Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. mia

    mia New Member

    Watch it
  2. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    I would hardly call it an "outburst", my dear.

    "Anyone"? Are we fishing for compliments?

  3. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

  4. mia

    mia New Member

    Unlimited Tedium, how was your day?

    Have bought u a loverly knee balm, hope it will help.

    Much lurv Mia

    Ps please post your pic so I can put a face to you, smoochie best mate snogs xxxxxx
  5. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I can see you are still a fuckin dull retard, so Smear how has YOUR day been..still feeling all frustrated and lonely?It's sad when the only male attention you get is from a middle aged married fat man from another country.Poor poor Smear do your chompers scare real men away?
    And my pic has been posted...look around horsey and you will see.
  6. mia

    mia New Member

    OOO no see I have a REAL life, with real shagging and stuff!! Its cool! I have real mates, real ( functioning kids), a real social life and NO FUCKING BABIES, Oh and real shagging, did I mention that? Post your beautiful pic,

    Your best mate Mia x x x x x
  7. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Poor little Smear ..there she goes again.Keep trying wonky people might start believing you.
  8. mia

    mia New Member

    Oh, its 7.15 with you which seems to be a good time for you to post, kids at their Grannies? A couple of hours to get the war paint on and start strutting the kerbs? You one of Pimps girls? Why did you give up hairdressing?
  9. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    My god you really talk some shit woman.Do random thoughts pop into your head and you think they are humourous.Here's a tip.When they do pop into your little brain make sure you tell Barry before you post them.Your replies are much funnier,witty and coherent when he's online.
  10. mia

    mia New Member

    Erm no really, you should be looking after your babies just now, but I have noticed that your posts start around this time most nights. Hookers are people too xx
  11. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Please please wait for Barry.You are just looking more foolish by the minute.
    Go brush your teeth or something, that should take up an hour or so of your time.
  12. mia

    mia New Member

    Knee balm in the post, I really love you, Unusual Teeth.

    Ps have stuck an apple just inside my letterbox, as I have heard that your party trick is eating them from the outside. I have also heard that you use mars bar wrappers for condoms, which I dont believe for a minute. When are you due . . . . .again?
  13. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    See the idea of insulting someone is to think of original things or at least an observation that someone has made about a person and you can use it.Not as you do which it to repeat something someone has either actually said to you or something you have read elsewhere in the forum.It's been painfully obvious since the start you are no good at the insults as you have admited yourself but this constant plagiarism is becoming very boring.At least when Barry is advicing you it's original.
    Now just wait for Barry.
  14. mia

    mia New Member

    Woops, sorry I didnt realise all these things have been said to you before :oops:

    But hey I love ya girl, all you need is one good mate, right?

    Chin up xx
  15. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Smear smear smear.It's sad. :cry: I hate to see a fellow female make such a cunt of herself.
  16. mia

    mia New Member

    What u say is what you are, cunt! Only kidding, y know I love ya, I swear you are my first scrubber mate, we are looking for a cleaner, will speak to hub

    luv ya babe xx
  17. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    You're actually married!!...he fuckin other women?Is that why your such a frustrated slapper?
  18. mia

    mia New Member

    No, see ( I know this is a touchy subject for you, but hey we are mates), I am married, hence we are a family, hence we look after kids, hence we shag lots.

    But I have people I know through doing charity work,who are just like you. The right man will come along, just dont give up on yourself, k babe? xxxxx
  19. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Once again you prove to unable to understand what other people write.You read, you take what you want out and then you post your drivel.
    So i'll let you believe what you like silly little girl.You carry on.
    Because of course you working all the time and only ahving one day a month for your kids makes you a perfect mother.Your kids won't get into drugs or anything else bad for them because they come from such a stable home where noone is about for them when they need it.Your husband must be so wonderful you feel the need to slut it about with an old fart olnline.Your life must just be great and your kids so well behave that you had to ban him from computer use for a month and he must respect his mother so much he told her she was insane.
    Yeah Smear great family you have there...please can i have one just like it. :roll:
    So slack flaps i think you better buy yourself a vibrator, your hubby is prob out poking his bit on the side while you cyber with Barry.
  20. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Oh and ...
    love you darling
    Hate to leave you crying.

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