Looks like the Chickens have come home to roost in France

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    SEE A.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes, very good. But the problem is, you still go ahead and do it. :?
  3. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Why don't you both shut up? Failing that, go quietly fuck somewhere.
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I can see I am going to get flamed for that post from both of you. But really girls, try getting back on track of the topic at hand.

    If you two can't play nice, then I suggest one kill the other and give us some peace.

    This slagging match has gone of through all forums and countless topics within forums.

    Can't you teo be 'cold sober' for once? Hmmmm?

    You are both to blame.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ughh....no actually.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...let's move on now, shall we?
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    rakes up the piles of fur...

    What was the topic again?

  9. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    That's it, you two fight to the death. The winner recieves cookies.
  10. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    I want a rim job, at the very least. And shut the fuck up Reiz.
  11. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    How very mature of you, Samantha.
  12. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Face facts, Barry. You're just not "good enough" to kiss Nursey's ass! There is only one opinion here, ... hers.
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Darling, it's like this:

    You know I love you, right? Right.

    If you don't like what you see/read, it's like the telly...leave it alone.

    Simple is, as simple does. Now stop trying to be the fucking Mod and get back to what you do best...*

    *you know.
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I just wish one of you would kill the other or something.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah, she 'loves' you alright. Just don't get too much of a spine there, though Reiz! :)
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Gangs attack buses ahead of Paris riots anniversary
    By John Lichfield in Paris
    Published: 27 October 2006
    Three buses have been attacked and burnt by gangs of youths on the outskirts of Paris as tensions deepen before the anniversary today of the outbreak of three weeks of violent riots in poor French suburbs.

    In one incident, a driver and his passengers were forced to leave a bus at gunpoint in Bagnolet, just east of Paris, early yesterday. The bus was then driven through a barrier into a housing estate and burnt.

    In other attacks, west and south of Paris, on Wednesday night passengers scrambled off buses after they were set alight with inflammable liquid or molotov cocktails. A fourth bus, or coach, was burnt while empty and parked.

    The attacks, and another incident in which youths stoned cars on a busy dual carriageway south of Paris, suggest youth gangs in some suburbs are making a deliberate attempt to provoke new clashes with police.

    This hardly comes as a surprise. One of the French internal security services, the Rénsignements Generaux, warned this week that "most of the conditions" which produced "collective violence" in poor, multi-racial suburbs across France last year remained unchanged.

    But local mayors and youth workers are hopeful there will be no more than a few scattered outbreaks of "anniversary" violence. Outside the Paris area, there has been little trouble. Most of the deprived housing estates around the capital - including those in and near Clichy-sous-Bois where last year's disturbances began - have been relatively calm.

    The Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, has given instructions that police should avoid entering the "territory" of youth gangs in the days approaching the anniversary. He has also criticised a series of "12 months on" articles and programmes in the French media as an invitation to resume rioting.

    All the same, a heavy-handed police raid with racial overtones, in Evry, south of Paris, appears to have been at least partially responsible for the outbreak of bus burnings. Police entered a café on Monday and demanded to see the papers of the middle-aged customers of African and north African descent. Argument broke out and police used tear gas and made several arrests. A bus was burnt by youths in the nearby estate that night in retaliation for what they called an "attack on our fathers". The more recent bus attacks seem to have been more planned, "copy-cat" incidents.

    Last year's riots started after two youths, aged 17 and 15, were electrocuted in a power sub-station at Clichy-sous-Bois, north-east of Paris, while fleeing police. Over the next three weeks, the car-burning and attacks on public buildings - by brown, black and white youths - spread to the suburbs of almost every large town or city in France.

    The government has since promised hundreds of millions of euros investment in deprived estates and new measures to prevent job discrimination against people of Arab or black origin. Activists and social workers claim little has been done to reign in the casual racism of many of the police deployed in the banlieues, or suburbs.

    There are also signs of divisions in the government on how to treat the anniversary. M. Sarkozy believes it should be ignored. He is reported to have criticised bland, anniversary comments by the Equality Minister, Azous Begag, inviting his colleague to "learn to shut his mouth".

    The Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, also chose to defy the Sarkozy doctrine of silence yesterday and held his monthly press conference in the heart of the outer Paris banlieues, in Cergy-Pontoise. He promised "immediate and exemplary" punishment of the youths involved in the bus attacks.

    Three buses have been attacked and burnt by gangs of youths on the outskirts of Paris as tensions deepen before the anniversary today of the outbreak of three weeks of violent riots in poor French suburbs.

