when the Lemurians decided that their daughter empires had developed sufficiently and should now play a part in the guardianship. This decision allowed the Atlanteans to finally seek allies for their great plot to destroy the Lemurians.
    The Atlanteans did find some allies in the various galactic human renegade defense commands that had originally been formed by the colonies in alpha centauri and the Pleiades.
    Over the next 25,000 years, in fact, the Atlanteans developed alliances with these defense commands and various outpost star systems. These alliances were mostly with galactic federation outpost colonies that shared a similar concept of the Atlantean hierarchical cultural tradition. These various groups then began to produce a plot that would lead to the destruction of Lemuria and the ascension of Atlantis to a primary position on planet earth. Therefore, the Alanteans waited patiently for the right opportunity to occur and approximately 25,000 year ago, they and various pleiadean and centaurian rebels, or what we shall call renegades, decided to destroy Lemuria. Their plan and its execution would be a technical success but would destroy one of planet earth's moons along with Lemuria.

    Destruction of Lemuria and the Rise of a New Atlantis
    There were only three colors of race during this time. The blue, white, and brown or yellow galactic human being. Each belonged to their own cast and unique culture. Where the Atlanteans were the military cast from the Alpha Centauri system, they wanted to run things the way they saw best. They wanted to form a new democratic system where all branches of government fell under one order, under one man or woman. So they called it.
    The only way for them to succeed was to destroy Lemuria then the other colonies would fall in line with total obedience. So they thought and set out to carry out their plan.
    The Atlanteans contacted their space defensive force on Alpha Centauri to plot a plan to destroy the Lemurian colony. A fleet of star ships was dispatched from their home world secretly. They used tractor beams and pushed one of the earth's moons (the Earth had two moons at one time), anchored it, then broke it up to drop onto the Lemurian civilization destroying them. Not a good day in human history where humans turned against other humans for the first time, approximately 25,000 years ago.
    After the destruction of Lemuria the Atlanteans did become the new mother colony. The Chinese alliance (now known as the Yu empire of Asia) wanted the Atlanteans to apologize to all the other sister colonies for what they had done. The Atlanteans told the Chinese alliance to back off on their demand but they didn't. So the Atlanteans along with their space buddies destroyed the Chinese alliance as well. Most of them went underground to stay with the underground civilization networks and they formed what is known as the Kingdom of Agartha or Shamballa. This action kept the Lemurian legacy intact until the time would come for the true Lyran/Sirian civilization to be brought forth again to the human family on Earth.
    The only other important empire besides the Atlanteans was the Libyan/Egyptian empire in North Africa. In order for them to keep their status and authority in their own land they had to reach an understanding with the Atlanteans and agree to the changes they wanted.
    Now the Atlanteans are in control and begin rebuilding again. They also had to restore one of the firmaments that was destroyed when the earth moon was plunged to earth destroying the Lemurians. That caused first levels of the firmament's ice layer to break off and fall. So they had to restore that back and fix the crystal temple that was damaged.
    All that needed to be done was completed and balance was restored. They also brought in a battle moon which is an artificial moon that houses star ships, spaceships, space colonies, weather controls, system network technology, and also regulates life or prana that comes from the sun redistributing it to earth. It is used to alter and to control the environment with built in photonic disrupter beam. This is the current moon that you see today. The Earth's two natural moons were now both destroyed (The reptoids/dinoids destroyed the first one).
    This battle moon gave the Atlanteans superior military force and the advantage. This kind of attitude didn't make the other human and humanoid colonies feel easy at all but they were still at war with the reptoid and dinoid species so it was an acceptable risk to a certain extent.
    Atlantis had developed allies in the galactic federation guardians of council that consisted of human galactic federation renegades and various outlaw command groups who also wished to implement a governing structure in line with the Atlanteans. Guess whose side they are on. The basis for their plan was in the importance that underlined the Galactic Federation's for this solar system. The status meant more and the renegades had a motive where they wanted their governing structure and interpretation of the laws to be seen as superior to the Galactic Federation Guardians of Councils version.

