Lets try to fix this shitheap

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Six new spam hits in the last 12 hours.

    I smell teen spirit.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    But we need the idiotic assholes as well. The ones we had are all reformed, enlightened creatures now, able to take a joke. :?
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Point taken. But if we wanted a thinned-skinned cretin to spew incessant tripe, wouldn't we have kept Dan around?
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    and Barry slipping you roofies (fuck you I aint a druggy)....
  7. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    What if there was a way for anybody to report a post as spam. A button could be up there next to Quote that says Report As Spam. As soon as 5 people have reported the same post as spam, it is automatically deleted.

    If it was the person's first post, their account is also deleted.

    That wouldn't be too hard to write, and it would allow everyone to collectively police the boards together.

    I would include some safety measures, like only allowing the post to be reported and deleted within the first 2 or 3days. Maybe even 1. You wouldn't want 5 people registering and working together to delete every post.

    Does that sound like a good idea? Is there anything to add/remove from it that would make it better?
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Sounds ok.
  9. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    That might work. Of course that is open to abuse also.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    So Grim, I'll delete my other four identities if you will.
  11. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Thats ounds like a great idea.
  12. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    No one person has complete control. Unless a group of you work together to abuse it, it is a pretty fair solution.

    How is it open to abuse? Can you think? of a way to make it better?
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Come on Jefe, the only way to make this forum "better" is to pour gasoline on your backup disks and light them as you simutaneously hit "delete all" in the console.

    As far as making it tolerable, why not just set up something like you are talking about where several people can mark a post as spam and then it is automatically deleted.

    To ensure that there is no vast right wing conspiracy to delete legitimate posts, why not find a way that only certain people can mark the posts, and as soon as two or three of them have done so, it disappears.

    I know Major pretty well. He seems way to normal to be here. Schmed, Lomo and I have proven our selves fairly reliable as moderators. (except for that one little incident where everything got deleted. Sorry.) Nursey may be a leftist fruitloop, but you have to admit that she has a good grip on fairness and tolerance. She has been here forever. I would trust her to do right with the board. I have talked to Joe several times. He is reasonably sane, despite what you may thing. Others are not here everyday, but are probably Ok. Grim is useless as pig grease, but he does understand the concept of spam. I was just thinking of the daily 'cakes.

    Why not write something that allows a flag from any 2 of a group of 6 or 7 to delete a post. That would be quick, yet no one person could be wreckless. If an abuse pattern occurs, ban the losers.

    Besides, if some legitimate noob gets a post deleted, does anybody REALLY care? Worst case, the whole board gets deleted. Keep a weekly backup. A week of posts lost from this forum is hardly a reason to jump off a bridge.

    My opinion.
  14. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Despite what you think I have one name always had one name. But every system is open to abuse it's the Internet.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Well, believe it or not, me too. I used "Whocares" for a day, but everyone knew it was me. "Bugs" is really my wife, and my daughter had some name for a while, but I don't know the password. So there.
  16. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    a really good on-line script, is Simple machines. I know a few people who use it, and aren't having the spam issues, yet.

  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Lighten up Mr Defensive.
  18. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I'd say Simple Machines or Invision Power Board. Wasn't impressed with the newest version of vBulletin, but IP.Board 2.2 is terrific.

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