Re: FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK Please do, I'll watch Harlan and clean toilet's for free fopr the next year if ya do!!!
Re: FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK Oh Wise and Powerful One, The time has come to end the wrongs of the few for the good of the many. May your judgement be swift and merciless.
Ban you? Never. I was talking about JeskainCA. :lol: Don't worry. This train-wreck is way too entertaining. Please...continue where you left off. Forget I was even in here.
Time now is 10:53am GMT +10:00 and I still have a fuckin' headache. I don't know if you guys get anything like this over there, but we have this Christmas club where you pay so much per week and in November they deliever a shit load of booze to your doorstep. I got 4 litres (about 170 fl. oz.) of Scotch Whiskey, 80 x 375 ml (about 12 fl. oz.) bottles of beer (all sorts Heineken, Stellas, Corona, Crown Lager, James Boags, Cascade Premiun, Guinness, Beck's, Grolsch, Budweiser, Miller) and I think I polished off about a dozen beers and 600 ml (20 fl. oz.) of the scotch. No special occasion. Just never had that much alcohol at my disposal. But I am suffering today I tell you!
Re: FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK does it really matter though? they both look like flaming fags, who main occupation is playing games and looking at gay porn, creating multiple accounts/personalites while laughing buy himself at his evident "wit and hilarity". although if one had to be picked id have to one id pick the one with the bulletproof glass he calls glasses, cause then later i could use them to catch him on fire with safe efficient sun light.