    The Destruction of Lemuria
    At that particular time, the earth had two moons, each one of which was roughly three-quarters the size of your present moon. What the renegades proposed to do was to move one of these two moons into a downward spiraling orbit using force fields. Before this moon reached a critical mass position (the lag range point) with the earth, it would be exploded so that it would fall down as an incredible shower of meteors upon the Lemurian continent.
    This event would cause gravitational and plate tectonic distress because of the size, downward path, and mass of the linear fragments. This development did, in fact, create a volcanic catastrophe that caused the great gas chambers underneath Lemuria to implode, sink the continent, and destroy Lemurian dominance.
    About 25,000 years ago, then, the Atlanteans and their renegade allies from other star systems destroyed the great Lemurian continent so completely that it disappeared into a mere legendary status. Only your oceanic soundings in the pacific area have recently chartered vast mountains and valley elevations and mapped some of Lemuria. Nothing prevented the rise and influence of power hungry Atlantis.

    The History of Atlantis
    After the destruction of Lemuria the Atlanteans wished to have a position of complete authority that also allowed other empires to coexist within their sovereignty of Atlantis. Their first attempt at setting a governing rule of an elite structure brought great difficulty. This was such a great change from the Lemurian's structure and many could not accept it. The immediate result was a series of small civil wars that began to break out across the planet.
    The Atlanteans attempted to use their artificial moon to obtain military superiority and end the civil wars and rebellions but these rebellions would continue over the next 10,000 years. This would cause much internal strife within the Atlantean elite.
    The sly renegades from the various outposts sent infiltraters to Earth to begin taking over the governing councils of the Atlantean's elite and their newly established clans. They would insist more and more that the Atlantean elite who opposed the anti-lemurian faction should be punished. This led to a period of terrorism, torture, and inquisitions that left the atlantean elite very upset and divided.
    One attempt at establishing a new form of government that brought the most success, was creating a belief in a god-force. A superior ruling class would be established and sustained by the pretense that they had been empowered by a god-force. This would contradict their previous balance of power when Atlantis had ten ruling districts each with its own king and these ten kings formed the governing council of Atlantis. Now the new concept was to select one of these ten kings as the supreme ruler. The other nine kings would act as a cabinet for the ruling king.
    By the end of the middle empire, this system of governing rule was in full control of Atlantis and enforced a period of peace and stability, but not without some resistance. A major situation was developing where many of the new generation that had been raised in the middle empire were wary of the ruling elite's thus creating a rebel movement. They began stating that Atlantis was a failure and demanding a return to the Lemurian system of government.
    Of course such desires and talk could not be allowed and they were exiled to a place the Atlanteans called Ionia or southern Europe. These exiled rebel leaders were sentenced to remain in Ionia until such time as they would recognize and submit to the superiority of the Atlanteans. It was hoped by these ruling Altantean elites that these measures would force the rebels to comply with their rules. But history would take a different direction.
    The rebel group consisted not only of members of the ruling elite, but also leading scientists and other administrators who had decided to create a government similar to that of the ancient Lemurian empire. The rebels therefore began to secretly to create again Lemurian government and create what was called the Osirius cult in honor of the original human group (the Sirians) that had been in charge of bringing human civilization to the Earth and the Lemurian continent.
    It would be 3,000 to 4,000 years into the new empire, however, before the Osirius movement would become important. Eventually, there came a time when the Atlanteans decided it was then necessary to destroy this cult by destroying the Ionians. The Atlantean ruling elite therefore decided to destroy Ionia using a modified version of the plan that they had employed to destroy Lemuria. Such a solution required that the Atlanteans get help from their Pleiadean, Centaurian, and other renegade allies.
    This took some time though and did not go unnoticed by the Ionians. The Ionians, because of their scientific knowledge, had developed an early warning system that permitted them to chart the movements of any moon that could be used to destroy them. The Ionians therefore were able to quickly counterattack. These Ionian capabilities would lead to the destruction of Atlantis.

