Yellow Soy what I was about to say is that you are mistaken in the assumption that I found the information you referenced in "I think you'll find that indigenous (arab) jews .........." That actually was straight from Nursery or Nursey (a reply to the person who replied to me) as for "The Jews Cultivated the land......." The has been my understanding for years since childhood, my upbringing and common knowledge. (At least for me that is) I do not claim to be by no means an authority on Middle Eastern history. Apparently there have been a few documented writings, documents, journals what have you that refer to the land as a basic wasteland. Due to the tribal, nomadic, or Bedouin lifestyle of many of the people of the time I do not see how that’s so far fetched. Although I understand there are arguments on both sides. So enlighten me what is your opinion of this? Of course other than it is "garbage" let me know what you know on this matter. I am fairly open to new ideas.
Another thing I would like to say Bravo! to Slidaulth for an excellent post although I disagree to a great extent on his media observation that the propaganda machine is equally weighted on both sides although taking that position is one that gives the appearance of level headedness in observing the faults of both sides. It is easily debunked. But it was refreshing to see some genuine thoughtful diatribe being posted by someone who obviously uses the good sense that god gave him and thinks. And oOoGhstoOo all I can say is WOW! It seemed to make sense now I need to sift through it all to decide what to think about all of this information. Good thought full debate that is not so mindless can be a lot of work! First off I have a New standard version of the Bible and have read through so far to almost Leviticus... That and will be researching at the same time archeological studies etc. (I would take the science community with a grain of salt and judge the information by where it is coming from as well as the processes and methodology used ;-)
I apologize if I left you, or others, with the impression that I feel that the massmediamachine is, in fact, equally balanced. I do not feel that it is anywhere near balanced. Mostly, on a single given channel, all news will be slanted in the direction the owning body wishes to have it slanted. There will be, from time to time, situations where this is not the case, due to the nature of the news being covered. Much as we can see with the current situation (meaning the last 50 years) with the public perception of Israel. While a single media source (channel/paper/etc) is not balanced at all, being owned and controlled by either a(n) conservative/independent/liberal mediamogel, the media in this nation is, generally speaking much more balanced than in some cultures. True balance only occures when facts, unbiased and uninterpreted(sp?), are presented. In the cases of Israel and Afghanistan (another of our Nations wonderful achievments), the public has been spoon fed by their chosen media the information that fits with their preconcieved beliefs and their limited 'comfort zone'. Think about it. The majority of you reading this right now have some sense or you wouldn't even be on a sight like this where opinions vary so widely on just this one subject. If you were completely closed minded you would never participate in a website that allowed alternative view points to be spread, and those sites do exist. However, before you go starting to feel all superior, you must realize that, in choosing your media options, whether it is a particular newspaper, tv news show, or even your Entertainment choices, you are influencing the amount and type of information that you are presented with. I also do this to an extant. I will NOT watch UPN Monday night TV. I find the humor degrading to black people and without positive influence on the targeted demographic. I do not see a loss in my education or information from this. What does happen, though, is that I become further seperated from the people that fall within that demographic that choose to watch those types of shows. Now, what does this have to do with this thread. If you think that you have not allowed yourself to be influenced by the media you watch/read then you are gravely mistaken. Coolness and beauty are my two favorite examples of this. My girlfriends 13year old daughter wants to get her bellybutton pierced. She has, thankfully, agreed with her mother that it would be best to wait until she is 18 for this. I asked her, why she wanted to get the piercing and she said, 'because she thought it was cool.' When I pointed out to her, or rather attempted to, that her image of what was cool and what was not cool was formulated not from her own desires and wishes for her own sake but rather from a combination of media and peer pressure, she had difficulty explaining why 'she thought it was cool' without including an example from either of those sources. I told her to think about it for awhile and try to figure out what she really was being guided by. The mental images that come to mind when one closes their eyes and thinks of a subject will usually disclose this. If you think of a media Icon, then you are being guided like a willing little sheep. If you think of yourself, personal labors and efforts to reach a goal or learn a lesson, if you think of experiences you have had, then you are most likely self guided. The beauty example is even easier. Look at what different people find to be attractive in different parts of the world. Do not forget to examine those places that lack mass media. They still have the influence of their society, but, that tends to be less powerfull than personal preference. Israel, as it stands currently, has Nothing to do with Israel of history. Afghanistan was taught, trained, hand selected by the USA for their religious fervor to fight the Russian invasion of their lands. We did that. We gave them weapons. We gave them training. We gave them power. We did not give them guidance without judgement. We did not give them morals. We did not give them a way out. I mention this so that you can compare that situation, and the facts, if you dig far enough and get rid of your personal biases long enough, that relate to the current affairs in Isareal. Israel was created from nothingness. The land was taken from others, it was given to Israel. We then armed them. We then trained them. And, now, they are so good at what they do, we send our dessert infantry units to train in Israel and pay to fly their troops here to practice with us so we can learn from them. And now, along with every other nation that supported the designation of lands to belong to Israel, we must watch what happens and see which side is really smartest. Though, truely, if both sides choose to be inteligent, they will realize that peace is the only solution other than the total destruction of Both Nations.
