My bladder

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by BIGMAMA, May 17, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I guess I need to have it checked out. I am pissing myself all the time now. It has kinda been going for a long time, and is getting worse each month. It is like I have no warning... I go from feeling fine... to OMG I have to pee right now.

    Today while driving I got hit with a piss attack. It was pouring down rain BAD.. The baby is sleeping in the car. I was near the Arabs house- but with no key- he was not at home, so I pulled in there to pee. I pull up on the car port... and pissed next to my car.. ((I normally would have gone to back yard, or at least on the grass... but it was raining... the carport was wet away))

    Anyway - I dont have a problem with my poop system today, no quirts or anything. But as I was squatting ... I got some turtle head action... could not stop it, and laid a healthy turd on his carport as well. I wiped with baby wipes, threw them in the trash... but left the turd... I must say I did giggle as I was leaving. I thought about cleaning it up... but I had nothing to do so... I even used the last of the baby's wipes.

    Well anyway- I went back a few hours later and turns out he stepped in it... he was bitching up a storm (Wish I had my video camera in my hand)

    "some big ass fucking dog shit on my car parking thing.... my god why didnt it shit in the yard"
    ME - " Its raining... maybe it didnt want to get rained on while taking a dump"
    HIM - " it lookah like human shit - I bet that old lady next door did it... she has the same thing as your grandma " (Alzheimer's) "Im gonna go talk to them tomorrow."

    so yeah I know that is pretty sick.. but anyway... back to the bladder.
    I think maybe the nerves in it are dead... I never feel like - oh I need pee pretty soon... I dont feel it at all till it is full full and about to pop.... then I piss a gallon. Its not infection or anything... just a bum bladder.
    I see commercials all the time for "Incontinence" all kinds of prescription drugs... I just dont see how they would work. I have a feeling I will need surgery... before I am 35.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You are the best. Your life is too funny sometimes to be real.

    Why didn't you have your damn video camera? That would be been great to see. The turd, the arab all pissed off about the turd in his 'car parking thing'... damn.

    I would think you would be too young to have bladder issues, but who knows? I sometimes can't tell if I have to pee and I have to poke my bladder to see if it is full and then I have to sit on the toilet forever waiting to pee because it doesn't want to just come out. I may be forcing myself to pee because I don't want to keep it in my bladder for too long because I think I messed myself up holding it for so many years because I was too afraid to use a public bathroom.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I am about to go to over to his house again.... I will have my camera handy, I am sure he will still be bitching about it.

    He just called and is bitching how I went out partying all night... and I didnt... just look at my posts, I was home around 11pm. I went to my friends house for an hour and came home.. reminds me, you need sign up for youtube.. so I can invite you to see my private videos- that I am embarrassed to show whole world. Last night videoed my friend that for years (since Real World) has been mistaken as Erik Neiss - since you are an Erik fan, I want to know if you think he look likes him.
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Have you had children BIGMAMA? My mother had bladder problems most of her life after having kids. I guess I can look forward to something similar once I have kids, which is still about 14 years away I hope.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yeah 2, that I know of

    It has come to the point that if I have to work... I dont drink ANYTHING.

    I was talking to friend about it yesterday. She said ... remember when we were out a while back... (restaurant girls night...I had a few drinks) Dianne and I were planing a joke on you... and we needed you to go to the bathroom. We kept whispering back and fourth ... MY GOD RHONDA MUST HAVE A HUGE BLADDER,,, we were all drinking and constantly going to pee, but not you. By the time you did go pee... we forgot about the trick.

    then she would not tell me joke/trick they planned... That night I drank a sweet tea with my meal... then had 3 large margaritas.

    anyway so I guess I have a huge non sensitive bladder. When my back was out and I peeing in a big plastic QT cup... I would FILL the fucker up to the top. I need to measure it... see how many MLs my bladder holds . I have an appointment June for a full physical ... I want to go in with as much info as possible... this will be a not so fun project. Guess I will film it.
  6. Sexual Chocolate

    Sexual Chocolate New Member

    I holds 390 mL just in my plumbing.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Hey, whatever happened to your minority buddy 'Azun Nvazun' or however it was spelled?

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