Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member


    I couldnt give a canadian's ass what you think. I know i'm smarter and funnier than you. If your post was an effort at light hearted sarcasm it fell WAY short of the mark.

    Logical fallacies? Point one out. Your posts are the equivalent of schoolyard taunting. They have no basis. "You're wrong" doesn't cut it, cleetus. Next time at least attempt to construct a logical argument. Just in case they don't teach that in public school anymore, it might look like this:

    you said "X"
    i disagree with your statement "X" because "Y" (this is where you might put the results of research or some logical reasoning)

    then I might respond by saying:

    Thank you for your response. I see where you could argue "Y" but what about "Z"? Here is my opinion and evidence for my conclusion.

    Otherwise, our discussion looks like this:

    Me: Here is my opinion and my evidence for it
    you: fuck you hymie lover
    Me: Wow, was that your first unique thought?
    you: eat shit, fag
    Me: Hey, nice material. Did you get that off of a rest stop you were working last weekend?
    You: fuck you cocksucker
    Me: Oh, darn. I am starting to sense you don't like me.
    you: die motherfucker, go change your pads
    Me: Yawn...
    you: Oh, that was all big joke. I dont understand why you didnt get it. Why do you keep picking on me? Please stop or you're gonna make me cry again.

    You bore me
  2. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member


    I'm really trying hard to get your posts. You make what I think is a good point and then go off on a little rant that doesnt seem to tie in with your point.

    Your last post started great and then it ended with " Ah fuck it, if you had any kind of reading comprehension you'd know that that's who I was refering to, and not anyone who posts here. Ass." If you would have left that part off it would have been a near perfect post. The last part didn't match. Did your meds wear off?


  3. smiles

    smiles New Member

    soy you're not as smart as you may think, nor are you anywhere near as humorous, this is proven throughout your posts...... an example being that you couldn’t even understand pimps analogy.... also you clearly haven’t understood anything i've said so instead of spelling it out for you i'll allow you a few hours to re-read this entire thread, you ask for fallacies? you've even failed to realize that i'm not arguing with you... i'd explain this to you as well but i believe with a good dictionary and a few hours you'll figure everything out on your own
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    If she is Satan, then I am becoming a born again christian right now. No way in hell do I want to spend eternity with her.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    thats not very nice jeffy.. just because you're scared of her doesn't make her the devil :roll:
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes. Stop all being so mean to Nursey. I'm just littool, you know!?
  7. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member


    I dont hate any nation or people, but I hate specific people, and to clear up a misconception YOU may have ASSUMED about me, I am not arab.

    Now, to my point. You are a pragmatist. Do you not feel a ounce of pity for a people who had a land to call home and then the world at large just threw out their claim? You don't feel that was wrong?

    Survival of the fittest went out when humanity became a rational people. There is such a thing a conscience and that should come into play here. People should rally for the underdog.

    What happened in PALESTINE is similar to having a friend overstay his visit. Like I said before, in the 1920's a imigration of Jews came to Palestine to escape persecution from Europe because Europeans were treating them like shit. So they entered Palistine. And guess what, nothing happened. Jews and Arabs and Muslims lived, ate, and slept side by side with one another. The only conflict was in 1920-1 when Arabs rioted due to fears of losing the land to Zionists...sounds familiar?

    <img src="">

    If the photo posts, then it shows the beginning of the end for Palestine, it shows Zionist settlements. Why on earth would the Jews want separate settlements from the Arabs?

    This is wiki-pedia-ed: "This opposition did not arise out of Palestinian nationalism, which was in its mere infancy at the time, but out of a sense of threat to the livelihood of the Arabs. This sense was heightened in the early years of the 20th century by the Zionist attempts to develop an economy in which Arabs were largely redundant, such as the "Hebrew labor" movement that campaigned against the employment of Arabs. The severing of Palestine from the rest of the Arab world in 1918 and the Balfour Declaration were seen by the Arabs as proof that their fears were coming to fruition."

    You see, the fears were jsut added and added and added on. First it was mass influx of Zionists. The Zionists were taken well and that led to "give an inch, take a mile". And to add a cherry on top of an already shitty sundae, the land is declared Isreal by the world...

    If thats not fucked up, I dont know what is.
  8. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

  9. Calex

    Calex New Member

    Looking back to all the posts in the topic, most of you tried to justify one of the sides in the conflict. Well, the world isn't black and white. Both sides have logical arguments that justify their point of view.
    However, its neither right nor fair to throw statements into the air wihtout fully understanding the issue you're talking about. While I'm sure the people talking here have done their best to make themselves knowledgable about the topic in question, some are clearly ignorant.

    About all the sites brought here concerning both sides of the issue at hand, most are clearly not objective. Knowing the history of the area from 1870-1950, those sites neglected to mention some things that would probably make their statements less valid.

    I'm an Israeli myself, and yet I can try and be objective. both sides have valid and logical claims on the area, however, it is not on the validity of the state of Israel that I posted this.

