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Medivet, if you arnt sucking my cock , nothing smart will ever come out of your ugly old fart lips, so shut them up or ill piss and/or shit in your mouth you rotten dirty haggard worthless waste of my piss and shit. May all your children be as disabled/deformed/devoid of any worthwhile qualitys as you and the rest of your cumburping fecalspewing retarded ilk are. And it would be my life long dream if you laughed this off or made it endearing towards you, you vile waste of a vagina. DIE ALREADY!! Love, Schmedly
It is after you've been tethered to a radiator in a dank cellar eating nothing but a bucket of fish heads for a month....
It was pitch black you fuck, and besides after a bit I figured out those were bookcovers ducttaped to bricks .