After four days of not posting and here it is! Were you gone on a Fugly- assualt workshop high up in the Andes somewhere? Your bitter roots are showing! I think you'd much rather benefit from group therapy sessions...perhaps it will teach you to "play nice" with the general populace. Just a suggestion. *smiley*
Yes! In the Andes, if you must know, nosey bitch! :x Do you really? I think i'd much rather just carry on as i am coming here for entertainment, even if at times that consists of little more than prodding dumb, domineering turds with a stick. But perhaps it's another of those revealing statements of yours and your crumbling ego, battered from having the spotlight shone on your ugly inner being might land you up in need of some loving group affirmations of your character and self-worth. :idea:
NOw don't get me wrtong , like i said have at it, but this thread was supposed to be about my cock damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then again, two girls fighting, in a thread about my cock..hmmm...CARRY ON!!!!!
You no longer control the thread. It has been hijacked by stilletto-wearing, lipsticked terrorists. AND WE'RE ALL ALONG FOR THE RIDE!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!
Oooo...I kind of like that: "Lipsticked Terrorists"... I've got a new site that needs a new name...mmm.
Well, when it isn't ignorant drivel like "cunt" and "Sham", then yes. Why? What would you expect if you at first treat someone without pre-conceived notions and half-baked assumptions and then try to be cordial? Try talking to me one on one: You just might find you...actually me! *gasp!*
I think the use of the word "cunt" has its place. It's not by definition alone ignorant drivel. And I think you meant "with", rather than "without" in your second paragraph. But hey, I get your drift. I just found a couple of your posts (to my mind) both wrong and annoying. After that, I suppose I got carried away. Happily though, isn't that what these forums are all about? Have a great weekend, everyone.
Let's also remember that this thread is really all about Schmedley's ... erm ... complaint. How's the yoga going, Schmed?