    Leading up to the Destruction of Atlantis
    At the time of the destruction of Atlantis, the Atlantean king was Atlas. During this same time, the majority of the Atlantean ruling elite began to wonder how this exiled group in Ionia and its underground movement was going to react when Ionia was destroyed. These elites began to wonder if this attack would really end the threat posed by the underground movement. This possibility had also alarmed the Libyan/Egyptian empire and their ruling elites, who were beginning to worry about what was going to happen if Ionia was attacked
    King Atlas was secretly in favor of re-establishing the Lemurian form of civilization. Atlas had a son name Osiris, in honor of the underground movement that had been exiled to Ionia. Osiris has been in charge of many activities of his father's court. Just before the destruction, Atlas has sent his wife, Queen Mu and her brother, Prince Mayam, to Central America with most of the Atlantean army as a diversionary tactic, (this was approximately 9,500 bc). He sent his mated children, Osiris and Isis to reestablish the ancient Lemurian culture, and most of the priests and record keepers to the Libyan/Egyptian empire. Seth, son of King Atlas also, was not happy to surrender his empire to his brother Osiris.
    Atlas had hoped (after the destruction of Atlantis) to create areas that would act an empire and reestablish the Lemurian culture. Unfortunately, this hope was to be dashed by the action of Osiris' younger brother Seth. Seth had decided that as appointed ruler of the Lybian/Egyptian empire, he was the last remnant of the true Atlantean belief and his chief objective was to reestablish the Atlantean empire.
    These opposing beliefs led to a great conflict betweem Osiris and his brother Seth. At the head of Prince Osiris' armies was his chief general and eldest son, Horus. Horus was in line to become king of the Libyan/Egyptian empire following the death of his father. Somehow, Horus discovered that his uncle Seth was about to oppose his father's military and he warned his father about what was to happen.
    Osiris believed in the positive nature and loyalty of Seth to the dictates and words of their father Atlas and refused to believe his son's impending warning of an attack by Seth's armies. When Osiris landed in Egypt, Seth allowed him to become the new king of the Libyan/Egyptian empire. Osiris became king because the law required that the elder brother always ruled. However, Seth believed that the kingship of Osiris was destined to be only a temporary one. Eventually, when Seth was not allowed to establish his kingdom, he decided to attack Osiris. He moved his armed forces from the river Nile to what is known today as the Middle East (Sumeria). He began to plan for the destruction of Osiris through one great attack by his armies.
    Meanwhile, Horus moved his force into Sinai and there he made an amazing discovery that would alter the whole strategy of defeating Seth's forces. A new key and important player was added to the game. The Shamballa empire or Agartha empire (the former Yu daughter of the Lemurian empire) had decided to reinstae some of its authority by creating a surface empire in India under the rule of the son of the king of the Agatha empire. This prince of Agartha was named Rama and this empire has come down through the times till now with its name Rama.
    This Rama empire was intially situated in the Indus river valley of India. The Agarthans had decided that this new empire would be in the right position to help defeat Seth and his Sunerian armies that now were aided by the last remnants of the reneagade forces originally assigned to Atlantis. This new Agarthan civilization on the planet's surface aided Horus by protecting him with aerial and space forces. These forces allowed Horus to establish a temporary series of outposts in Sinai so he could attack the forces of Seth. Eventually, Horus successfully attacked and killed Seth in a mighty battle on the eastern end of the Sinai penninsula. Seth's son fled through the Holy Land into what is known today as the Middle East and began a civilization that would mark the ancient beginnings of Sumeria.
    Now the Sumerian's and the son of Seth were determined to restore their rule in Egypt. The Sumerians were committed to destroy once and for all any remnants that could possibly be left of Lemuria on the surface of the earth. They skillfully set out to develop a plan that would successfully attack Horus. This danger led Horus to make agreements with the Rama empire in India. A series of attacks by the son's of Seth on the Rama empire in India caused a series of counter attacks by Horus' Egyptian forces on the Sunerians. There series of events and vastly destructive wars seemed to be leading to the ruin of most of the civilized world of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

