Marines involved in the Haditha incident are innocent

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 31, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The Habra commitee page?
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I'll have to check those out. Are the PDF's properly formated for punctuation and everything?
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    :?: a pdf really is just an image of a document like a scan for instance. However it enables you to search and that sort of stuff.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    :?: a pdf really is just an image of a document like a scan for instance. However it enables you to search and that sort of thing.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yeah, but I've seen PDF's come out with no punctuation and with errors. I'll check it out.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    2 days later...

    It's down to you, Dio.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Phatboy is allso of into loonyland. Just read his last comments:

    Wrong: All of government and generals stayed.

  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont think its a liberal conspiracy, I think the media is controlled by liberals, to an extent. Of course an hour show on soldiers rebuilding schools or army doctors visiting villages treating syphillis doesnt sell commercial time. It would be nice if they would take 10 minutes an hour to show the good stuff going on and not just the bad.

    Unfortunately a lot of the American public, believe a lot of what they see on tv without question, or they believe their favorite talk radio host. They dont actually try and see if there are other points of view or not.

    I do agree with joe about the media, and its commentators, blasting the marines from the get go with no evidence. In a rush to get the story out first they just assumed guilt to malice murder. Not a road side bomb, followed by small arms fire and the marines returned fire in the direction it was coming from.

    When my brother got back, he said these chicken shit assholes would fire at you from door ways, then when you charged the house there would be a kid in the house holding an AK pissing his pants. Because the jack ass that fired at you ran out the back and left this kid to get shot, because you thought it was him firing at you, or they would push the kid out the door with the gun. They take kids with them. Then they shoot at you in the street and run off with a kid draped over their back. What US soldier is going to shoot at that????

    What happens to the GI at that shoots the kid that stumbles out the door holding an AK that is way too big for him to shoot? The mental trauma is terrible.

    Of course you wont see anything about that on CNN or FOX.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    What the fuck is this? Could you please put this in some logical order?

  11. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    After the first quote, the quotes and comments got mixed!

    additionally I said ( About the USpress ).
    Ofcourse I mean that a nations press should support its own in a crisis.
    ( Not the opposite ).

    Joes posting of Elliot Cohen is good. You need many more troops in Iraq.
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont think we need more troops in Iraq, I think we need to use the troops we have there more effectively and quit handcuffing them as the popularity contest rages on.

    The media should back its government, unfortunately that doesnt happen here.

    I dont understand how the 'insurgency' a.k.a. 'Rebel Faction' can have any support in Iraq, when Iraqis are getting killed much more regularly than any opposing forces troops. You would think they would get tired of having their own killed and turn in the idiots doing the bombings. However since they are all from Syria the iraqis are scared shitless. Everyone knows how nutty those syrians are.....
  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Nah! You do need more troops. They are only handcuffed as to what methods, and as you fight for democracy and freedom etc.........there is a limit as to what methods are in use.

    Your media backs you. Ever seen Fox ?

    The reason they have support is that the story of jewish world controll is quite popular. It was their "dolchenstoss" to explain how the compined might of Islam could be defeated by a tiny nation without natural borders.

    USA ( Or the jewish world government ) allso got Saddam into power.

    In addition many believe that USA is behind a lot of the terror. They are not scared shitless. People just dont seem to turn in their rebels, when foreign troops are involved.

    These are some of the reasons. ( Jewish world conspiracy, pride etc).
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yes, it is now clear. The jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and now they are after the rest of us.
  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Muslems believe in Jesus , but they don`t need him to disike jews. Muhammed killed 700 of them for disrespecting his interpretations of jewish and christian cripture.

    Maybe you are thinking about the christians ?
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I was refrencing this line...

    I think Muslims in general are not that bad. I dont think they are more prone to violence than any other religon, probably less than most. The fact that a lot of the terrorist, probably all - but that would be stereotyping, are muslims give the rest of the muslims a bad name.

    Im sure it was similar to the image the crusades gave many christians.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No they did not.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The insurgents and the Palestinians are both emboldened by the press and the use of it as a weapon. For example look at the Palestinian recent issue with the family being blown up on the beach. They blamed the Israelis and it made front page news. An irresponsible war atrocity something to make Israel unpopular. They never mention that the Palestinians have launched close to a thousand missiles into Israel over the past month. They also did not mention that if the explosion was due to an Israeli missile it would be because the Palestinians were setting up their missile launch right next to the beach it occurred on. They also did not mention that the bombsight looked more like that of a landmine than that of a missile due to the very vague creator. Then further more they forgot to mention the fact that the shrapnel recovered from the bodies did not have the indications that it was from Israeli ordinance.
  19. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes they did Joe !
    Both the quite existing marican foreign services, and ,
    ( if you ask the average politically aware muslem ), the more surreal Z.O.G. ( Wich contolls everything bad , and all the money ).

    No they dont Joe !
    They have their own media, and don`t give a fuck about USmedia.

    Thats just it, isn`t it :cry: They set it up and their people die, wich fuels their cause.
    Those rockets werent really up to israeli standard, but sometimes they hit something. Its probably more for showing their own that they have things as rockets. Then when israeli media states how many died they can just say that they are lying, and that the rockets probably had a REAL impact. Why else would Hizbollah have a reason to fire them ?!? And the rocket-personell can do it all in rage , and most can believe it is an act of war-violence, while it is an act of propaganda-warfare against own people, to enrage and committ !

    Anyways ! As for invading and mingeling all over. "They" increase their numbers each year. "We" decrease. The muslim fundamentalist strategy department knows this, and they are playing to win.

    #¤%&!! Capitalism. ( With its lugage of humanitarian torture ) Keeping corrupt "friends" in power and refusing the poor nations to develope themselves. China did not grow on aid !
    ( Of course China has the same problem as any other industrialized nation. Population decrease ).

    Please see the need for a social structure that takes care of children, and makes children lucrative !

    You suggested another approach. That women should stay home. In your country they probably have to for many years unless obcenely wealthy. That`s just like Islam , or oldfashioned christianity. I don`t think its good enough.
    In addition! I dont like the way society seems to evolve when you have a constant stream of immigrants, slowly taking over. The degradation of the indigenous , as well as newcomer, and the violence in transition.

    The price of eternal economical growth is tribal death :evil:
    ( The recent addition of environmental collapse, multispecies genocide, makes it all the more "interresting" ) !
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    True the Hezbollah uses propaganda to its advantage I said as much. Also true America has lost its family value system and having children is not as important as it was and more importantly once the child is had they give it into the system to be raised and taught its moral system of beliefs hence the current brainwashed younger generation we have now. Younger meaning 15 to 25 those guys are way out there.

    While it’s true we do not have enough babies, those fuckers are pumping out babies like as if we threw fertilizer on them. It works to their advantage large families that they cannot support, US gives them food and aid. (Yes America give more food and aid than any other country in the world possibly that the rest of the world combined) that’s the proverbial fertilizer. They do not appreciate it they do not give a shit they brainwash their children to hate and spit on the hand that feeds them. They eventually will win giving the way things are going and I'm not talking about the current conflict either. I'm talking about the big picture.

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