Mandatory Temporary sterilization of teenagers & Welfare mothers.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Just reading the first few bits of this thread is setting me up for a mammoth fucking rant session that I currently have not the time to complete. I plan on getting back to this thread, but not now... This is just a subject that pisses me off so much that I actually have to make an appointment with it again just to address it properly.
  2. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I had a great idea the other day that went something like this: Legalize drugs. Then give out FREE drugs and alcohol to people who don't want to/can't pay for them. The caveat; the drugs are also a form of birth control. Everyone who wants free drugs has to sign a contract first, acknowledging that the free drugs will also prevent pregnancy. Everybody wins. Especially the poor little babies who don't get born to druggies and alcoholics.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You know what upsets me your sig.... I alway got to scroll when you post
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's just like Sam Kinison said...

    "I want you to do me a favor. I want you to stop sending money to world hunger organizations. Well, I don’t want to seem cruel, you know, but I’m an American, you know? I think we’ve done a lot. I think we pretty much fucking give out. You know, we give, we give, we give…

    And they fuckin’ make these commercials to fuck with your head. You’re sittin’ at home, you’re having a wonderful time, enjoying what the fuck you put together from scratch, on your own, in your own life. You turn on the television, and they got this fuckin’ two-year-old, three-inch-waisted kids going [squeaky-sounding child whimpering]. And the voice-over is like, “Won’t you please help? What kind of sick, fuckin’ bastard are you? How can you sit there in that air-conditioned, fully heated home with an ice box and a cupboard full of food, in a country where you can eat twenty-four hours a day – while little Hadji…[squeaky-sounding child whimpering] …Pick up the fucking phone! Won’t you please help, huh? What kind of sick fuck are you?” They really try to guilt-trip the shit out of you.

    It’s like, “Hey, why don’t YOU feed him? You’re only five feet away! Why don’t you give him one the sandwiches you packed for the day, huh, Bob?” Fuckin’ commercials, man.

    You know the guy’s right off camera with a Baby Ruth, going, “They can’t see me, can they? Come here…”

    [squeaky-sounding child, crying] “If I could only walk…”

    “C’mon it’s right there. Reach for it.”

    C’mon, they gear these fuckin’ things up to fuck with your head, man. They know what they’re doing. You got a director there going, “C’mon. Don’t feed him yet. Don’t feed him yet! The light was bad on that last one. Let’s give him one more take. C’mon, Hadji, get back in the middle. C’mon let’s get out of here. These fucking mosquitoes. Jesus.” You don’t need that shit.

    You want to help them? You really want to help these people? Stop sending them food. Don't send these people another bite. You want to help them? Send them U-Hauls. Send them luggage. folks. Send them somebody like me, I'll walk out there. Send a guy there who goes, “Hey, we just drove 700 miles with your food and it occurred to us that there wouldn't be world hunger, if you people would live where THE FOOD IS! YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT! You understand that? YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!”

    [African-sounding language]

    “YES. YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT! NOTHING GROWS HERE! NOTHING'S GONNA GROW HERE! C’mere, c’mere. Son of a bitch. You see this, huh? You see this? Huh? This is sand. Yeah. Did you know nothing can grow in this shit? Did you know that, huh? Here. Eat some of it. Taste it, motherfucker. It’s SAND. You know what it’s gonna be a hundred years from now? IT'S GONNA BE SAND! YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT! GET YOUR KIDS, GET YOUR SHIT, WE'LL MAKE ONE TRIP, WE'LL TAKE YOU TO WHERE THE FOOD IS! WE HAVE DESERTS IN AMERICA -- WE JUST DON'T LIVE IN THEM, ASSHOLE!"
  5. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Thats pretty fucking funny and true, its akin to keeping hamster in a cage and feeding it through the bars as opposed to letting it roam free.

    Though you'll find it isn't because of the people, I'm sure they wanted to industrialise and start producing food many decades ago, but haven't been allowed. It seems that the same bullshit global warming theories,that we've had to endure, have been pushed onto them too and they are restricted from building infrastructure and trading properly.

    Its a shame that this is the fault of the worlds powers (yes, them again, they really are cunts) but then they go and make us pay for it.

  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Rhodesia was a thriving metropolis there in the inner part of Africa people were fat and happy and had all the modern conveniences. Problem was it was an English colony of people that built it. And there was massive wealth there. The People were happy so the communist went in and stirred shit up dissent amongst the people and played class warfare. It worked very effectively. The government was over thrown. Now the boarders and countries have been re-drawn. Today the country of Rhodesia no longer exists. The history books are being modified and re-written. Nothing there now but disease, famine, and war now.

    The modern Rhodesia of the new millennia is South Africa where the same is taking place. The tool of chaos being used apartheid.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Published in a high school news paper before the faculty knew about it then the staff ran around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get the papers back.

  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Apparently the author is a skinny geek....

    I thouroughly enjoyed school, including football and basketball, as well as hanging out with my geek friends. Of course this kid may be in one of those schools that have the uber class systems that are pretty f'ing ridiculous.

    This part is bullshit too. Ive watched individuals whose lowest test score in school was a 98, and they got pissed about that, fail the driving portion of the license test 3 times. Standardized tests are a major problem with schools in the US today. Who decides whats standard?

    This kid probably got his ass kicked by all the other students in his school for being an ass.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yep I agree with you on all points especially the standardized test part.

    This part was pretty good though. Anf the fact that it got printed and distributed to the rest of the school was pretty good also.

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