    The Fall of Atlantis and The Great Flood
    The elite of these warring empires decided to attack the crytal temples. These temples housed the network of crystals that kept the firmament in place above the surface of the earth. These incredible amounts of frozen crystalline water were seen as the last resort by the warring parties. Furthermore, the three warring empires believed that only enough water would fall to the earth to flood the enemy's territory and not affect themselves. Unfortunately, the attacks were made simultaneously on the crystal temples and a sufficient amount of the crystalline network was destroyed to disrupt the structure of the firmanent in the heavens. This development led to the end of the firmament and the falling of millions of gallons of water from the sky. Historically and biblically this is referred to as The Great Flood.
    The firmament was a huge crystalline shield of water situated at two positions. One roughly was situated 15,000 to 18,000 feet from the earth's surface and the second was situated in a higher level of from the earth's surface about 35,000 to 38,000 feet from the earth's surface. Both of these layers aided the planet by providing it with a very well constructed and life giving atmosphere.
    If the firmament were to fall, the atmosphere would open up. This situation would allow dangerous radiations to penetrate to the earth's surface and permit unstable air masses which is known today as 'weather', or a very diverse climate.
    Back in the time of the firmament, there was no rain, very little wind, and seasons did not exist. When the simultaneous attacks occurred on the crystal temples, too many of them were destroyed and this destruction opened up a huge hole in the firmament. This huge hole de-stabilized the entire firmament system. With its destruction came the great downpouring. In one quick strike, the Rama empire, the Egyptian and the Sumerian Empires were destroyed in a great cataclysmic flood.
    This flood spread world wide to encompass the Americas, other parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the ocean basins. What it left behind, not only a period of roughly 40 days of rain, but a new world. The old history of humanity had been virtually flooded away and all that remained was word of mouth, stories and legends.
    Earth human's should look at what these legends really mean. After the flood came the world that your ancestors had created and the world that you live in now. The peoples and rulers from this prior ancient time have become your gods and goddesses, and their age is your mythological Golden Age. What you need to do as a people is to understand the meaning of the history which has been described and how this history relates to what is now about to happen on your planet.
    The population of the planet was approximately 64 million people before the flood and afterwards it was down to less than 2 million. Now you see that the bible is wrong in saying that we came from the family of Noah and his ark. Since there were very few survivors out of the total population, and these remnants were widely scattered around the planet, they could not communicate with each other. So the result was the flood stories remained in the immediate areas where the survivors settled. Noah was from the ancient Egyptian/Libyan civilization so his story influenced the Middle East from which came the bibile story. The historical bible has been tampered with by darkforces of 2 helix mutants.
    The bible story of Noah is the most known because he attempted to recreate a Lemurian civilization. Regrettably, the surviviors around him didn't agree with his intention and the attempt failed. For the record, let it be known that Noah's ark was not made of wood, it was a metallic sphere. In other words similiar to the size of your aircraft carriers, but much larger and had artificial intelligence with computer controls, etc., it was basically a flying saucer.
    Although limited in number, enough humans were left so that with proper information and proper guidance a greater civilization could be built. We are not counting those Pleiadians and Centaurian renegades and others who had been the basic inderpining of Atlantis and who remained in crafts above the planet during the time of the destruction. They believed their job was to maintain the original hierarchy system and to take advantage of the mutant humans that existed on the surface of your planet.
    Although the spiritual hierarchy and Sirians attempted to alter the Pleiadian system, the system was etched in the human population's consciousness and they gradually developed an attitude of servitude. Since free will is one of the basic underpinings of spiritual evolution on earth, the spiritual hierarchy decided upon the spiritual evolutionary path and it has been earth's basic foundation since.

