McCain or Obama

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by JEFE, Jul 25, 2008.


Who do you want to be the next President of the US?

  1. John McCain

    8 vote(s)
  2. Barack Obama

    5 vote(s)
  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the Maj makes a good point. With McCain you have an idea of what you're getting. With so many people 'supporting' Obama you dont know whose hand is up the puppets butt at any given time. We actually had some funny questions on our democratic primary ballots,

    'an estimated 12 billion dollars a month on the Iraq war do you think this money would be better spent on local schools, police, and firefighters?'

    'would you support a socialized healthcare plan that gave healthcare to all Georgia residents?'

    SAY WHAT???


    Im not really party A or party B, but there was someone running Dem that I just had to vote against... :)
  2. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    I'm going for barrack, apparently he's change we can believe in.
  3. tamara09

    tamara09 New Member

    If you say so

    first off obama will win this election! dont be lost about that and for those of you who said nadar i have one ? who is that? lol yea right and mccain would be a strong prez dont get me wrong but hes just another bush!!
    OBAMA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That's why I hate the fact that they are letting illegal aliens vote. They are fucking up the process.
  5. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    Yup, says so on the plane he flies in so it must be true.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    How the hell can you claim that a man whom wrote a book, "Unsafe at Any Speed" - an attack on a certain automobile from the 60's, claiming that an air-cooled, rear-engine sedan (or coupe,) that had such a remarkable design and control that it didn't even need power steering to perform next to it's cousins, could be anyhow credible - especially when you take into account that the bastard DOESN'T EVEN DRIVE and has NEVER EVEN HAD A DRIVER'S LICENSE?!?

    Granted, he may have had some foresight in his philosophy that the greatest threat to humankind was the invention of the internal combustion engine (long-term) - but you simply can't stand in the way of progress. If the engine got us to where we are today, despite the repercussions it has made on our global climate, we can't change, nor criticize the developers of said technology, based on recent findings - they didn't know. I applaud him in his endeavors to correct certain environmental issues, but honestly - the solutions that are *already available* and not studied/funded enough would not have been discovered if it hadn't been for the need to replace current technology.

    What it's going to take to, for all I'm concerned, save the entire human race, is a global awareness, and acceptance, that we need to convert what we've based our societies' economical platforms (again, fossil fuel usage,) to a process like the one in the following video:

    This is the future... Mark my words, or call me a liar. If I feel that any candidate expresses a genuine interest in this new technology, I'll vote for them. This shit needs to be funded and implemented ASAP, as far as I'm concerned.

    I'll tell you this much, though - If I were the man that patented this, I'd spend my days in an iron bunker, and never see the light of day. Do not underestimate the influence of 'Big Oil.'
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Here's another clip of someone modifying the concept to run on a 5.0L Ford V-8...

    If you thought the VHS vs. BETA battle was ended from all the porn ending up on VHS, just wait to see how bloody this new war will be... :biggrin:
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Sorry the man wanted seatbelts and other safety features added to vehicles and felt the need to call out the car manufacturers for not wanting to shell out the cash to do it.

    Only one of the book's eight chapters covers the Corvair, spazoid.

    Each of the book's chapters covered a different aspect of automotive safety:
    • Chapter 1: The sporty Corvair
    • Chapter 2: Disaster deferred
    • Chapter 3: The second collision
    • Chapter 4: The power to pollute
    • Chapter 5: The engineers
    • Chapter 6: The stylists
    • Chapter 7: The traffic safety establishment
    • Chapter 8: The coming struggle for safety
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It was a direct attack on a car that he had never been behind the wheel of.

    Or any other.

    What other evidence do you need? :rolleyes:
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    That's the equivalent of a vegetarian writing a book entitled: "Unsafe at any consumption" - where they attack the consumption of Bison and say that it affects any red meat...
  11. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    We shouldn't look at Obama, but his vice prez, some racist fucks out there want his head on a pike.

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