Looks like the Chickens have come home to roost in France

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    :lol: ROTFL :lol:

    Well now I feel silly but somehow relieved. Thanks Barry for enlightening me. Its like going down to my old job working on the nutty floor at the jail and arguing with one of the inmates that refused his lithium or Thorazine for going on three days. It could be slightly amusing for a short while, but they always had way more time on there hands than I did and more importantly. What is the use really?

    Come to think of it now I feel guilty for laughing at someone that bad off. I’m still relieved though. ;-)

    Smurf, was that guy with the Solar Flare theory physicist A. Kilcik?
  2. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Precisely why I just post randomly in this forum: what's the point of trying to have an intelligent, philosophical and or political discussion when you're dealing with kooks? That being said, I agree it's a bit mean-spirited for me to tease the mentally ill, but damnit. It's fun! It's Free! It's Fugly!
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member


    yeah sounds like a real psycho.. barry people here may not agree with your religious beliefs and your interpretation of current events as signs of the apocalypse but you dont see any of them dragging your "trips down fantasy lane" in a mean spirited fashion to sidetrack what could essentially turn out to be valid points just as worthy of discussion on fugly as any celebrity shaped fecal matter

    i personally believe that the government can't control the weather... but then again to me that notion is just as preposterous as lucy saying regular soldiers are incapable of torture or that america doesn't have an ulterior agenda behind the invasion of Iraq or that the US should be allowed to torture suspected terrorists.... wouldnt you agree that some of the latter notions would make a person much more ignorant and deluded than someone that's merely entertaining the notion, no matter how briefly, that the government has HAARP technology?
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So they put panties on the moron’s heads the media screams "Torture!" we say ok then if that is the definition of torture then ok. So the morons the are in bed with the other morons and sympathetic to there cause go around screaming I cannot believe that they want to pound bamboo shoots under there fingernails, and drill into there bones, burn them with acid! It’s so inhumane!

    I am going to lay this out for you and try to make it simple.

    The goal is to win a war. There went these "Dr. Evil" types sitting around bored thinking "Hmmm how can we start some conflict so that we can order our minions to go out and torture people. Yeah well have then video tape it so that we can watch in the safe comfortable environment of our O so elegant house here in the District."

    The Intel we get has to be of good quality. You simply do not get that kind of Intel by using real torture. Sure sleep deprivation making people tired wearing down there defense. Then people open up but under extreme duress they just say something to get you off of them.

    We are not going out to try to bring world opinion against us. And let me ask you something. Why are you not appalled by the true torture that has defiantly been used by the Insurgent groups? There is no denying this has occurred. The terrorist technique is to make sure it is well known among the Iraqi population that if someone is suspected of stepping forward and giving information to the Americans they will be dealt with extreme prejudice not only them but there family also. These are true hero’s the brave Iraqi citizens that step forward to help free there country from the grip of insurgents from Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan as well as others only to be made a public example of by being tortured and killed.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And thanks Samantha; I don't know why I do it either. But reading your post is makes me feel better. Your very articulate I like the way you think.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just for the record Smiles, the junk I post about "signs of the Apocolypse" is about 90% trash talk. I am usually making fun of something when I post it.

    I do not think the end is near. I am a Christian, and I do believe that certain Biblical things will come to pass, but I AM NOT waving a "the end is near" banner at the peace rallies.

    BTW - I actually like Nursey. I just think that she can be ridiculus on occasion.

  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    and i can;t see nursey as a gun collecting, bunker building, tin foil-hat wearing psycho but when you take something a person says at face value you have to assume others will do the same with your statements
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Do I sense a defensive tone of someone offended?

    Barry I guess you are supposed to adhere to a standard above the ones who oppose your view. But then I guess a person who supports terrorist would not have the same standard as us... maybe its true we should adhere to a higher standard of conversational ethic. A well made and obviously valid point is made and in an effort to invalidate that point. The "I'm offended" technique is one that is often used coupled with a healthy dose of preaching about misinterpreting someone’s character.
    It’s like a kleptomaniac in a room with a bunch of people misplaces some personal item will automatically assume someone in the room stole it. Why because that’s how they think so why wouldn't someone else.
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe you sure as hell do read a lot of nonsense into posts... keep the psychoanalysis to your self because you've missed the mark every single time
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Hmmm...now what's all the excitement about in here!? The last i seem to remember was posting an article for discussion outlining an alternative version of current events for those who don't have an automatic knee-jerk reaction to viewpoints which contradict the 'default' (ones we are spoonfed), last time i was here? And i return to find a bunch of ignorant rednecks, whose limitive cognitive powers leave them so threatened by what is drastically different to themselves, banding together and seizing what they deem is a valid excuse to string me up and lynch me to a chorus of demented jeers!

    Let's take a closer look, shall we?

    Lucy Harper, who posts:

    ...and who accuses those opposed to the war in Iraq as being 'anti-muslim' to Joeslogic, 'her' ally in this...the bigot who comes out with such eloquent terms as 'filthy muslim beggars'....

    Joe, who get's all suspicious over a website called 'common dreams' because it sounds a bit like 'communism'. And who will swear black is white by concocting a story filled with hateful, racist propaganda to explain a situation, even in the face of stark, undisputed facts which are even admitted by...erm... the side he is trying to defend....

    Barry, who can't seem to stop flipping from one extreme to the other:

    Samantha - who doesn't even count seeing as she isn't even interested in the topic as far as i can tell, her prime motivation in participating in this thread at all, it would seem, is just to continue her obsessive personal vendetta against Pimp and me....

    ...and i'm ridiculous/unhinged? Yeah, whatever you bunch of gibbering, whacked out freaks. ;) :arrow:
  11. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    What? :cry:
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Dearest Nursey,

    Hitler was smarter than me too. Being smart doesn't automatically make you right.


  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    But having (or even just open-mindedly entertaining) a different view to yours/Joe's/CNN's automatically makes me insane? Hitler would be proud of you, Barry! And anyway, i do believe the point i made was in reference to your lack of integrity and self-contradictory statements. On the one hand, you say i'm more intelligent than you, then on the other that i'm not intelligent at all! So what does that make you? A twitching blob of 'pork fat' animated by sporadic electrical currents? You might have a point there, actually...
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I don't think I have ever said you"weren't intelligent at all."

    I believe that I would have chosen the words "paranoid delusional " instead.

    But that is what makes you cool, so carry on.

  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, it certainly appears to be what you are implying here:

    But of course, we should bear in mind that you are prone to saying stuff which even you don't believe in order to 'win' your case.

    Oh? And what words would you chose to describe:

    ...and for that matter:

    Nevermind. I don't need to hear. I think i've seen enough of your ironic nonsense and lack of integrity for one day. Just be sure to keep taking those 'meds'.
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member



    Never mind.

  17. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    Now THAT'S the pot calling the kettle black.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think you'll find that all my beliefs tally with great consistency. But it's not as if that'll make any difference, seeing as...

  19. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    I read it the first time, you silly bitch and find that expending any viable energy responding is...



    C.) SEE A.

    Nonetheless, let's take a short trip down Reality Road, shall we? You are approximately 3,000 geographical miles from where my lovely buttocks are now sitting: I neither have an 'obsessional' anything regarding you or that puppeteered cable controlled alien she-male you call your, erm, 'boy'-friend, or your mania-induced drama riots rolling around the forums... if I did, I'd have shown up on your doorstep months ago, with an Uzi. No, you're just a petty, often cruel, vile and selfish woman. I can't help it if I'd like to kick your ass. Period.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Blah blah blah, just more evidence to confirm that...

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