Landis says his testosterone is naturally high

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Joeslogic, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Is Landis like some kind of religious deity to you?
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I just think with all the other distractions going on this particular story is one of the most interesting. I'm curious about it and anxious to find out the true story. I guess it’s the conspiracy theorist in me but something smells fishy about it. If he was sabotaged then its one of the saddest sports stories of the decade in my opinion.
  3. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Conversely, I find it hard to believe that any athlete - especially in the most tainted sports like sprinting, weightlifting and cycling - isn't on performance enhancing drugs.
  4. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    I'm going to weigh in here, as I am probably the only person that has actually taken these substances to increase my performance and don't feel bad for doing so.

    The results showed Landis had a synthetic testosterone in his system. The direct benefit to taking this before stage 17 would be the boost in red blood cell production that would enable his muslces to work harder and longer and recover faster then normally, bosting his performace, greatly.

    Most athlete's are given specific doses by the doctors, and infact the testing usually only shows postive results for anabolics, performance enhancers that are known to the world doping agency. Because there would be no benefit to developing a performance enhancing substance that can't be caught, and then given to your athlete with the confidence that you won't get caught. What Landis didn't count on was the labs ability to look for testosterone decay, synthetic testosterone decay's differently from natural testosterone. Good work on the labs part.

    I would be more interested in seeing athletes that aren't on performance enhancers. Because if the general public don't think for one second that athlete's won't do everything they can to win, you don't know what it means to be an athlete.
  5. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Sorry mate, and I'm not being funny here, but I don't understand that last paragraph there at all.

    I, as an example of Joe Public, DO think that athletes will do all they can to win. Including taking performance enhancers.

    Is that your point? Or am I missing it?
  6. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Yup that was the point Grapey, performance enhancers and steriods are part of the athlete's life, here is an article which only gives a glimpse into the wide world of performance enhancers.
  7. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    Indeed. I can't wait to start shooting up my kids in middle school to prepare them for a successful career in athletics.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I just think something fishy is going on. When he doesnt test positive on any other stage, but that one, it doesnt make sense. As far as drinking the beer, 7 and a half minutes behind, you dont really have a shot, have a good time drink some beers and roll out. Why not. There could be something to the Carbs, I dunno, but what I did read was that it would lower your low level testosterone.

    Look at Barry Bonds, before the hearings on steroids in baseball he was hitting a homerun something like every 5 at bats, now????? Not too mention the fact that he looked like a crack head with geri curl in Pittsburg but when he gets to Cali he turns into a power hitter. Look at his annual homerun output. In Pitt he never hit over like 31 a season in San Fran he has never hit less than 35. Thats including the old park. Yea he wasnt juicing it up.....whatever.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look I played sports in high school and was really into health. Was a first class Physical Trainer in Marine Corps with my lowest score in 4 years of about 270 (highest possible is 300). My biggest problem was getting in that 18 min 3 mile. After I started riding a mountain bike into work the 7 miles through Fallbrook and the Naval Weapons station I jumped up 30 seconds in my time. Biking is a great cardio exercise. As for "Roids" as we called them that was late eighties I knew a few guys that used "Test" in sublingual form and also knew a couple guys that "Stacked" Deca and Durabalin oil based inject able. I was tempted to join in but was naturally at the top group of my peers without it so opted out. But back then I did a lot of research as I do anything I'm interested in. Terminology may have changed since then but then "Doping" was referring specifically to taking your blood in say pint size quantities over a period of time and freezing it then later thawing it and re-injecting it. Apparently I under stood this would increase your red blood cell count and ability to intake oxygen. I understood this to be common in the cycling world. I never knew of the pervasive use (beyond blood doping) in an endurance sport. Maybe I am misguided in my understanding maybe "Doping" as I understood it was an urban legend. I cannot image doing that myself. Landis did not seem to have any of the physical attributes that I am aware of for steroid users.

    Checkmates point makes much since if he could have while under extreme stress of competition actually manipulated production of red blood cells "greatly effecting his performance" but that’s not what Dr.'s are telling me.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I hate the fucking french. Fucking frog cocksuckers. They didnt say the GIs were on performance enhancing drugs when we bailed their pussy asses out in WWII did they?

    You know if I didnt think I would get some french on my ass I would wipe with them.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    What is American racers boycotted the race for two years then Landis came in and kicked their asses again? :lol:

    To bad we don't have that kind of solidarity amongst the American teams hell it seems the jury is already in and 90 percent have assumed guilt.
  13. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    Floyd Landis inspirational braclets...

  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


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