Katrina, New Orleans and The blame game

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by mudslinger, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well i just did a quick google search (Dr. Susan McLellan infectious disease new orleans) and it turns out she is an expert in infectious diseases...including bird flu.

    Health Officials Warn of Bird Flu's Deadly Potential

    Infectious Disease Research in and Around New Orleans

    To put it in context:

    The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

    I realise that this subject needs a thread of its own, but i just thought i'd mention.
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    My point is that the author reminds me very much of a Televangelist. I have a problem with people that market thier spirituality.

    Maybe she is OK. I just am very turned off by people like her.

  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ok, point taken. That's what i get for choosing an article i felt would be less threatening (some homely American having written it) at getting the message accross to the likes of yourself. For example, i personally believe the situation is now so bad that it will take more than a change from republican to democrat to remedy it. Still, it made some good points, even if she is a new age spiritual-business woman.
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    the us congress are crazy-talkin' conspiracy theorists!!.. humans can't create weather.. it's IMPOSSIBLE!!>. right barry?.. damn crazy talk i tells ya
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I have never said that we can't create weather, I am saying that we can't CONTROL it. We have seeded clouds for rain for years. Nothing new about that. It might even be possible to stir up a hurricane, who knows. What I do know is that steering a hurricane by any current technology is just science fiction.

    It might be possible to create a huge earthquake by setting off a nuclear bomb in the depth of the sea. I can believe that. But what is impossible by current technology is controlling and directing the tsunami that may or may not be produced.

    We may can influence the elements, but we are a long way away from controlling them. Thus statements such as " the government caused the hurricane to veer east just as it approached New Orleans" are the babblings of the simple minded or the insane.

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well mr barry i'd say that these weather technology weapon thingys can control the direction/intensity of whatever freakish thing they conjur up... think about it if you're able.. what use would a missile be that cannot be guided or aimed in some way?... that there missile could just as likely turn around and blow up your own ass..

    oh and tidal flows and undersea geology/topography or whatever the fuck it's called the contours of the sea bed, and undersea mountains and whatever have been known for a long time.. so have the properties of water and currents and suchlike... so a earthquake created tsunami can't really be controlled once it's been set in motion... but by putting it in the right spot in the first place you don't need to control it...

    oh and are you in the top levels of government ansd military and science?.. you seem to act with absolute certainty that you know what is and isn't possible.. (whats in area 51 then matey?..) maybe your hotline to god gives you some insight that the rest of us lack.. resulting in such pompous threads as your truth confronting and absurdity following bullshit..

    Do you like the truth?
    Only when it confirms my preconceived ideas
    Don't confuse me
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    My point exactly. Thanks for stating the obvious so eloquently.

    Like, duh! I have already told you that I am Commander Neocon, Director of HAARP and a fishing buddy of GWB. Feel that tingling in your privates? What more must I do to prove that I am zapping you right now?

    Or was it the thought of me coming to the UK (with mistletoe) that makes a bi-boy like you tingly?

  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Drags reply through to right thread...

    I'm getting confused...are you now suggesting that THEY DO have the power and technology to cause a massive hurricane!?!!:eek: Utter, complete, insane NONSENSE, Barry! It is EVIL to even SUGGEST such crap.

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ah i see barry.. "think about it if you're able" .. obviously i overestimated you..

    as nursey has shown with the thingy from congress.. and pointed out by hioghlighting those little words (reread the last few posts if i'm losing you).. these weather weapons do exist... in fact the theory and technology for these weapons has existed for almost a century... in fact.. look at how much we've progressed in other technological areas in the same amount of time.. and you insist we're still at the stage where we can only sprinkle a few crystals into the clouds to make a bit of rain...

    erm.. no man.. pull your head out the sand.. they're at the stage where they're viable weapons that need to be legislated against...

    and you're showing in your few posts that you have no idea HOW these weapons work.. (and they exist.. that as much has been established.. so why are you insisting with such vehement certainty that these things can't do what we're suspecting they can.. .. closed mind barry.. closed mind..


    but wait.. is this a teensy opening of the mind i see before me?

    you may yet open it enough to see the light
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    By "cause" I mean to purposeful create and direct. It is probably possible to screw up the weather with some technology or some type. I know that funding for "weather modifications research" was big in the '70s, and has since fizzled. We simply do not have the technology to create and direct something as alarmingly powerful as a cat 5 hurricane like Katrina. Even if we did, what could possibly be gained by wiping out our own country?

    If a hurricane starts in the Gulf and ends up in Iran, I might change my mind. Sending a hurricane straight into your own country seems a little dumb to me.


