Kid killah....

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by SexXy, Oct 22, 2001.

  1. SexXy

    SexXy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp:

  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    let me explain... IMC sent me that and asked me what i thought..

    i said "that'll stir the shit-pot.. post it and lets see what floats to the top"...

    looks like you're the floater..

    imc can't spell for shit.. so i corrected it.. after all.. such a hot topic deserves the best treatment... the extent of my help...

    imc is a big boy with his own mind.. he don't need me to tell him what to write.. and vice versa..

    (as if I havent already figured out that in here its all about the judging of your witty responses) sick

    that's how most forums work.. so how is it sick?
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    On and an and an and an.... Child of the have got to be the WHINEIEST fucking piece of BORING SHIT i think this forum has EVER seen!
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>PimpDaddy said:
    "that'll stir the shit-pot.. post it and lets see what floats to the top"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    and it's still rising seven and a half months later...
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Ironically posted by Child_of_ThE_PoRN:
    You live in an online fugly forum fantasy world. How sad...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you believe what you read here... i'd say thats considerably worse..

    and i see thatn your grasp of the finer nuances of humour still hasn't improved in your absence...
  6. SexXy

    SexXy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp:
    let me explain... IMC sent me that and asked me what i thought..

    i said "that'll stir the shit-pot.. post it and lets see what floats to the top"...

    looks like you're the floater..

    imc can't spell for shit.. so i corrected it.. after all.. such a hot topic deserves the best treatment... the extent of my help...

    imc is a big boy with his own mind.. he don't need me to tell him what to write.. and vice versa..

    (as if I havent already figured out that in here its all about the judging of your witty responses) sick

    that's how most forums work.. so how is it sick?

    Are you guys that obsessed with this forum? That you must foward what you are planning to type to your buddy to see what he thinks, to make sure its ok...You cant just wait and see for yourself. Thats pretty pathetic. Please, get a real life and stop living in the cyber forum world.

    I bet your full of shit anyway, your just trying to cover up for the truth you already let out.
  7. SexXy

    SexXy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    On and an and an and an.... Child of the have got to be the WHINEIEST fucking piece of BORING SHIT i think this forum has EVER seen! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Good call cunt
  8. SexXy

    SexXy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp:
    you believe what you read here... i'd say thats considerably worse..

    and i see thatn your grasp of the finer nuances of humour still hasn't improved in your absence...

    I beleive what I read? What do you mean by that? What is there not to beleive?? I made a topic of how much of a sick demented fuck IMC is...and ive heard more from your big mouth then from his..but thats besides the point. Please fill me in on what i beleive that I shouldnt? I know you cant be talking about IMC hating children/wanting to kill them or whatever because he said himself "he does/says the same things in public" so what is it that I clueless too?
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I wonder if you remember this (and Child_tUrd_waS_BoRN...)
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Which cunt was it that was responsible for pulling you out?
  11. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Originally posted by CoRnHoLe ChiLe:

    Again you are Fuckin Retarded...{blah, blah}
    And again you sidestep facing another of your many reasoning errors by defaulting to more epithets instead of answering a point raised.

    sure hope you dont mean "everyone" as in the forum. You live in an online fugly forum fantasy world.
    I was referring to all the people I know in my geographic vicinity - of course I can't speak for the toilet habits of most of the Forum participants. I don't "live" in this Forum - I live in the world, of which this forum is a small subset. I participate here as it pleases and amuses me. Because I cannot see the participants - just as I cannot see the air I breathe - does that make either less than "real"?

    But for argument's sake, supposing I do "live" here and that that's somehow "sad" - you're here, too (unfortunately) - how is your condition less sad? {can't wait to see her fancy footwork on that one}

    Ok I didnt avoid a direct reply
    Yes, you did, and merely saying you didn't doesn't change or obscure the objective fact.

    And to subsequent other incisive observations of yours:

    Are you guys that obsessed with this forum?
    No. Are you so obsessed with the acceptance that's now irretrievably beyond your grasp that there's no pathetic gesture or ridiculous statement that's beneath you? I mean, what's left for you now except to whore yourself?

    Mind you, that may be your last and best chance. Great cock-sucking on your part would go a long way toward elevating you slightly from Dripping Crack Scum back to Lowly Forum Bitch. Titty pictures might help, too.

    That you must foward what you are planning to type to your buddy to see what he thinks, to make sure its ok...
    It's called 'proofreading' - an aid to those who might not be proficient typists or top-notch spellers , and a kindness to readers.

    You cant just wait and see for yourself. Thats pretty pathetic. Please, get a real life and stop living in the cyber forum world.
    Yep, it looks like indeed there is no ridiculous statement beneath you. Right now you resemble some agitator standing in the bleachers at a football game, haranguing the spectators: "What are you dopes doing? Why don't you get a life? This isn't real, it's fantasy! Are you stupid or what??? Yadda, yadda, yadda..."

    The spectators chose to attend the game. They enjoy watching the game. They're having a good time - most have smiles on their faces....whereas you are standing there in the same place doing the same thing as them, only you're all pinch-faced, mad and overwrought at how others choose to amuse themselves.