Another thing. If you are getting your 'historical' information from the bible, please stop. It is a book. A single book and one of the most slanted pieces of text in the world. It is a good guidline for looking up information in libraries. Names, places, events. That is all. For those that are Religiously inclined to disagree with me, that is your right. It is also your right to be a sheep and follow along with what ever religious affiliation you happen to be. Or, you can choose to take in faith what they tell you every time you go to church with the understanding that the man standing at the front of the room is not God, does not speak to God and is not being spoken through by God. He wasn't handed the knowledge on a set of stones carved out and unquestionable. He, instead, went to school, if you are very very lucky, and recieved a degree in theology. The study of which is like mental masturbation. It is pleasing but lacks any solidity. It is not a science nor will a creditable graduate of such claim it to be. The funny thing about it is, he was taught by other simple humans that were in turn taught by other simple humans. None of these individuals is divinely granted infalibility(sp?). And, the perfect example of this is the King James version of the bilble, the most commonly misquoted version of the bible. "Suffer not a witch into your home." was actually, "Suffer not a poisoner into your home" but, with a slightly different meaning than even that translation. That is the literal translation. The imagery surrounding the translation of this single line of scripture is about the subject of people attempting to influence your mind in ways that are contrary to God and would be more correctly translated as "Do no allow a person into your home that would attempt to lead you away from My way." And, then there is this "Worship no other gods before me, for I am a jealous God." And, yet, so many christian/jewish/muslim people think that the line says there are no other gods. Look deep enough and you can begin to question your own faith. So, unless you are capable of gaining faith from knowledge that man is mistaken on so many things, and that even if the bible was wrong more than it was right, it still has a very good message for so many people, don't look. Be guided by others. Be good little sheep. Just incase anyone cares. I am christian, not Christian. It is the religion I choose to follow, not the only religion. Only by admitting that, we, as humans lack the ability to really know the 'one true way' we have to then admit that there may not be a 'one true way' there may be many ways for many different peoples. Oh, and on topic, that is the biggest part of the problem over there in the mid east. Their refusal to allow their neighbors to practice their religion. Both sides want to tell the other how to live (same mistake we have made as Nation and why so many terrorist orginizations attack us). Settle the religious debate by agreeing to disagree and then make Laws that are not based on religion in any way. Example: Murder is wrong unless justified. These are what justifies murder: a)Defence of self, where you can prove you could not escape through any other means. b)Defence of others, where you can prove you could not prevent the death of others through any other means. c)Defence of property, only where such property is required for your life and you can prove you had no other way to secure your property. d).... This list may be changed only by the people in a popular vote. That is an example only and isn't good law. Though, keeping law simple is best. Maybe it would be better to define unjustifiable murder. The basics are simple though, you keep 'god' in what ever name the people use, out of your Laws and you keep your Laws out of your religions.
doesn't it seem funny that no one is looking at the fact that the root of this problem lies in imperialist attitudes saying that you can give away land that never belonged to you in the first place. ( If my history is right the nation of Israel is populated by people who fled Europe after WWII). These people are not the descendants of the kingdoms of David, nor would that give them a right to the land if they were. It was "given" to them by Europeans who had no right to the land in the first place, they just had a flag.
diogenes I have to deal with Diogenes statement really quick. Two things while you have capitalized on the fact that after WWII there was a problem about what to do with all the Jewish people. I believe it is a little different than just that. Please answer a few questions for me 1. Where is the original land of the Jewish people. 2. Are you telling me that none were there at the time after WWII and that pre WWII there was no migration of Jews back to that land? (Please think about that one no mindless babble) As far as the statement about the Jews sent there after the war not being from the kingdom of David. That statement is so ridiculous I do not know where to start…. Ah were they Irish then? Yeah that’s it they were really all Irish and descendants of the house of McCoy. Ok Slidaulth, I have to reply to a few misconceptions that I apparently have made. At the last part of your post you dealt with religion and use of the bible as a reference for your ideas. Well I personally think it is an excellent reference why not basically at least as far as I can see the first few chapters are specifically about Jewish heritage. And as I stated it is one of many sources. You also said: “Afghanistan was taught, trained, hand selected by the USA for their religious fervor to fight the Russian invasion of their lands. We did that. We gave them weapons. We gave them training. We gave them power” While this is … true in a lot of respects I think you need another perspective lest you fall right into the sheep trap you often refer to. As I believe I remember Afghanistan, Iran that area was known as a Persian area and was made up of several religions. Buddhism for an example was widely practiced. Also a common misconception is that Christianity is only a recent western religion. But Christianity was practiced there also and the varying different Muslim sects there were more accepting. This radical Muslim issue is something that has more recently came about. While it is true that religion is not a science. At this time science is no longer a science. I mean really think about it you gave away a little bit about your age and I think you were taught that scientific discovery was about finding facts and formulating a hypothesis testing to both disprove and backup that hypothesis not formulating a hypothesis and then setting out to prove it is true. On balance though for the most part you did make some good points. As you see in the previous posts overwhelmingly the sheep are towing the same line. They for the most part pity the Arab Palestinians. I wonder what they think of the millions of persecuted and murdered Sudanese. I wonder if they are aware of who the persecutor is and who is being persecuted. Or that it is even occurring. I’ll bet the sheep do not know because it was not spoon fed to them as political wit from some so called comedian.