    My opinion on the matter is that events that led to the creation of matters at hand is quite irrelavent. Israel is here to stay.

    - objectivity ends here -

    I'm not sure why Israel has left the Gaza strip, but I do know this - we have done all that we can in order to make peace with the Palestinians.
    I haven't seen this mentioned here but the Oslo Agreement has given the Palestinians sovreginity (beats me how to spell it) within the Gaza strip and the West Bank and us nothing but trouble. Israel had to live side by side with Arafat - a man who led a terrorist group and has videos of him saying "with blood we'll get Palestine".

    Blaming Israel in this conflict is wrong. We are not going to provoke the Palestinians so that we can bomb the hell out of them and then settle in.
  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Boy, Bush sure has been working out a lot lately. Could he be getting in shape for something...some, every man for himself scenario? "Argh, must...train....HARDER!!!" that's the latest update on a series of articles about how we're oh so very close to a great depression.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I just converted to Mormonism. They can have up to seven wives, and have some really neat proprietary underwear.
    You interested in being Mrs Barry II? (or III, depending on how long you take to reply).

    Oh, and it is so cute how you say "Littool." Kind of Lolitaish.

  12. Dizeez

    Dizeez New Member

    The Jewish People feel the land was promised them by God. The Palestinians feel it is theirs by right since they took it so long ago. Who are we to say what is right or wrong? Let them settle it themselves the old fashioned way, war. I think that the Jews were able to hold it by force, they should have kept it. The Palestinians made life uncomfortable for the Jews simply because the Jews are too soft hearted to just wipe them off the fucking map.

    Who says War is good for nothing?
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    With a wave of ocean extinctions expected all the massive military movements worldwide, and the questionable retirement and decommissioning of our generals that didn't really get covered in the news. Come on people. This isn't your classic doomspeak. I'm not keen to fits of paranoia, but I mean damn, I just don't see any other way around it. The oceans are becoming empty fast, the deserts are growing, and with demand higher than ever for good wholesome food, I see our world's leaders taking the steps towards lowering this demand. "But they wouldn't let that happen!" Sure they would, they already are. The two generals who were decomissioned weren't just behaving badly, but were part of an internal rebellion based upon the massive recruitement of foreign soldiers, placing them at strategic points, and training them almost exclusively in riot and crowd control. To date their numbers are in the tens of thousands, and I'm sure those numbers will only increase in the following days. The umbrella US Military organization that these mercenaries have been assigned to is the newly established NORTHCOM which has led to fear in many of us who've been paying attention. We're very much ready for martial law. A lot of people know about the Homeland Security's terror index, which is right now "elevated", but miss the important fact that should we ever go "red", martial law will be implemented. There's a Great Game being played on the world stage, and the "terrorists" and "insurgents" know the stakes. The only ones who seem not to know the rules or this game's consequence are us, the Americans. And to us there also remains the fact that many of us will be murdered by those we most respected and trusted to keep us safe, our Military Forces. How utterly shocked we will be when in coming face to face with these foreign mercenaries, in our own cities, we won't be met with the faces of our friends and neighbors, but instead by ruthless paid mercenaries who not only do not know our laws and customs, will not even care.[/u]
  14. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    agreed smurf. when the UN gets an army because of the starvation and disease from a massive world-wide depression, we will be occupied. When oil runs out, so does our time.
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Nuke it and pave it, then build a mall on it.
  16. Dolan

    Dolan New Member

    The Palestinians have had the land robbed from them to build settlements. As an Irishman, what with our history and all, I generally do not think this is a good thing.

    The Palestinians mean business. Gaza became too expensive for Israel to occupy any more thanks to Hamas. By the way, I don't buy into that spurious argument that ' whoever can defend the lad gets to keep it.' A thief is a thief is a thief.Maybe Israel has a more user friendly democracy than any Arab nation. I don't care. You don't walk into someone's gaf and throw them out, then ask for ordinary people to like you because you believe in more liberal ideas than the previous owner. Fuck that, that hyprocritical shite.

    Up the Pals. Tiocaidh!
  17. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    The 'this is a good thing' part at the end of that sentence, was superfluous I think.

  18. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    I would like to comment on all of the attrocities that occur every day to millions of people across the globe. I do agree that the jewish people have suffered greatly, what is occurring in gaza is beyond stomaching, but I would like you to take a moment to consider that it is not just the Jewish community that is being persecuted here. It is all people, we are all a part of the same species and religion race whatever will not help to decide who is more important when it comes to persecution. I just want to know if you were as oncerned when the rwandans were being slaughtered, or if you spared a moment for the attempted genocide that occurred in Haiti. I feel for you plight and send my good wishes and positive energy out to the people who are suffering, please do the same for others around the world wjo are suffering as well.
  19. igabfbrn

    igabfbrn New Member

    You are a dreamer ! It's a dog eat dog world with no mercy for the weak. Watch out, i have not eaten in days.
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Not to change the topic, but is anyone else creeped out by sharon's lazy terminator eye? I offer the same services I offered Mia

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