Looks like the Chickens have come home to roost in France

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    hey im not a freak
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    yeah you;re right... not like we were under sanctions or anything :roll:

    and sam i doubt that anyone here actually believes they can change someone’s mind about... anything. especially via internet.... that being said i see nothign wrong in challenging notions i find misinformed
  3. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    Were they under sanctions to run out of gas? I dont get it, they were stupid is there only excuse for following the enemy far enough away from base to run out of gas and not be covered. Quite tactical if you ask me, thanks for the tanks dumbass's. Oh yeah and who provided your asses with the fuel to run those tanks, the Croatian government, so we knew how much fuel you had. Shame you couldnt realy get it from anyone else.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    ahhh i get it now.... yes "crow" it all fits now.... homeboy why do u think we had to go to the croatian government for fuel? economic sanctions, couldn't get it anywhere else...... my grandfather on my mothers side is croatian, he was a domobran and we went to jail for it after WW2, my moms first cousin was in a special unit in the croatian army... he let me shoot his 9 mm CZ this summer, he got it off some guy that was trading fuel with the serbs, the gun was supposed to have belong to radovan karadzic. but ah yes.... my point...... none of the sides had the manpower to take over the country without comitting genocide... and since Serbs weren't allowed to use our airplanes (how do you DISALLOW a country to use airplanes in war? thanx UN) there as very little that could be done.... my cousin spent the entire war on grbavica in sarajevo.... u know how many guys they had defending grbavica? anywhere between 100 and 250 and they still held it throughout the whole war
  5. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    Yeah thats good they never took it i guess.
  6. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    O wait did they at the end, yeah but the city was demolished.
  7. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    and sam i doubt that anyone here actually believes they can change someone’s mind about... anything. especially via internet.... that being said i see nothign wrong in challenging notions i find misinformed[/quote]

    Onwards, then.

  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So, that means this forum won't be cluttered with the lofty sounding packaging that contains nothing but the grunts of some pushy, uninformed clod. What a loss.
  9. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Such as yourself?
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Dear LAWD; don't be so utterly and completely RIDICULOUS "Samantha"...i'm nothing even REMOTELY like you!*

    * Apart from in this post.
  11. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Well Good! It's settled, then! You'll continue to bore and over-generalize, over-dramatize and weird everyone out, and I'll continue to pontificate.

    It's positively dreamy, wouldn't you say? Nevermind. No need to answer that. I don't think anyone here is in the mood for a 500 page dissertation from you. Again. *

    *With the exception of a small minority here who :roll: actually think what you say has relevance. Hurts, doesn't it?
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, for you maybe, considering it's all in your head. But if anything, you have the monopoly on 'boring, over-generalising, *oVER*-DRAMAtisiNG, weirding everyone out' (*ahem* Wizard of Oz!?) and 'pontificating'.

    Well, no. But maybe that's because there is too much evidence of the complete opposite in existence for me to even entertain your view as reflective of the truth. If you don't mind me saying, however, you seem to be exhibiting a certain degree of angst at your inability to hold much sway amidst this milieu, angst which is only painfully accentuated, no doubt, by the level of appreciation you see me enjoying as i sleekly shimmy my way through. :|
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Oh. Dear. I do believe what we are experiencing here is another of your delusional moments de Grandeur. You see, while you " sleekly shimmer", everyone else is finding it a bit more difficult to cut through your haze. For Example:

    I certainly don't find the similarities/reference to The Wicked Witch and her Monkeys to you such a stretch....why it's as plain as the wart on your nose to me.

  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Reply to that pitiful bullshit can be viewed here.
  15. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    No...I like it right here!

    "shimmer/shimmy" WHATEVER. I've gone from "Jewish Mother type" to a "neanderthal" ... quite a streeeetch, even for you.

    *yawns, meows, and stretches glistening claws by the fireside*
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It doesn't show much respect for those who are discussing matters of significance, to just move in and take over a whole 'cold sober' topic for this crap. When it became clearly apparent that this was escalating into another full blown slanging match, i drew the line, not for my benefit but for everyone else's, thinking you'd be considerate and mature enough to follow suit. I suppose that was too much to expect from such a petty, self-absorbed dolt.
    But now that i've fully explained the situation, i have no further comment to make here unless it's to address the thread topic, so you can either continue this somewhere appropriate, or you can self-importantly assume that everyone else is as impressed by your..."purrrrrrrfectly" laughable high-school dramatics as you obviously are, while you continue to stink up the thread with 'cat' shit, you sad twat.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And in an attempt to steer the thread back on topic, here is an interesting take on current events (this is only for those who are capable of entertaining the complex 'can of worms' nature of world events as opposed to the simplistic 'Hollywood' version that is fed to the stampeding herds).

