Christ. This is just sad. Not that anyone died or anything, but the fact that the parents attempt to shift the focus from their obvious neglect when it came to raising this kid, and that he 'possibly' could have learned how to perform a fatality on their TV. Blame the parents, folks.
at least they got the fatality down pat. Oh and second thing, fix the /br> in your goddamned signature
If I make any changes to my sig it won't accept them, it will be either tell me that it's too long or too complicated for Jefe to host. I'm leaving it this way until he changes the signature stipulations. It's not like I'm leeching bandwidth from him, you'd think that this would be an easy fix...
paste the html I'll fix it, either way as long as you remove the < br > tag first, you can remove the < /br > tag, also if you want anything to move to the next line, you can use < p > junk < /p > ( spaces were put in the tags so they would show up, remove any spaces within < and > for desired effect)
You missed the point... Apparently he's got a set character limit on how long a signature can be. I know how to remove it, but when I do, it tells me that the signature is too long (apparently it wasn't too long before the change-over.) If I leave it like this, we get the <br> and all, but I'm able to link the same little pictures.