    A number of us 'here' in this 'fantasy world' are collectively busting a gut over what an irredeemably neurotic, childish cunt you have made yourself. We're laughing. You're pissed off.

    Whether football or Forum - who's the real basket case in either picture, dear?
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I goto work for one day and this flaccid whore is still bitching? I hope I get to babysit her kids oneday
  13. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    IMC doesn't only post shyt about killing babies!
    He also posts shyt about killing children, niggers of various races, ravers, sluts and hippies, along with crap about raping or maiming them and/or various members of their families. As you can see his interests are indeed quite varied.

    They all have one thing in common however, they are likely to piss someone off, much to the amusement of the rest of us. If he had a preoccupation for killing, say, cocoroaches and mosquitos, things which nobody likes, we would all find his post and the subsequent replies terribley boring and bag him accordingly. (Surely you can relate to that).

    But we are here for the entertainment value. And as such IMC's posts, and the replies they elicit, have proven very entertaining indeed. Yes, he is sick and fucked up,(and if I hear that teddy joke one more time I'll scream) but that is all part of the game. A game you are apparently loosing at the moment.
    It isn't reality Beckie, not even close. Thank god.

    Ps. + great downloads, but I still hate your guts IMC
  14. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    Q: What's the difference between a baby and an onion?
    A: No one cries when you cut up a baby

    Q: Whats's the difference between a baby and a trampoline?
    A: You take your steel capped boots off to jump on a trampoline

    Q: What is a test tube baby's worst enemy?
    A: A dingo with a straw.

    Q: What's the difference between a candy bar and a baby.
    A: About 500 calories.

    Q: What's the difference between a white baby and a black baby?
    A: About 10 minutes in a microwave.

    Q: What's the best thing a blind, deaf baby can get for Christmas?
    A: Cancer.

    Top Ten Things Overheard at the 1987 Academy Awards:

    10: “Is that a dead baby, or Tattoo after a good night?”
    9: “Is that a dead baby, or Michael J. Fox after a bad night?”
    8: “That project's dead, baby.”
    7: “Is that a dead baby, or a sack of primo blow?”
    6: “Is that a dead baby, or Travolta's career?”
    5: “It's about as heavy as a dead baby.”
    4: “The baby's for later, Mr. Deluise.”
    3: “Why is Richard Simmons dancing with a dead baby?”
    2: “Is that a dead baby, or Michael Jackson's new flame?”
    1: “Hey! Baby! How come you don't return my calls?”

    If it's one thing I hate,(one of many) it's whining. It reminds me of babies. Go sell your PC bullshit somwhere else. I'm already beginning to wish that I'd been your mother...
  15. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    Incidentally, ImOneStUpIdWhInEySlut, exactly what do you hope to accomplish with your tedious evangelical tantrums?
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hey childish_porn_slut or ImOneTerriblyUnsexyWhore.. whatever it is you wanna be called...

    maybe you could go to this forum..

    and you could be righteously whiny there too!!!...

    *wonders how long she'd last*
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:

    that's pretty fucking funny... i bet the abortion rate is high amongst careless porn stars
  18. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Isn't it obvious, Nico? She expects IMC to pause thoughtfully in reexamination of his value system, then conclude that he's been a naughty boy and rededicate himself to all things good and nice: helping old ladies cross the street (instead of pushing them off the curb in front of oncoming traffic, thereby shortening their tedious shuffle toward oblivion), buying 20 boxes of cookies from every Girl Scout who asks (instead of luring them into an alley for a little eye-opening meatcraft), and volunteering for Meals on Wheels delivery (but without jacking off an extra serving of gravy into Mrs O'Herlihy's mashed potatoes).

    And we are to feel properly and thoroughly abashed at our own misanthropic tendencies, fly to the nearest confessional for absolution, then post profuse, flowery odes of gratitude to her for showing us the light; she in turn would gracefully grant us all clemency. We'd then turn our attention to petitioning & spaming Martin until he revamps the site into a kinder, gentler Fugly so that it resembles an online version of World's Funniest Home Videos - with virtual guest appearances and intros by, variously, Bob Saget, Dave Coulet & Tawny Kitaen, who prep us for uproarious MPEG clips of babies making funny faces and adults getting the old pie-in-the-face.

    In the Forums, we could discuss our favorite Bible passages and explore/debate the levels of meaning. We would eventually get around to a minority outreach program where we invite in all types, shades & faiths of our global brothers for spirited, informative & often eye-opening discourse. Once that dialog is firmly established, we could expand it across the net, getting the whole, wide friggin' world into a big, collective group hug which would ultimately lead to total human enlightenment and the abolition of bigotry, prejudice, poverty, starvation and war.

    Thus begins the 1000 Years of Peace on Earth.
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...or in Child_that_ShouLd_neVer've_BeEn_BoRN's case 'porn-extras'...fatso sill hasn't posted pics to show what a 'sexy bitch' she is...
  20. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Well, remember that her hard drive crashed earlier this year...and then her scanner wasn't working...and there's always that annoying photo-processing delay....and....

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