The Communist experiment has been tried enough times by people and countries who read those works extensively. The closest thing to success is China and they are holding onto the U.S. to be propped up and have morphed to a communism / capitalism mix. But I'm sure if the "proper conditions" were only met then they could have success. Hey I have an idea. Why don't we take the most successful political system the world has ever known. Then use the media and left politicians to divide the people. Convince everyone that there are terrible problems that we only need to depend on them and a massive new government beurocracy to fix. When bigger government institutions only manage to screw things up further we can have the media tell the people it was evil deregulation to blame and suggest they we start yet another government beurocracy......... blah blah blah Hold on we are resorting to communism after all then aren’t we just doing it ever so slowly and sort of like Fabian Socialism.
So you justify your failure to have read the Communist Manifesto on their failure to understand it or the fact that they warped it's teachings to their own ends. Capitalism is a necessary precursor to Communism according to Marx. That's why it's important that you read both books. Marx was a big fan of capitalism. How so? If by prop up you mean grant normal trade status. China has huge amounts of economic factors of production. The size of their labor pool alone allows them near absolute advantage in manufacturing endeavors. Funny, I don't hear the left labeling and dividing people nearly as much as the conservative "right". Matter of fact, try and deny this, plenty of the fingerpointing and name calling is coming from the right side of the media. You can't tell me that Rush Limbaugh and Micheal Savage are unifying figures in the American media. You can try, but it simply isn't true. I pointed out that you were ignorant of the true concepts of communism. If you choose to remain so that is your choice. Communism and big government are not synonymous.
Like I said Dio it is undeniable that several societies have adopted and based their system of governing its people on those same teachings you keep trying to insist that have to read in order to be able to make a valid argument about. They all by comparison to a system based on a form of Democracy are failures. By comparison our government becomes larger and more socialist with each year. And yes Communism is all about big government. Just go to Communist Party USA webpage and see that they are all about government regulation of practically everything and also take notice what their point of views are on the issues and make a quick and easy comparison to what the views and issues are of the Democratic Party. It's not hard to connect the dots and figure it all out.
So you are still going to make arguments about a topic you know nothing about. Read the books then tell me their system is based on the books. It's the same things with people who critique Nietzsche. They've never read what was written, they just know what they've been told. As for the Communist Party U.S.A. how many people have run for public office on the communist platform? Communism is dead in the United States, there is no true left in the United States anymore.
Like I said Dio it is undeniable that several societies have adopted and based their system of governing its people on those same teachings you keep trying to insist that have to read in order to be able to make a valid argument about. They all by comparison to a system based on a form of Democracy are failures. By comparison our government becomes larger and more socialist with each year. And yes Communism is all about big government. Just go to Communist Party USA webpage and see that they are all about government regulation of practically everything and also take notice what their point of views are on the issues and make a quick and easy comparison to what the views and issues are of the Democratic Party. It's not hard to connect the dots and figure it all out.
Please allow me to appologize Dio and see if I can explaine a little more reasonably. Like I said Dio it is undeniable that several societies have adopted and based their system of governing its people on those same teachings you keep trying to insist that have to read in order to be able to make a valid argument about. They all by comparison to a system based on a form of Democracy are failures. By comparison our government becomes larger and more socialist with each year. And yes Communism is all about big government. Just go to Communist Party USA webpage and see that they are all about government regulation of practically everything and also take notice what their point of views are on the issues and make a quick and easy comparison to what the views and issues are of the Democratic Party. It's not hard to connect the dots and figure it all out. Well that about sums it up.
So has anyone seen the stills of the 'newly released' footage of the Pentagon plane crash??? I saw a bit on but they didnt just show the video. Or stills for that matter. I mean crap install 'irfranview' and you can do a frame by frame easy. Sometimes media types freaking erk me.
All hail Reagan, greatest political leader the world has ever known, and his son, George W. Bush, the savior of all things free.
Heil Heil !! But the advantages communism has created for chinese export are undisputable. The stateplanned projects are at the core of it. Private enterprise, ( even american ), could not create such massive projects. The controll on the currency, etc....... Would allso mention that China has increased its import of US and european goods. 8)