    Following The Great Flood
    The time following the fall of Atlantis and the great flood, saw the rise of the Libyan/Egyptian empire and the India based Rama empire. These two empires instigated, with the assistance of the Sumerian empire, a vast and unconciable conflict that resulted in the destruction of the firmament and caused the Great Flood that followed. The flood which occurred approximately 5,000 years ago was an event that changed the history of planet earth.
    After the flood the human population was reduced to very small numbers throughout the entire planet. As the waters slowly receded, the human's began to emerge from their places of refuge, wondering how they could restore human civilization
    The earth human guardian classes (the elite's from Atlantis, Egypt, India, America, Asia, and so forth) suddenly found themselves in an immensely challenging new role on how to successfully bring forth a renewal of human civilization after such horrific losses of life and property, especially with earth's vastly changed geographical regions. Perhaps if you pause to imagine the earth totally covered by water from unending deluge, you may sense the shock, depression, and hopelessness that they felt during and after this horrendous event.
    They asked the help of their extra terrestrial benefactors who now held influence over a devastated and ruined earth. The Pleiadeans and various other renegade groups were asked to assist in once again bringing human civilization back to earth. This request led to a massive intervention by the Pleiadian renegades and their allies who had been associated with Atlantis. For during the great flood, the Atlanteans and many of their asscoiates hed fled for their own safety to the star Hadar (also known as the Beta Centauria star in the constellation Centaurus). The former heartless earth leaders were not available for decision making in this crisis.
    The Pleiadian Star League, as part of its defense commands, developed what are called outpost commands or advanced patrols. You might call them frontiersmen because they were far away from home and pretty much on their own. These command personnel eventually developed in to the renegades because they were given complete authority over the star systems that they colonized. Because their purpose was to defend the entire Pleiadean star system from attack, they were able to develop their own culture without interference and with other outpost commands. They coordinated defense schemes that successfully prevented the various reptoid and dinoid groups from entering the Pleiadean systems and other related star systems in the constellation Taurus.
    It is also important to know that at the time of Atlantis the renegades were given the authority to also colonize what was the Atlantean colony on Earth. With this power, they were able to convince the Atlanteans to participate in these various genetic experiments during the last days of Atlantis. These genetic experiments led to the present mutant humans that now exist on Earth.
    The reason they were allowed to do this was that the Pleiadian system believes in what it calls a system of darfma or evolutionary stages of development. They believe that when a planet chooses a certain system of development, this system of development must be honored until such time as an alternative or another stage of development surfaces in that star system. Only if there is a series of events to cause a change in the karma, or reality of that system's evolution, do they change it. The Pleiadian leadership therefore allowed the renegades' ill-fated experiment to continue and did not directly intervene except in very, very minor ways.
    The people from Hadar looked upon this situation of the human on earth as a fitting and karmic destruction of a formerly glorious civilization. One that should be memorialized in the fashion as the former civilization on Mars and Venus. The governing council of the new Hadar 3 colony even asked the renegade Pleiadians not to interfere in earth's now destroyed civilization and leave it to its then present low level of culture and technology. (Note from Kosol: Well, that was them, but we Polgarian Federation allies have another plan for earth and that is to help them by having the joint mission from the good side of the family galactic federation. For we believe in helping others is to help ourselves.)
    The Hadar's felt this approach would pay proper homage to the destruction produced by the great flood. This strong request started an argument between the renegade Pleiadians, their allies, and the remnants of the Atlantean elite now residing on a planet in the Hadar star system.
    Note that all the people who escaped the flood to other star systems are still alive, young, and healty, from all parts of the world. Also the flood did not submerge all of the earth but for the most part it did and that was about 70%, so there were still many people alive.
    Well the renegades won the argument. For their purposes, the renegade Pleiadians wanted to encourage human civilization, but were not sure how they could accomplish this gigantic task. This was the Polgarian Federation allies chance to infiltrate their plan since they didn't know about them yet.
    Eventually these renegade Pleiadians formulated a plan to establish new colonies in just four earth years. The first of these areas was in the region of the Middle East and became the colony of Sumeria. The second of these areas was located in the central valley of Mexico and became the original meso-american civilization. The third of these areas was located in the former site of the Rama empire in the upper delta of the Indus river and in the north central region of China (near the modern city of Xian). The fourth area was in the Nile river basin and the chief site of the former Libyan/Egyptian empire.
    Having decided that these four areas would be the correct places to successfully restore human civilization on this planet, a decision remained to determine what type of civilization should be chosen.

