My goddamn ankle.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by TheGrimJesus, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I knew a guy who had it in his early 30s or late 20s I'm not certian of his age.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Thanks Dude.

    Well Im 32, and that was about 18months ago. You can actually get the medicine, well a form of it, OTC at most pharmacies. I may be wrong, it starts with a P or something, but it is in like Mucinex or some other sinus deal.

    When they took my blood sample the doctor said my count was high, but not high enough (since it had been a few days I figured it had gone down) to be called gout, but he gave me the medicine and it went away. I havent had any issues since, but then again I dont drink nearly as much as I did, but I still get down with the brats(wurtst) and onions.

    Dan - what is the main 'ingredient' in adrupronil(something like that) the gout deal? I have seen that at Walgreens all by itself.
  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I saw you nut-nibblers on Texas Hold'Em yesterday but I wasn't sure how to get to your "table."

    Grim, do you have flat feet? My doc said that I have arthritis (his answer for everything) and recommended arch supports for a foot problem I was having. I have "clinical hypo-pronation of both feet." Gee, didn't keep me out of the military, though.

    My professional advice? Don't run, don't walk, sit on the couch. Have your wife bring you beers and swap out your X360 games as you desire. Get some Depends undergarments to minimize trips to the bathroom. A few days of that may help your ankle heal. Of course, you'll have to deal with the divorce then, but you'll be walking tall all the way to court.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I went in yesterday morning and asked for a gout test. He just called and said it was negative. So I think my next step is an Orthopedic Surgeon
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Just accept the invite I send,We ussually play tournaments, o when we all lose, i start a new one

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