    Oh, and stop being so sarcastic. I am starting to like you a little again. I might even send you a bottle of my holy water or something as a sign of good will.

  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ever thought that funding for weather blahblah research didn't fizzle it just got secretised.. 30 years is a long time.. man look at how far we've advanced in those years.. and as i've said the technology was being worked on about just after AC electricity was invented
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am always amazed when people believe that all these "secret" things go on in America.

    With our freakish anti-government press, NOTHING is a secret for long. I am amazed when people believe that the press is controlled by the government. Have you seen how much the press has bashed the government over the handling of Katrina? Now that the press is turning out to be so wrong (10,000 dead?), do they correct themselves? NO! they just trash some more.

    This country has more leaks than a New Orleans levee. Secrecy is a joke.
    Security is almost as big of a joke. I drove right past a military check point yesterday in a disaster area with nothing more than a wave. I guess I looked respectful enough.

    Point is this - it would be very hard to have secret programs that create cat 5 hurricanes without SOMEBODY leaking the truth. Our press, being vultures, would LOVE to get their hands on a story like that.

    You ought to come here and spend a few months. You might find America to be very different in the flesh than it is on the fantasy world of the internet.

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I'm not putting forward any conspiracy theory here. All i'm wanting to do is show that weather modification / manipulation / control ...whatever you want to refer to the technology as - does in fact exist.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you'd probably be amazed if you knew how much the press collude with the government to keep things covered up.. i'm too lazy to go digging for examples but there's been many things happening stateswide and worldwide (that sre to do with american issues) that have been reported elsewhere in the world but ignored totally by the US media...

    so barry.. what actually does go on in those secret US military installations.. care to provide me with newslinks that tell us all about it.. janes defence articles.. anything??
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I just read the last few pages of this, and feel that I would like to add my two (american) cents. Starting with the media "leaks", I know it seems like to some that the press badgers and bashes our government, but it seems to easy to me, by that I mean it's sort of all seems phony. "Look how dumb our president is" and while we are sitting here reading our beloved press bash the president and or government we lose sight of some of the things that might really be going on. Or maybe he is just a dumbo, who am I to actually know, but either way I wouldn't close my mind to some of the all to real possiblities... It just seems to me that maybe some of these leaks are purposly leaked so we think that nothing is slipping by us while the big things whooshing right over our heads (My girlfriend uses this strategy by making me think I get my way only to have it backfire me the next time she wants to see a chick flick)I'm not too sure I buy into the whole man made natural disasters thing, it just too much for me to wrap my little head around I guess, but at the same time I can't dismiss this notion either, it seems to me all these natural disasters happening at once is a little goofy too. It's like some kid gota new toy and is testing it out without really knowing how things are going to end up.

    As I said I don't have proof of these things either way, but my gut instinct is to not dismiss ideas because they seem to far fetched to me.

    Also I ate pizza for breakfast and my gut could use some Pepto Bismouth, any one got a little to spare??
  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I guess in short, too much of anything is a bad thing, too much thinking about conspiracys and the such is going to turn you into a paranoid asshole, thinking that such things can never happen will turn you into an ignorant asshole. The best bet is to try to be the middle of the road asshole.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Good post, Schmed.

    How Bush [those controlling Bush] Will Use Katrina

    'I'm always suspicious when I hear people like Newt Gingrich and other conservatives criticize the Bush administration, because it's nearly always a ploy, a tactic used when overwhelming public discontent threatens to rain on the Bush parade. When the whole nation gets up in arms about something, there's no point trying to justify or excuse one's actions; in fact, that would be a stupid thing to do because it would escalate public anger that's already at the boiling point. A brief mea culpa is in order, quickly followed by a brilliant defensive campaign that the mainstream media will be obliged to support.

    To rescue Bush from nation-wide disapproval, one has to be careful. To turn that disapproval onto an expendable scapegoat, or two, one has to be smart. To turn collective fury into positive PR, however, one has to be a genius. That's where Karl Rove comes in.'
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I'm suspicious of these massive satellites the military has been putting into space regularly over the last ten years to "listen to terrorists phone calls". You don't need one of those to listen to phone calls, but you sure do to change the weather. The earthquakes are coming, these hurricanes are just giant electricity vortices sucking that shit through the dirt and moving our plate into itself. Hope everyone has their giant water supply, as the rivers will get sucked underground. And their herbs and vitamins and protein, as the plague unleashed will most likely get you too.
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh and check out Bush's summer book list. I'm sure you'll all get a kick out of it, especially you Barry. "But the press leaks stuff all the time guys.... there's no conspiracies..." Well they leaked this. Salt, a Tsar, and a Plague...hmmm
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am just glad to know that he can read....


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