hey joe, look, first of all, saying the Sudanese Arabs and the Palestinians are one in the same and the "persecutor is being persecuted" or vice versa is rediculously illogical. So all arabs are partaking in the rape? All arab support it? Or is it only all the sudanese arabs? It is a select few who are doing the action and they happen to be arab. That was the justification for puttin millions or Japanese Americans in internment camps. Also, jews are not hebrews. Hebrews were a race of people, Jews are a follow of religion. Are you going to sit there and tell me that a Ethiopian Jew is the same as a German, or polish one? That they are the people of david or w/e? The jews of today are not the hebrews of Yesterday. They intermarried, and that is why they have such fairer skin than those of arabs. Arabs and Hebrews were both Semites, coming from the same ancestor. Naturally, they should have the same skin tone if they lived in the same land rite? But jews arent hebrew, that is why they dont. They may follow the religion of David, but through thousands of years, you expect them to continue to just marry and copulate amongst themselves. Just knowing human nature, you would have to concede not all of them did. And if a few didnt follow, then others had to have. And dont gimem that bullshit that "jews arent like that, they follow their religion" etc etc, cuz my jewish friend did and i made him feel really stupid because of his own actions. People are people and fall into the vices that are before them.
Yellow, My point with regards to the Sudanese it that the issue is not in the headlines as it should be and that most are ignorant to it. Go ahead and take your own personal pole of people and see for your self. A factor of our wonderful media who’s every word is consumed and worshiped by the average citizen. But if you want more examples about persecution of people of other religious beliefs than themselves just pick what ever hemisphere on the globe you like and I can probably find a Muslim persecuting a non-Muslim. As for the Jews who derived there name from the family of Judah and were of the Kingdom of David sure some of them intermingled, and what is that supposed to mean? Are you saying they have no heritage? And if they indeed do have a heritage please let me know where that heritage is? With regards to the Palestinians that are Arab I say the same holds true if you use the same standard on them. Records show that land as being VERY desolate devoid of human existence for many years. Largely due to the neglect of various people that ruled over it. Am I correct in assuming that you are gauging weather or not someone deserves to be in the region by the tone of there skin color?
And also the point about all Muslims supporting the rape and pillage of non Muslims.... Yeah I would say that is true, I see none going out of there way to denounce it. Unless, you would like to point some out to me who are.
Do really believe Muslims support raping and pillaging ? Joe are u seroius? Instead of making falliscoius claims and questioning your ignorance, state your opinion and base it on some facts pls. Atleast the few ppl who believe what u do might be enlightened to the other point of view, and in this case it would be fact over fiction. Jihad is not raping and pillaging. Under Islamic law in the times of war, Muslims practise policies similar to the Geneova Convention. In brief, war is permitted: * in self defence * when other nations have attacked an Islamic state * if another state is oppressing its own Muslims War should be conducted: * in a disciplined way * so as to avoid injuring non-combatants * with the minimum necessary force * without anger * with humane treatment towards prisoners of war Muslim Terrorists do not follow these guidelines, and it would be logical to assume they dont care and are not really Muslims.
Until they denounce it then they condone it period said and done. They do not denounce it therefore they condone it. What part of denounce it don't you understand.
While I am at it I need to add to my proof of the character flaws of Muslims. Take a quick look at the recent bridge incident. On one hand you have the bombing incident believed to be the responsibility of the Sunni Muslims. A real piece of work they are. Then there are the Shiites (If I spelled that correct I’ll be surprised) believing and reasonably so that the insurgents or Sunni’s had a suicide bomber on the bridge. This by the way breaks all those Muslim rules you mentioned. But the reaction of the Shiites was what was so surprising. The healthy males just trampled all over the old, young, and the women. This shows a lack of character not on a small scale but actually a very large scale. I need to go dig up my copy of “The Bell Curve” and see where this ethnic group fits in to the Intelligence Quota gage. Of course then that’s right another politically incorrect reference to ruffle your feathers.