    New Civilizations are Formed
    Imagine what kind of government you would establish if you could start a new human civilization. Although all four cultures would mirror the concepts held by the renegades for thier version of the basic underpinings of Pleiadian civilzation, there was an argument regarding which primary culture was the best. Well, that is what they thought until the weaponry system life forms from the Polgarian star system was created to to alter their plan and to uphold the Lemurian way of life. Multidimensional always out smart them.
    Each of the new earth colonies were different in some way. At the same time other human survivors of the flood were floundering about on earth attempting to recreate their own human civilizations. The group of renegades in charge of establishing the middle eastern civilization of Sumeria based on their government upon a hierarchical structure that would have the reneades acting as the overseer gods. These overseer gods represented earth's mutant human with a myth of creation signifying why the Pleiadian renegades should be held in awe and thus worshipped. This action led to the initial formation of the Sumerian civilization and also to the important worshippong of the Pleiadian renegades as their founders.
    Another group of renegades came from Egypt and began to establish a civilization about 100 years after the flood. This group of Pleiadian and Centaurian renegades were determined to find a way to obliterate the Lemurian legacy as symbolized by the great pyramid. Their concept was to use the process o a god-king figure to issue decrees and guard the old secrets of technology (flying saucers, star gates, time travel ships, etc.) and history from the survivors.
    At roughly the same time in Mexico, there existed various remnants of the pre-flood civilizations that now had been torn completely asunder. The inhabitants of the valley of Mexico attempted to re-create these civilizations that had been founded by Lemuria and later abetted by the arrival of Queem Mu and her brother, Prince Mayam. However, they lacked the technology to complete this task and needed the assistance of hteir extraterrestrial overseers for the proper technology and necessary concepts of government that would mirror the renegades hiereachical structure as well as their spiritual concepts and mythologies.
    A different group of renegades came to what is now known as the continent of Asia and simultaneously established colonies at former sites of the Rama empire (the upper delta of the Indus rever valley and near the city of Xian in north central China). This group of Pleiadian and Centaurian renegades had given themselves a unique task. They wished to alter the former location of their chief rival and yet they knew that the influence of the Rama empire was still strong in this region. The renegades also knew that many hidden records of the Rama empires as well as many temples and pyramids dedicated to Lemuria were still in use. Their intervention was based on the use of a skillfull distortion of innumerable temple records and of various pyramid rituals that would allow the gradual amalgamating of the cultural traditions of Lemuria, Rama, and the PleiadianCentaurian renegades.
    The earth human's civilization was restored by the outside intervention of the Pleiadean renegades and their allies who were responsible for the difficulties in Atlantis to begin with. To enforce their concept as a creator god, these renegade 'gods' first gave the earth human's the methods for building large permanent structures, such as stone buildings and monuments. Earth human's had forgotten, because of the disaster created by the great flood, how to build anything of true substance and therefore they had to be instructed how to do so.
    The renegades began teaching methods, using projects where various buildings and structures were actually built for the sole purpose of recreating different antediluvean (fossil) stone structures like Stonehenge. The purpose of these stone structures was to act as a place for the worshipping of the renegades who had now made themselves into gods desreving reverence and awe. No form of disobediance to these new gods was permitted. The whole concept of ruling by 'divine right' was incorporated in earth human by a renegade hierarchy which had been established by unsavory men and not the spiritual hierarchy.
    It was the Sirians on the other hand, cooperating with the Cetaceans and the spiritual hierarchy, the other aliens from other galaxies, the other human cocreators (the cat, snake, cow, monkey and cetacean or dolphin humanoids, who from time to time attempted to cause some kind of shift in human development towards the more fully conscious state. Their several experimentatons even bringing in the gold ray energy of Christ did not cause an immediate change in the evolution of your earth's civilization. However, these experiments planted the spiritual seeds the Sirians wanted so that the next phase of establishinga fully conscious civilization was ready to be carried out.
    There were various attempts, the last of which was the Hebrew peoples of the bible, after Exodus, to recreate Lemurian style society using the concept of the judges to bring the people into the idea of a society led by spiritual beings. It was hoped that when thy were in touch with the true GOD FORCE ENERGIES and spiritual hierarchy of earth, a new civilization could reestablish the original concepts, even in the very limited mutant energy forms of consciousness that they possessed. Nevertheless, because they still wanted to return to the former kingship and still wanted to return to the concepts of power and conquest in ways that were not meant to be, the experiment ended without success. This situation finally led to the introduction of the Christ energy pattern knowing that it would finally succeed because of the spiritual remnant that it left behind and because of the additional energy the spiritual hierarchy would make later on, as you are witnessing more and more today.
    The Sirians hoped that what they had set into motion could be used as the underpinings for reclaiming a fully conscious earth human as a planetary caretaker. That is why they continued to send prohets to various parts of the globe, from time to time, to begin enlightment training that would bring humans back to the brink of rediscovering their full consciousness and their spiritual orientation.
    These new concepts of love and wisdom brought to earth as epitomized by Buddha, Jesus, and others is an energy pattern now coming into fruitation (2001). This spiritual energy has created a web of high consciousness that serves as the underpining for the spiritual hierarchy to bring in a galactic human civilization on planet earth once again.
    In the case of Hinduism, it has remnants of the great histories of Atlantis and Lemuria as its core. Following the great flood, this was then transmuted into a multi-god and goddess system.
    Buddha was given to you through the Arcturians and he came to this region to bring a great transformation of love and light. For a time his experiemtn was successful. However, as later happened in Christianity, it was mutated into a formal concept of religion whereupon many of Buddha's original precepts were not followed.
    The process unfortunately occurred for Mohammed when he brought to Islam a great concept for change, transformation, and many aspects of love and light. When the concepts of these three just menetioned religious philosophies are blended with religion and prophecies of awakened indigenous peoples, they can serve as the underpining of the web of consciousness that is now forming around your planet.