    TBR news: “Preliminary Report on Muslim Riots in France”

    “At the suggestion of the American Vice President, Cheney, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, with the technical assistance of both the Israeli MOSSAD and AMAN, have fomented domestic civil strife inside the French Republic.”

    “MOSSAD penetration of dissident Muslim groups in France, permitted the technical coordination…of the attacks in: Paris, Rouen, Lille, Nice, Dijon, Strasbourg, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Rennes, Pau, Orleans, and Toulouse. Later, the closely coordinated rioting spread further to Lyon, Roubaix, Avignon, Saint-Dizier, Drancy, Evreux, Nantes, Dunkirk, Montpellier, Valenciennes, Cannes, and Tourcoing.”

    “Funds for this were supplied entirely by the CIA and technical assistance by the MOSSAD was further enhanced by the use of a cell-phone system believed to be secure from French interdiction….”

    “The Israeli official attitude towards France is coloured by the perception of barely-disguised anti-Semitism on the part of French officialdom as manifested by” specific incidents listed.

    Thusly, the hostility of the French population against resident Arabs is guaranteed,”… “to permit military action in the former French colony of Syria, without let or hindrance….”


    The Turkish port of Ceyhan is on the Mediterranean Sea north of the Syrian border.

    Since the Turkish Parliament refused US invasion troops overland access to Iraq via Turkey at the last minute in February 2003, Turkey has been re-evaluated by Washington as an unreliable ally.

    Now that Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, bordering on Turkey, and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan across the Caspian Sea, are no longer part of the Soviet Union, Turkey is less strategically important anyway, as a US ally.

    The pipelines from Central Asia to the Black Sea are strategically vulnerable to Russia blockading the Bosphorus.

    When Syria and Iran are either destabilized or invaded and come under US domination, Kurdish Northern Iran and Kurdish Syria could join with Kurdish Iraq in a Greater Kurdistan. This may (or has?) been held out to the Kurds as a carrot to encourage their buy-in to the larger plan.

    This larger plan would be: To build a new, or refursibh an existing, oil and probably also a gas pipeline from the Kurdish Northern Iranian shores of the Caspian Sea, through Kurdish Iran, into Kurdish Iraq, to link up with the Mosul-Haifa pipeline through Kurdish Syria into Northern Israel. A pipeline running via Syria that has not been used in some three decades.

    Via these mega-pipelines, all the oil and gas of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Greater Kurdistan (Northern Iran and Northern Iraq) could flow, safely guarded by the Kurds, from Central Asia into Israel and the Mediterranean.

    To open a secure line of communication and supply for U.S. mideasst forces now in Iraq from the secure Mediterranean area, avoiding the dangers of sending military vessels into the Persian Gulf where they could be vulnerable to rocket attacks from Iran.

    When (not if) Turkey throws the US out of its airbase at Incirlik, the US could relocate to a new base in former Northern Iraq, soon to become Kurdistan, which is far more strategically located to dominate the region, and this new airbase could also help the Kurds guard the pipelines down to Haifa.

    Building this new US military facility would provide billions of dollars of no-bid contracts to KBR and Halliburton. Cheney’s stock options would be worth even more than they are now.

    In order to neutralize any French assistance to their former colony of Syria and to anger the French population against the Arabs, joint CIA/Mossad operations have created and maintained massive and very destructive civil unrest in France by dissident Arab youths. These action also serve as a warning to other countries such as England and Germany, that have large Moslem populations that similar ‘civil unrest’ can just as easily plague their countries.”[/quote]
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thanks Nursey for posting that one now you have placed your self firmly in the same category of all the other weirded out psychotics that cannot be trusted sticking to you basic instinct of never answering a question and posting propaganda maybe some of it could have been believable by the more gullible types around. But this one? Well it really takes the cake. That’s so far out there I'm sure you have discredited yourself irreparably for anyone who may have not known better.

    I’ll let you just stick to your strategy your doing a great job for me.
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Now now Joe, come on, you didn't even try to listen to this. Just the sheer size and coordination of all these attacks all over the world can only be ascribed to a government, not any bullshit ass terrorist organization.

    With that, a little make-you-thinker.

    So we know that Israel controls a lot of our media, who were quick to call the 3 Chinese Officials who died in the Amman bombings students and those responsible for the bombins "suicide bombers", when the Chinese were really meeting with head of Palestinian Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Bashir Nefah, and the brother of the Palestinian parliament speaker Jihad Fattouh. We also know that Israelis were evacuated before the bombings so, come on, they did it. Why?

    Well someone is trying to give Muslims a bad name in this world of ours, and being on their way back from Cairo, the torture capitol of the world, the Palestinians were going to discuss who they believed were behind these riots and all this bad rap. But they were blown up instead. Seems like the Instigators want to keep on with the agitatin' and aggrevatin'.

  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Joe, I take it that you haven't read this little trip down fantasy lane....


    Beam me up Scottie - there's no intelligent life here....


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