I made a 4 minute video on the Disengagement. You can see it at:*nitr0fish
Ok NiTr0_FiSh a few pictures are worth a few thousand words. Are you from Israel? Are you currently there? At the risk of being rude which is not my intention, are you Hebrew or Jewish? Because I would be very intrigued to know you point of view. I need to read up on Condi's part into all of this, but at this time while I understand the animosity against Sharon I do not understand the animosity places against Condi. Another thing I have herd some theories, who knows what is going through Sharon’s head and who knows weather or not he can succeed with Benjamin N (I don’t even want to try to spell his name) on his heels ready to take his job. But do you think the wall had anything to do with giving back Gaza as a strategic move like playing a game of risk and pulling your pawns into your base in a defensive move? Last of all do you see this happening to Golan Heights? I have herd Golan Heights are next but I cannot see it as a strategic move in any way.
no, no. Hebrew -yes, Jewish -no. (See post by oOoGhstoOo on Jews & Israelites). P.S. - I prefer "Israelite". (Ishmaelites & Edomites are also "Hebrews"). Condi was the last "Smiling Bigshot" to schmooze Arik before the Dis. ( - when it appeared he may have been having 2nd thoughts) Who knows - maybe she did give him "incentive"! Next? A Philistine State - if Arik has his way. The Settlements were some very strategic areas in Israel The West Bank (part of it) will be next. The Walls? Not effective against enemy armies or missiles. The P State will give the enemy a sea port, international airport, strategic hill positions & right to invite allies in to "train" with their "boarder police". It will also give Israel a narrow waistband only 13 miles wide - divide & concur will be easy. In a nutshell - Israel is doomed once all this occurs.
Joe, I never said there arent people who do or do not condone it. Every 'Muslim' would know the guidelines of Islamic law and theses guidelines show that 'Muslims' do not support raping and pillaging. Therefore some 'Muslims' know terrorism is not acceptable and do not condone it. The fact that there is terrorism shows us the very dark nature of disturbed individuals who manipulate thier religion which clearly states that terrorism will not get you into heaven. Instead of misinterpreting peoples work for your own agenda to empahsis the obvious that all muslims are guilty, which is obviously not true for every 'Muslim' lets acknowledge the fact it would better for Isreali's and Palestinian's to complete the peace process. Ironic how the peace process succumbs to terrorism and concequently is put on standby to allow for more terrorism. Ignoring the act of a few idiots would bring some peace completing the process.
um are you realy that ignorant? i am a muslim and i do not suport it u fuckin retarded piece of fucking trash...if your gonan be that fucking idiotic whyt he hell would you open your fucking mouth retard?
also Joe, i must tell you are really really retarded i gotta tell you, thousands of muslims denouce terrorist about u look up on google the hundreds and hundreds of Mufti's, Hafez's and all the Imam's that say islam is not a way of terror...u fucking dumbshit...ur seriously a big old wad of jizz man, u needa stop being such a dumbass and look at the facts... islam is not a religion of hate... the geneva conventions got nothing on islamic war law... the laws say no man shall kill a woman or child, and no man shall harm any plant or animals, or any unarmed men...also, they cant in any way destroy a mans means of support, no killing livestock, burning wheat fields, etc etc also, they cant rape the women, or even imprison them... so shut the fuck up about...and those who arent speaking against the actions of the terrorists....they arent true muslims...saying they are muslim is liek saying that timothy mcveigh was a saint, or the waco cult was christianity...they dont folow the tenants of the religion they dont follow the peacefulness, they just follow the hatred
Ok Yellow, So in essence what you’re saying is that there are no Muslims really in all of Palestine or Iraq. Cause if there were they would be condemning the insurgents and suicide bombers. As a matter of fact they would be fast tracking any intelligence data straight to the American and Israeli troops so that there ranks could be purged from the scumbags. Good point now I am enlightened. How ignorant of me to believe that Muslims were people without morals or integrity when really the case is that the real myth is that any really exist. What a bunch of fools the world consists of. Just to think the world believes there are Muslims in the middle east.
And Yellow if you denounce the terrorists why then do you not do it. Find a way (it is not all that hard) to get your face in front of a camera and voice your opinion? Or are ya to yella? Is that it soy are you to scared? I would not blame you there cause if your a Muslim and you are not safely in the presence of Christians or Jews, then you better not publicly denounce terrorism. If you’re in the company of those fake Muslims you can be fairly sure harm would come your way or to your family. Might even kill you and then where you going to go? Bet you’re not to sure about that either? Yeah Yellow I don’t blame you for being scared.