Reminds me of "trailer park wars" if you make something great, you are always going to have a fucking Leon whos going to take it
That's sad... makes me think of my hamster... she loves that fucking thing. She has a big huge kick-ass cage... it's a fish tank with an upper level kinda like a birdcage... she's got slides and a wheel and a two beds. She's the Paris Hilton of rodents... except she's cute.
I've never not been happy with the site and don't think your a pussy. The site seems to be good now. You're working on the interaction aspect on the main site. Just got to find that nitch. I mean you and Strangeland use to be the only game in town for finding the bizarre. You just went more main stream now.
How nice to see you still have your inflatable nazi Nursey doll, Fred. I hope it's bearing up to the ravages of time as well as the real mccoy, you rampant beast.