    Mankind Looses Full Consciousness and Spirituality
    Remember now that the earth humans before the flood and during the time of Lemuria, Atlantis, Rama, and all the other advanced civilizations, all had light bodies and were very enlightened (as you will be again in 2012). All earth human's during that time had super power abilities likened to materializing objects at will by thought and to manefest many things they wanted to from the astral plane. There were no limits in their existence and they had the ability to use their brain functions 100% plus. They were all 12 to 15 feet tall and they all talked telepathically and had telekenisis also.Your ancestors are gods and so are you.
    Unfortunately, the human beings who survived the flood were largely the same ones that lacked full consciousness. The Pleiadian renegades and their allies realized this fact and understood that this group of humans, a partially concious mutant, were ones that could be mostly controlled and developed. This unfortunate deed was accomplished throughout the the long and sad history of non-spiritual religion upon this planet. Now you will know why the Weaponry System life forms were sent and why religion has to be destroyed at all cost. This is one reason why, today, so many light beings are being incarnated. Their mission here on this planet is to let people know the true history of themselves and help awaken them to a full consciousness and to their full potential, then
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <font size=14>HOWDIJALIKE THEM NOVELS THEN!!!</font>
  15. Skully

    Skully New Member

    Ummm....Could you write some more? You've only whetted my appetite!
  16. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I am going on the record as saying that I know why the media glorifies Isreal. For one, it is the Holy Land. For two, we send them 3 Billion dollars of our tax money each year. Why do you ask? Easy. So we will have an ally in the middle east. Other than Isreal, we really do not have a strong ally in the middle east. This would explain why Iraq was the good guy 25 years ago and Iran was the bad guy. Now the situations are reversed, but no one in America cares. Because we've got Isreal! And that's all we need. A bunch of money grubbing assholes who DO control alot of the media. And the media my friends, controls what America thinks. They are the most powerful force in the USA right now, but very few people see it. If they told you that China were our communist friends, all of the sudden we would be hunting down commies anymore. Joe McCarthy used this strategy in the 1950's to gain support and power. He really didn't care one way or another if he caught any communists at all. He was looked upon as a Patriot. Later on, the media turned on him and he became an asshole again. So remember kids, don't believe everything you hear, see or read. Chances are, you're being brainwashed.

    (Bet didn't know that ole cheesy was highly educated did ya?)
  17. kitana

    kitana New Member

    see, cheesedawg, there is a brain under all that (fill in the blank).
  18. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana:
    see, cheesedawg, there is a brain under all that *SMEGMA*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  19. kitana

    kitana New Member

    what is smegma?
  20. Skully

    Skully New Member

    The shite under a lad's foreskin after a week without washing. Bon Appetit!

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