    In one incident, a driver and his passengers were forced to leave a bus at gunpoint in Bagnolet, just east of Paris, early yesterday. The bus was then driven through a barrier into a housing estate and burnt.

    In other attacks, west and south of Paris, on Wednesday night passengers scrambled off buses after they were set alight with inflammable liquid or molotov cocktails. A fourth bus, or coach, was burnt while empty and parked.

    The attacks, and another incident in which youths stoned cars on a busy dual carriageway south of Paris, suggest youth gangs in some suburbs are making a deliberate attempt to provoke new clashes with police.

    This hardly comes as a surprise. One of the French internal security services, the Rénsignements Generaux, warned this week that "most of the conditions" which produced "collective violence" in poor, multi-racial suburbs across France last year remained unchanged.

    But local mayors and youth workers are hopeful there will be no more than a few scattered outbreaks of "anniversary" violence. Outside the Paris area, there has been little trouble. Most of the deprived housing estates around the capital - including those in and near Clichy-sous-Bois where last year's disturbances began - have been relatively calm.

    The Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, has given instructions that police should avoid entering the "territory" of youth gangs in the days approaching the anniversary. He has also criticised a series of "12 months on" articles and programmes in the French media as an invitation to resume rioting.
    All the same, a heavy-handed police raid with racial overtones, in Evry, south of Paris, appears to have been at least partially responsible for the outbreak of bus burnings. Police entered a café on Monday and demanded to see the papers of the middle-aged customers of African and north African descent. Argument broke out and police used tear gas and made several arrests. A bus was burnt by youths in the nearby estate that night in retaliation for what they called an "attack on our fathers". The more recent bus attacks seem to have been more planned, "copy-cat" incidents.

    Last year's riots started after two youths, aged 17 and 15, were electrocuted in a power sub-station at Clichy-sous-Bois, north-east of Paris, while fleeing police. Over the next three weeks, the car-burning and attacks on public buildings - by brown, black and white youths - spread to the suburbs of almost every large town or city in France.

    The government has since promised hundreds of millions of euros investment in deprived estates and new measures to prevent job discrimination against people of Arab or black origin. Activists and social workers claim little has been done to reign in the casual racism of many of the police deployed in the banlieues, or suburbs.

    There are also signs of divisions in the government on how to treat the anniversary. M. Sarkozy believes it should be ignored. He is reported to have criticised bland, anniversary comments by the Equality Minister, Azous Begag, inviting his colleague to "learn to shut his mouth".

    The Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, also chose to defy the Sarkozy doctrine of silence yesterday and held his monthly press conference in the heart of the outer Paris banlieues, in Cergy-Pontoise. He promised "immediate and exemplary" punishment of the youths involved in the bus attacks.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That’s right there it is folks the result of appeasement. If France were smart they would cleanse themselves of the inferior ethnic group causing their problems.

    That’s right "Ethnic Cleansing" as nasty word isn't it. While you’re working overtime at perfecting your "I'm offended!" expression ever thought to consider that France has already been ethnically cleansed? France is no longer French. Why the hell didn't the U.S. just left them be taken over by Germany? I mean hell they would not be French but at least they would defend themselves.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Think about it Nursey There are Americans with both technology and funds. Why not fight Terrorism with like terrorism. Some of the biggest places to terrorize for instance being countries that have lost their nerve if they think they are afraid of the Muslims in their country they have not seen anything yet. :eek:

    Cannot get mad at America if 10 times more Spaniards die in much worse train bombings. If it was an independent group. Who takes the Muslim captives and wraps them tightly in raw uncured pig hides soaked and stretched in brine. Then laid out in the desert with nothing but their heads uncovered. Give them the choice of having their guts mashed out their mouths as the skins shrink. Or let them tell us what t they know and hope we find it useful so we do not do it anyways. I have already said the shit bag Muslims are not covered under Geneva Convention rules. If the government will not do what they should then we could fight them at their game. You would admire that wouldn't you?
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Enjoying yourself there, Joe? I bet all that adrenaline is getting the blood(lust) fully pumping to all your angry, insignificant little places.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah well they have not really pissed us off enough yet. We are not like France yet. Some one needs to start a movement here.

    Hell Russia, Iran, PLO, Syria all these orginizations use terrorist proxies to accomplish the means to their end. Our government is to nice to play fair. Fair being to fight fire with fire. Time to bring in the militia.

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