My attempt at photography

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by Sallanches, Jun 2, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I have wondering jew around the electric box in the corner of my lot. I have a big pile of compost covering it now but if I rake out the compost the stuff will just sprout right back. Its tough but not pretty when mid summer dry spell comes. I had it as a hanging plant before it was great that way. A piece broke off and landed in a flower bed and off it took. A real tough plant.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Different kinds of that plant are popular here because they are well adapted to the environment. I had some type that was kind of like Aloe vera in the leaf but on stems and tiny with little yellow flowers. Growing in the bed beside my pool. It was so hardy it just was taking over so I pulled it all out. Filled two trash cans with the stuff. I liked it except it was starting to invade everything. After the flowers fell the pod left in its place would have hundreds of little black seeds really small like 1/10 of the size of a poppy seed. Little cone shaped seed pod.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Put it in a pot with sufficient drainage, some perlite to help, you don't ever want stagnant water to accumulate, but the succulent will benefit from more frequent waterings, provided the pot doesn't pool the water.

    That grafted cactus in the pot has to go. Granted, it needs more water than it's non-grafted counterpart, it's doomed to die from the moment it was grafted. Best to accommodate it in as comfortable a manner as possible while you watch it gradually wither away. If you can keep it alive for half a decade, you should probably earn some sort of collegiate degree in horticulture.
  5. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    here is that pic again i ran it through one of my work flow's,I think it came out really good the first time and so the corrections were easy,I think it would look good in a frame

  6. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    And here is a shot looking off my terrace from the back,this is early fall last year

  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That doesn't even look real.

    I think that about my backyard view sometimes. All of the trees and everything, it looks like a painting. Then I look over at my trashy neighbors house and am snapped back into reality.... or I look at the power lines.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'll post one of my older depressing b/w photos. It was taken with a Pentax film camera and scanned.

    Attached Files:

  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That does look good. Imgoing to have to start taking some with mine now. there are plenty of abandoned things around here that would make interesting photos, if I can just keep the crack heads out of the scene.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I had to photoshop the power lines out of the pic. Hope it wasn't obvious. :redface:

    Yeah, I used to go to some places alone. Stupid ass me, but I lucked out and never ran into anyone. One house I did see a bed someone had made and was using.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I think I would take more pics if I had photoshop... I need to get it. The only thing I have now on this computer is some crap that does .. red eye- crappy (gives people big fake blue eyes) and it lets you crop and change hues /brightness/contrast.

    I might go get me photoshop this weekend.. I wonder how much it is?
  12. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    Thats a good capture Nauseous
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Thank you. This was one of my faves.

    Bigmama... Get Gimp, It's just as good and it's free. I didn't even put photoshop on this computer because I like Gimp better.

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  14. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    There is lots of free photo software for sure,and alot of expensive crapware too,if youre gonna spend money on pics,put the money into a good camera first,and that does NOT necessarily mean an expensive camera either,maybe one day I might get good enough to get a film camera I prefer film to digital,alot of the work I do on images is restoring them repairing them or making them look like film,but for me photography is only a hobby,so I may never do the film thang.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    There is a certain charm about the old school way of doing things, but it is not convenient. I always thought of photography the opposite way. You don't need a good camera when you have a good editing software. I think Gimp is pretty good. I have used Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, but Gimp is nice and compact with a fair amount of features. I don't play around anymore with pictures.
  16. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    Nauseous have you seen my reply to your laptop problem in the Technology forum yet?
  17. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    You don't need a good camera when you have a good editing software.
    thats kinda like saying you dont need a good gun when you have a good gun smith,I guess it depends on what somebody calls a good camera,as far as a good gun smith,I charged 3500 dollars for my Govt models and only smithed 1 bad gun for someone I never did it again because all of my guns I worked on had to be combat reliable 100% for 100% of the time and you cant get that with a crappy weapon,sometimes you cant get that with a good one either,I guess what Im saying is,is if you have a good camera you dont need alot of editing software,I guess it also depends on what somebody calls a good picture too

    BIGMAMA New Member

    you know im tarded... can you give a link to a safe place to DL Gimp.... Im scared to DL anything unless someone gives a good link... I know I am stupid and will destroy my computer.

    as for talking about 'good' cameras... are yall talking about like professional cameras?

    I think mine would take good pics if I read the little book and know what settings to put it on.

    as it is - I hit the button.... if it looks bad, I hit the different buttons and take another. I dont have anything fancy just a Sony snap shot digital .
    I am amazed by it... I think back to the 1-10 camera I had as a kid... then the crappy 50$ 35 mm. .. Digital cameras amaze me. well all technology amazes me.
  19. Sallanches

    Sallanches New Member

    Im not necessarily talking about professional cameras no,Ive gotten very good images from cheap throw away cameras,I always hear others say the same,basically in the world of digital cameras you have 2 basic things to consider,both have to do with the image sensor,and they are 1 the ability to capture light and 2 the resolution,which equals pixels,the higher the resolution,more specifically the more pixels the larger the image can be,from there we get into things like glass,and the software inside the camera and things like that,also size is a factor,you are more likely to take a pic with your sony snap shot or what ever it is,than someone who only has a large heavy expensive Cannon,because the little sony,is..well...little and its easy to always have it with you,not so with something like say a Cannon D1,remember this first rule in photography..have a camera lol,when you see those larger nicer cameras those are for ppl who are on a mission to take photos,dont ever let anyone shit on your equipment,you bought what you wanted,end of story,if you want something else then get something else,but I always encourage ppl to enjoy there cameras,if you think a pic is good to capture,than it is,its as simple as that,if you want to be a pro youll have to get a better camera,if not dont sweat it and have fun,and I follow my own advice

    oh and heres the DL site for gimp
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  20. Cousin Geri

    Cousin Geri New Member

    I take pictures of my Beanie babies


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