Marines involved in the Haditha incident are innocent

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 31, 2006.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You know, I have just read this entire thread. I too was kind of suprised when I heard of Marines mowing down innocents after their hummer was detonated. I for one say fuck em. Even if they knew, and didnt warn the Americans, how smart is it to sit there and watch, and then cheer afterwards? Thats just cleaning out the gene pool.

    Had I been on the Hummer with the .50 cal, I would have been shooting through them freakin adobe huts.

    You want compassion, you want sympathy? How about trying to help the ones that are trying to help you?

    Of course I would have nuked the whole area a long time ago.

    Maybe a small one in Iran and we could say it was a nuclear accident at one of their virgin plants...........
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sympathy can be found in Websters tell the little fuckers to look between shit and syphilis.
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member

    remmember your words joe when someone you;re close to is looking for some compassion...... i want you to bunthese words into your mind if, god forbid, you're ever in mortal peril
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dude do you who thinks terrorist beheadings are a good thing really think you can get to me?
  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    dude if you can show me where i said that terrorist beheadings are a good thing i will donate a dollar for every american soldier killed in Iraq to the war effort
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    If things were only so simple as the facts. But they aren't.
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You are right dio, its all a political game being played by a bunch of idiots while a bunch of 'somewhat' innocent people on both sides are getting killed. I only say 'somewhat' innocent, because no one is truly innocent.

    We should have pulled out a long time ago, let Iraq go into civil war and let it be. Then of course they would still hate us because apparently no one in Iraq has a backbone. They let a minority rule the country because they are too chicken shit to stand up for themselves. At least the Kurds fight back.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The troops are doing one hell of a job out there. We are making huge gains it is a bit of a puzzle no one asked to be in the situation but pulling out would have handed the country it wealth and power to Alqaeda. Of course there are persons in our country that would just squirm with pleasure at that idea and the mountains of "its George Bush's Fault" propaganda that would ensue. Same as if we pulled out now. Think is the Iraqi military is beginning to get its legs back. We tool out the Terrorists command and control as well as their logistics. It’s not long till the job is complete and we can pull out having succeeded to crippling the insurgency. This so called new leader was supposed to put on a big show of retaliation. Look how pathetic all they could muster was kidnapping a few GI's and then what nothing new. Their hurting really bad.
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That remains to be seen Joe. And remember, most of the insurgency movement in Iraq isn't tied to Al Quaida. Most of the insurgency is composed of former Baathists.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think a lot of the insurgents cross over from Syria and other 'anti-cracker america haters'. They may say they are baathist or whatever, but you cant honestly say that some of them are just terrorists looking to kill outside forces.

    It makes terrorism easier for them, now the americans are in their backyard. They dont have to sneak around to world to kill us anymore.
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    It's not the insurgents who are saying that most of the insurgents are former Baathist's, it's the U.S. Military that's saying that. I don't know that you'll ever eliminate the insurgent movement. Hell, there are still anti-government enclaves in the United States. You will always have dissidents, who are willing to use force to achieve their objectives.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think at the height of it all the bulk of the insurgency maybe even as much as say 75 percent were from outside Iraqi boarders. There was much evidence to indicate this that fact was fairly suppressed by the media eager to assist the insurgency on the political front by making it appear that Iraqi's were against the war to take out Saddam's regime. Now yes the Bathesists are still a minority with a lot to loose with the majority of public sentiment against them. They also have millions of dollars that were funneled off to them when Saddam was still on the run and loyalists were still trying to protect Saddam.

    It will be interesting now that the death penalty has been proposed how it will be enacted and what the reaction of the Bathists will be. I suspect a guarded reaction as they don't want to look conspicuous. The ones that are already numbered they may be screaming in the streets.
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Really now Joe. Most of the military press reports said otherwise. The majority of the insurgency is composed of Iraqi dissidents. Even General Kasey has come out and said that. I don't know where you're getting your information, but you should really check your sources from time to time. None of those were suppressed by the media, so exactly what the fuck are you talking about?
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Fuck Dio over the past few years different tthings have been said because guess what different things have been the case. Your off your fucking rocker. Read my statement again.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    By Eliot A. Cohen

    IHC Abstract
    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi richly deserved death and his demise is an occasion for pride in the prowess of American forces and a real blow to al Qaida in Iraq because of the accompanying exploitation of captured documents, but it will not make a strategic difference in the war against terrorism and the Iraqi insurgency. This insurgency began with the anger of a displaced Sunni elite of the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein and against foreign forces in the country, fostering environment of chaos of liberation and failure of the occupying power to deliver improvements in basic security and the fundamentals of a livable existence, including basic amenities and electrical power. Zarqawi and allied Sunni fundamentalists used the opportunity to create broader conflict and change the complexion of the conflict by stimulating sectarian hatred and targeting the Shite community and populations of different confessions, by developing sectarian militias. The insurgency has thus become multiple insurgencies attracting foreign militants and terrorists to their ranks. Success in Iraq will therefore require action on many fronts and to the first newly constituted regular post-Saddam Iraqi government Zarquawi’s death constitutes good, but not transformative news.

    Progress in Iraq will depend on many factors: coherent government with honest institutions of governance; provision of employment, securing of electrical power and clean water, disciplined application of force by military and police forces and the purging of militias. Until this is accomplished and Iraqi forces can manage the multiple threats, the US will have to keep large forces in Iraq or admit failure of its mission and disengage altogether

    The insurgencies are mutating and will continue to attract outsiders like Zarqawi who will serve the interests of neighbors such as Turkey, Iran Syria and Saudi Arabia who have no desire to see a unified and successful democratic Iraq. Defeating these movements will take many years and involve work, non-military in nature, that will create organizations and institutions to change stubborn cultures of rule and power. The killing of Zarqawi delivered justice and a limited but real progress in that direction.

    The IHC recommends that you read this article in full.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That piece in no way supported your statement that the majority of insurgent activity in Iraq was foreign fighters.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think it is intuitively obvious that when the US threatened invasion, and the Iraqi people had months to plan, they shit heals of society hightailed it out of Iraq. they remembered what happened during desert storm and new that saddam wouldnt be in power long.

    So they decide to get fuck out of town. Then once the US is occupying the country, trying to rebuild the shit hole that it is, they attack like cowards with road side bombs and other booby traps. Making them far more effective than had they stood their ground and fought toe to toe with US troops.

    Quite savvy, unfotunately we are fighting a war, not only against the iraqis but also against the us media. It has become a war of popularity. It is not a very popular war so our media takes all of the negative publicity and sensationalizes it. Then the good they dont even mention. Like how many new schools have been built, how the electricity is being restored. They skip over that, if they even mention it.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Whew! Damn I'm glad that its not only me that sees it.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I see it as well, but the reason why is where we disagree. You think it's a liberal conspiracy. I think it's sensationalism and the 4th estate doing it's job, which is to criticize and critique government policy.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And I would like to agree your right but cannot convince myself. You should check out that sight I linked earlier. It has the whole Dumbing Down book in pdf all 736 pages. But also it has lots of other stuff such as the Cox report for example. It brings up derogatory information from both sides of the isle by the way. And you can hardly call it conspiratorial. It is simple original documents in .pdf format that’s all.

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