your face looks sort of symetrical, like you have downs syndrome... Im not conviced.. we want vagina pics
Honey i would eat you for hours and hours and shouldnt have given the assholes something so sweet to jerk off too!!!!
aw, she really isnt that bad looking although she needs a cheeseburger and some tits. the chair with the chunk missing is very Don JOhnson-esque
You really should know your porn stars people! This JesicainCA is either a porn star, or a 45 year old truck driver from texas who sleeps with his brother.
OMG I can't believe it wasn't really her, I'm so retarded. What kind of sick place is this? Nothing seems real. It's like a nightmare. Someone slap me.
Going through forums to stir up shit by starting threads or replies that you KNOW will cause arguments.
By the way, not all of us here are fake. Unlimited, Barfy, Nursey etc. are all real. Not sure about Rat, though. I think that's half-half. Just unfortunate that you stumbled over a hairy gorilla and mistook it for an angel in this case. Want my advice? Treat us all as fake that way you don't get sucked in. It's just a forum. Most of the geris here know who's real and who's not. Geri(s): short for geriatric(s)
Take it asking you to proove it by posting/sending a pic of you naked with the words 'Eat me out SB' or 'Stick it up my ass and make it SB' isn't very likely?
That is quite possibly the single most intelligent thing I have ever read on the internet pertaining to the interent.